《Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*》Chapter 16
I was running. I kept running and running trying not to look back, too afraid at what I'd see. The forest grew denser and thicker. My lungs burned from exhaustion and my legs ached, but I didn't stop running. My heart was screaming at me to stop but my mind kept telling me to run and so I ran. I heard a growl behind me and my body picked up its pace. I slid falling into a deep hole. I kept falling and it felt endless. I looked up as I saw the light from the moonlight grow smaller and smaller the deeper I fell. I felt rough hands grab me mid air and as I looked up I realized the moonlight had been replaced with glowing eyes.
I gasped as I shot up in my bed. My heart was racing and I felt cold sweat. I fell back down onto my pillow with a heavy sigh. I grabbed my head with my shaking hands as I stared at my ceiling.
"Whats wrong with me" I asked myself as I continued to take heavy breaths. Disgusted from my overnight sweat, I climbed out of bed making my way to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower.
I slid off my robe and stepped into the cool water. I placed my head directly under the pressure of the water as I closed my eyes. I stood there for a while trying to relax. My mind was suddenly bombarded with images of my dream but they only came in chunks. I couldn't remember my dream completely.
I turned the faucet off after I finished showering. I stepped out into the warm bathroom, covering myself with a towel. I stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from all the crying I had done the night before.
My phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. I picked it up examining the screen.
Mom the phone screen read.
"Shit" I murmured before answering the call.
"Hello mom" I said casually as my mom immediately began speaking into the phone.
"I was so worried! You didn't call and it's been hours since you landed! I was trying not to panic! I-" she stammered into the phone before I cut her off.
"Sorry, I got home exhausted and immediately fell asleep. I completely forgot to call you but I'm fine mom don't worry" I reassured her over the phone.
"Okay hun, well I have to get back to work, I'll call you later" she said before we both hang up. I walked into my bedroom and was immediately stopped in my tracks. A variety of flowers laid on my bed. It was obvious they had been plucked from the ground as dirt covered some of them, dirtying my bed sheets in the process.
Penny. I thought as I picked up one of the flowers. It was a daisy. I smiled to myself at his silliness not bothered by the fact that my bed sheets were now ruined. I looked around my room trying to look for him, but he wasn't there.
After cleaning up the adorable mess penny had made , I changed into my outfit of the day and headed out.
I walked down the sidewalk lost in my own thoughts as I heard someone's heels following right behind me. I turned around to get a casual look of the person and was stunned to be face to face with Regina.
She looked worried, as if she was about the throw up any moment.
"Hey" she said shakily as she stopped right in front of me.
"I've been meaning to talk to you and I saw you walking and ran up to catch up with you" she said explaining why she had been following me.
"I've just been really worried about Norman, he hasn't answered any of my calls, or anybody's really" she began to say. My body tensed up as I realized what she was talking about.
"He's been missing since you came to my office and I was just wondering if you had any idea where he might have gone?" She asked breathing heavily.
"N-No" I stuttered as my mind filled with anxiousness.
"I just don't know what to do" Regina said as she broke down crying. I awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do. I let her compose herself before shooting her a faint smile.
"If I hear anything, I'll make sure to let you know" I said trying to reassure her knowing damn well he was gone by now. I knew Penny had probably done something to him but I didn't intend to know what. Once they're in penny's grasp, there's nothing I could do about it.
She smiled at me weakly before nodding.
"Thank you" she whispered wiping the tears off her face.
"See you around" I said as I turned on my heels and walked away. I looked back quickly and saw her still standing there looking at me with a sad face. I turned back around and made a right turn on the curb. I continued walking and found myself in the same place I had last seen Norman.
My body froze in horror as I remembered all the details with my encounter with him. My body began to fill with panic as I stood there dumbfounded in the middle of the sidewalk.
"Doll" I heard someone whisper. I snapped my head towards the direction of the sound and noticed a red balloon floating about. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but decided to follow it anyways. I quickly ran across the street to make my way to the balloon.
"Doll" I heard again behind me. I turned around quickly only to find nobody there. I turned back around and realized the balloon had moved over to the other side of the street. I quickly picked up my pace trying to follow it. Nobody else seemed to have noticed the balloon but me. I knew it was Penny. I was curious as to what he was up to.
