《Graphic (Dylan O'Brien)》Chapter 15


Milanas PoV





I had been left here for a hour exactly in 3, 2, 1.

Dylan hadn't returned yet and I had gotten next to all movement back in my body. My arms where still tied up and I was till bound to the wall. I wanted to know where he had gone and what he needed to "pick up"

I knew that keeping my arms up like this was going to cause serious cramping so I decided to try and stand myself up so my arms were lower than the rest of my body.

I was squated awkwardly at the wall. The cuff trapping me to the wall. Since I was stood up and able to move I decided to try and brake free. This was obviously home made and we all knew how shitty homemade stuff was.

I began to pull and pull on the cuff. Listening out for any cracking in the wood.

I was pulling back with all the strength I had in me. I wasn't going to lie but Dylan's little homemade device was pretty sturdy.

I started to get despite as I realised I needed to get free. I needed to get away. Blood was starting to run down my hands but I didn't care. It was better than what Dylan would do to me. I needed to get free before he destroyed me.

I herd a crack in the wood. I hadn't realised the tears in my eyes until the began to roll down my face as a laughed a little.

I started to pull a little harder and pulling all my body weight away trying to just brake free. The burning in my wrist and the blood now dripping onto the floor was just encouraging me to carry on.


I was actually going to be free.


I collapsed onto the floor. I was free

I was fucking free

Words couldn't express how happy I was. I didn't wait and soon I was on my feet. Chains still on my wrist but no longer attached to the wall.

I ran to the front door and swung it open. That's when I was greeted by darkness and rain. Crap I had gottton that it was winter. Meaning it got dark quickly. Shit. I didn't know where I was and couldn't see anything but I guess that shouldn't hold me back. I just needed to run and run until I saw some form of human life that could get me away from this madness.

I didn't even look back I just rushed off off. The black dress flowing in the wind and I could see the cold rain spitting on me. I didn't care about any of that.

I was so hyped up that I was free that i didn't care about anything.

But that hype some went when I crashed into another person. I fell to the ground. At first I thought it was another person, to help, but then I realised it was Dylan.

I began to scream and cry and started trying to crawl away. I didn't have time to stand up plus I got a jolt of pain my stomach.

"Hush, you'll upset her" he whispered as he grabbed hold of my arm and pulled my up. I went silent.

Who was her. Had he got another girl.

Dylan was stood infront of me. One hand tightly gripped on my arm

He curled his face into a smile. A smile you do to keep yourself from getting angry. He shook his other hands finger while shaking his head. I could see the rain perfectly on his face


"You think you could escape, you've just made a really bad mistake" he threatened me with a laugh

"She's got blood running down her leg" I herd another girl scream.

"HUSH YOU" he snapped into the darkness. I couldn't see another girl and wanted to know where she was. But then again what did she mean by blood running down my leg.

I could feel my stomach getting wet and I looked down and saw blood running. Dylan was looking down at it too. That's when he lifted up the dress and took a look at my stomach

"You'll need a new bandage"

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