《Worthless (jeff the killer x fem reader)》chapter 16


your pov


If I didn't know any better I would think Jeff was going to kiss me...


My mind was reeling. I couldn't grasp my mind around it. I certainly didn't think he felt that way about me. At most maybe friends but that seemed far fetched. I was startled back to reality when I started to hear footsteps upstairs. Rushing I got everything out on the counter and set for the creepypastas then fled to my room in the basement. Jeff was probably out killing and I needed sleep so I set my alarm and went to bed.

5 am

I woke to an obnoxious beep going off. at least I thought I had. pulling myself out of bed I took a short, cold shower then got dressed as I stepped into the workers' kitchen. Jeff sat leaning against the table. I couldn't determine if he was asleep or just resting. Gingerly I placed my hand on his shoulder. He moved a little. For now, I'll leave him be, I need to make dinner. slipping on my mask I headed upstairs making my way to the kitchen. I prepared the food, set the table, and then got ready for dinner. I put on a shapeless gray dress then stood in the corner getting ready to serve the killers. loud voices were heard as the Pasta's filed into the room. Everyone sat and I started to serve the food. Jeff's spot was empty, he was still sleeping downstairs.

"where is Jeff?" slender asked voice booming in our heads. I lifted my hand and gestured towards the floor.

"why is he down there," slander asked again. "He should be helping you up here." Slender stood from his seat and vanished. upon doing so the creepypastas at the table turned towards me. Forks were set aside, my mask was removed and a black bag was placed over my head. I was knocked out.



I don't know how long I was out for, but when I awoke I still had the bag over my head. A dripping noise was heard it sounded like it was into a bucket. my wrists were bound behind me. the room I was in smelled awful. Somewhere between old milk and rotting meat. At that moment I knew where I was. I was in the clubhouse. The place where Pastas took people to kill them. I had thought it hadn't been used for a while. It was a shed that lay on the outer edge of the property. slender had it cleaned out to use as a place to keep victims since the room in the house for that is now used for discipline. I had never been here. I wasn't allowed to, if I did and I got cough by a resident of the mansion I was free range to torture.

It was cold in the shed. I must have been at least an hour since I was taken here. I could hear rats and other things rustling in the darkness. For I knew even if I didn't have this bag over my head I would still be greeted by a dark room.

"slender is out looking for you. He sent everyone to look for you." Ben's voice chimed into the dark. I shivered, his sinister tone made the room feel even colder.

"He's never gonna find you." Ben chuckled. "Jeff I mean. Slender eventually will, but by then... It will be too late."

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