Suddenly, I found myself right in front of my favorite coffee shop. The balloon had disappeared at this point. I decided to walk in and order something since I was already here.
I sat comfortably in my seat as I began to wonder why Penny had made me follow the balloon. I tapped my fingers on the wooden table as I bit my lip in concentration. Then it hit me.
Penny had probably sensed the panic I had felt standing in the same street Norman attacked me in. He must've made me follow the balloon in order to get me out of there and ended up making me walk all the way to my favorite coffee shop in an attempt to comfort me.
He had been abnormally sweet which was really out of his character. First the flowers and now this? After a couple more minutes, I decided to continue my day and finish up my errands.
I walked out of my class trying to shove papers into my bag. The professor for my next class had canceled, allowing me to go home.
I walked in silence, making sure I didn't go the same way I came from, I didn't wanna run into that street or Regina again. I took the long way home and I began to hear thunder in the sky. There was going to be a nasty storm, they had been predicting it all week. I quickened my pace trying not to get caught in the middle of the storm. I turned the corner and could see my apartments from a distance away. I smiled softly just imagining myself crawling into my warm bed and watching Netflix.
I opened the door of my apartment, walking into the warmth. I took off my coat and shoes immediately and slammed my purse on the counter. I walked into my room and my eyes widened at the sight of Penny.
"You're here" I said with a cheesy smile. He looked up at me with a weak smile. I quickly made my way over to him and sat on his lap. He was warm and all I wanted to do was lay down with him and cuddle.
"You smell good" I said as I inhaled his sweet scent. He had gone back to smelling like hot cocoa. He really did take his scents seriously.
I looked up at him once again when I didn't receive a response. He was just looking at me, admiration flashed in his eyes. I stared back for a bit and looked away when I realized I wasn't going to win this staring contest. I touched his silk sleeve as my hand trailed down to his gloved ones. They were big and soft. I twirled my fingers into his and softly began to
play with his large hand. I had been with him countless times and never noticed all the details he carried. He really was a peculiar character. I didn't even notice he was still staring. I looked up at him and his eyes met mine. My heart fluttered. I still wasn't used to seeing him up so close and personal. Anytime I did, he was either angry or in pleasure, not in a calm manner.
"Penny?" I asked quietly at his stillness. He showed me a toothy grin signaling that he was still with me.
"What are you?" I asked abruptly, immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth.
He looked at me like a parent would to a curious child.
"It's too complicated for your simple brain to understand" he said softly.
"Are you calling me dumb?" I asked as I gasped.
"Mm" he responded as he looked up towards the wall, not answering my question. I laid against his chest as my finger traced patterns on his silk clothing.
Thunder crashed outside and I jumped a bit in his lap from the sudden noise. He looked down at me with amusement.
"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked. I hated storms, I was always uneasy of them. He nodded his head quietly as he laid back down into my bed, taking me with him.
I began to drift off, planning to sleep throughout the whole storm but Penny had other ideas. He quickly picked me up and sat me on his stomach. He began to touch my waist and thighs, his eyes never leaving mine. I reached down to kiss him but he stopped me mid way.
"I need to show you something" he said as he gently stood up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him like a little sloth as he walked into the living room. He wasn't helping me hold onto him, making my limbs ache. He sat me on the kitchen counter before he walked over to the pantry. He opened it, revealing all the snacks I had yet to eat.
"No Oreos" he said looking back at me. I bit my lip as I tried not to laugh.
"I'm sorry" I said in a shaky voice as my giggles threatened to spill out.
I made a mental note to pick some up from the store once the storm was over.
He looked annoyed at my answer. I knew he was trying his best to be nice and patient with me, but that wasn't his personality.
"You don't have to pretend to be nice" I said catching him by surprise.
"I know it's not your nature" I said quoting him. He looked at me with dark eyes before a low growl emerged from him.
"You're scared of me" he said.
"And when you're scared I get hungry" he explained.
"It's ok" I said
"I trust you.." I continued not 100% sure of my answer.
With a loud growl he sprinted towards me. I immediately crashed my lips onto his, stopping him from doing whatever he was planning to do. He immediately kissed back and I assumed that was his intention in the first place. My hands greedily pulled at his hair softly and I felt him growl, and I didn't know wether he liked that or he enjoyed it, but I didn't care at this point.
Lightning snapped outside causing me to break the kiss and gasp. Penny smiled at me before speaking up.
"Scared" he said as his hands cupped my face. I looked back at him with wide eyes trying not to cry from the loud sounds coming from outside.
He huffed as he put me over his shoulder and walked towards the bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and pointed at the bathroom.
"Bath?" He asked as I sat there wondering what he meant.
"Oh.. OH" I said with a giggle.
"You want another bubble bath?" I asked as I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I heard him following behind me as I turned on the faucet, letting the warm water fill the tub. I heard him shuffle around the room. I poured the bubble soup into the water letting them foam. After a few more minutes, the tub was filled and I turned off the faucet. I turned around and saw Penny fully clothed in the middle of the bathroom. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I thought he wanted a bubble bath? He made his way to me and began to take off my clothes, tearing it a bit in the process. I looked up at him with questioning eyes but didn't stop him. Once I was fully naked, he picked me up and put me in the tub. The bubbles ticked my skin and the warm water relaxed my muscles. I sat there confused as Penny sat outside of the tub. We were face to face now.
"Penny? What are you doing?" I asked as he began to lather my skin with the bubbles.
"Help relax you" he said as he began to pour water on my shoulders. I looked at him with endearing eyes as I realized he was trying to comfort me.
"So red's your favorite color?" I giggled as Penny nodded. It had been about an hour now and I was still in the warm tub. Penny sat outside the tub completely fascinated by my now pruny skin caused by my longevity in the water . The bubbles were gone at this point, leaving soapy water behind. I grabbed penny's hand as I began to compare my hand to his.
"You're hand is like 3 of mine" I joked as water droplets fell from my hair. He didn't say anything, he was peacefully quiet. I looked at him and he was still starting at my hand in his. I sat up a bit and placed a kiss on his lips. I rested my forehead on his, making our noses touch. He looked so beautiful and calm. I had completely forgotten about the storm.
"Where do you live?" I asked as I laid back in the tub.
"Too complicated doll" he said cutting me short. I huffed in annoyance at his stubbornness to answer my questions.
"Where do you go when you're not here with me then?" I asked trying to work around the same question he didn't want to answer in the first place.
"You're too stubborn" he said with a chuckle, once again ignoring my question.
"You can live with me" I said with hopeful eyes.
He smiled but didn't say anything. At least it wasn't a no.
"I'm gonna get out now" I said as I stood up from the tub, completely forgetting I was naked. Penny's eyes wandered over my body making heat rush to my face.
"C-can you pass me that towel please?" I asked Penny who seemed lost in his mind.
"Nevermind, I'll get it"
I said as I stepped out of the tub, penny's eyes following me. I wrapped myself with the towel and looked back at him. I saw lust in his eyes like the first time I had seen them.
We were both thinking it. Without saying a word, I looked at him one last time before I headed towards the bedroom. I heard him following me as I laid myself on the bed. He wasted no time as he quickly ripped the towel off of my body.
"Do what you desire" I whispered softly.
"I'm all yours" I said.
Penny leaped onto me, pinning me onto the bed. I didn't hold my moans this time, the moment I felt his hand toying with me. I wanted to be loud. I wanted to let him know how good he made me feel.
"More" I whimpered as he continued to finger me. He began to attack my neck in bites and kisses. It was aggressive but I loved it. His free hand grabbed my breast and began to play with them. He softly pinched my nipple, making me arch my back.
"F-fuckkk" I moaned as he continued to explore my body. I wondered where he had learned to do all of this?
"Wait" I said with a moan. He immediately stopped with an irritated look on his face. I slid away from under him.
"I wanna ride you" I said. He once again looked at me with confusion. He wasn't familiar with sex talk or positions. I took it upon myself to guide him.
I pulled his hand and made him lay on his back. I was about to sit on his crotch area before he stopped my hips mid way. I looked at him and he gave me a serious look before he began to guide my hips to his face. He pushed my hips down onto his face, making me sit on his mouth. I gasped as I felt his tongue began to explore my folds. I grabbed on tightly onto the headboard as I slowly began to rock my hips back and forth trying to get more friction. I looked down to see him looking at me with his predatory eyes, only making me wetter. I laid my head back as I began to moan loudly. I felt him insert his tongue into my entrance and my moans became louder. I felt him pull out and enter his tongue continuously. I was about to reach my climax, but he immediately pulled me off of his face. I whimpered at the loss of contact. I wanted more.
He sat me on his member, and I wasted no time unbuttoning his suit to release it. I pulled it out, my fingers not being to reach around it from how thick it was. I laid my hand onto his chest as support and proceeded to slowly sit on him. My body filled up with pleasure and intensity as I felt him fill me up. I still wasn't used to his size even after all this time. Once he was all in me, I began to move up and down making him growl loudly in pleasure. It must've felt good to him, not having to do anything but watch me do all the work to pleasure him.
"Oh fuck penny" I moaned as my hands gripped onto the material of his suit. I bunched his silk clothing into my hands as I began to go faster. I was panting and my hair was everywhere as I continued to ride him. I felt my legs began to get numb from the pleasure. He continued to grunt as his hands grabbed my hips, slamming them down hard. I screamed as I held onto the headboard once again.
The whole bed was shaking intensely. I couldn't even hear the storm anymore from how loud our moans and grunting were. His hands reached for my breast and he began to play with them. He sat up and began to lick my chest. I tilted my head back in pleasure as I let go of the headboard and gripped onto his hair instead. He growled and that just made me go harder onto him.
I felt myself coming close as I began to whimper. He grabbed my hips once again and began to slam me into him as my body began to fall limp.
"Omg Penny!!" I screamed in pleasure as I tightened around him. I felt him release himself into me with one loud growl. He pulled tightly onto my hair causing me to yelp in pain and pleasure.
My body fell limp against his and I felt his chest rise and fall. We stayed there catching our breath before he laid me down next to him. We laid in silence for a while before he spoke up.
"I liked that" he said causing me to laugh.
"Yeah I liked that too" I said.
- In Serial14 Chapters
Life Reset
The entire series is now complete! the six-book are available in Amazon Kindle here(note only the first several chapters are available here on RR) For news and subscribing to the newsletter, please check out my site: http://liferesetlitrpg.com Or join my Facebook author's page: https://www.facebook.com/Liferesetlitrpg A LitRPG Novel. Synopsis:After being betrayed and cursed by an extremely rare spell, Oren, a once powerful and influential player, found himself as a 1st level Goblin!Without even a fraction of his previous power, he vows to somehow pull through and seek revenge on those who betrayed him.His greatest advantage are years of personal gaming experience and thorough knowledge of the game's world. But first, he has to figure out how to survive long enough playing what is basically a low-level fodder monster! Note: Only the first 5 chapters of book 1 & 2 are available here. Main themes: Character leveling, Settlement building, adventure.Updates: once a week, usually on Tuesdays. Disclaimer:Once completed, I intend to publish the book via Amazon as an ebook.The published book will undergo tweaks and adjustments, as well as a professional editing. Those changes would NOT be published here in RR.
8 202 - In Serial24 Chapters
Kei Daichi is a 30 year-old man who worked for a gaming company. He happened to live a meaningless life. Contrary to his previous life-style, Kei is innately a greedy person. He had always dreamed of obtaining all the money, power, and women in the world. Unfortunately, with little to no talent or opportunities, he was never able to take initiative. Upon death, he found himself reincarnated in a new RPG-based world.... as a rat. With his only skill "Greed" which grants him the ability to steal others' skills, jobs, and appearances, how far will he go? Credits for previous Covert Art: Herbin45 ( http://imgur.com/a/WT5fL ) Credits for new Cover Art: Sera P.S. If you're wondering what the cover for the novel says, (??) basically means Greed in Japanese : )
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The Tragedy of the Hanged King
Ameni is the child of a wealthy merchant, with a bright future ahead of him, however when an eldritch monstrosity named 'The Hanged King', which claims to be the 'God of Misfortune and Madness' forces itself into him, he is banished from his family, is exiled from the city-state that he called home, is deported to a work colony in a far-off land. Having lost both his future and his family, he is on the precipice of suicide, however realizes that doing so would only validate those who have wronged him, he decides that he is going to build the best life possible in this strange new world, even if it is only out of spite. This is my first work of fiction, so expect things like grammar errors and inconsistent chapter lengths Set in a 1700s version of a 'Fallen London'-esque America with magic, expect steampunk, and wild west elements with a focus on world building and dark ambiance
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