《Worthless (jeff the killer x fem reader)》Chapter 11



blood and swears

Jeff's Pov

She just...

She said my name. Soft, her voice cracked from not talking for years but still melodic in its way. That was the last thing on my mind right now. I had to focus on the rake who was running full speed at me. I couldn't run nearly as fast. One because the rake is overall faster, but now I had to carry an unconscious girl. Heaving (y/n) over my shoulder I took off towards the house. I'm not going to make it. Not without a fight.

Placing down (y/n) I stood up and waited for the rake to come. That monster has no concept of respect and I cannot reason with him. Taking out my knife I waited. He came approaching me with its ugly head tilted as if to smile. It let out a guttural cry. Then leached forward its claws spared ready to slash me. I jumped out of the way but making sure I was separating (y/n) from the rake. I attacked swinging my arm out catching the rake in the arm wounding the creature. His black blood fell to the ground, but it was not enough to keep him from coming back at me. He caught my leg taking a chunk out of my leg, my blood oozed out looking at it let the blood lust cloud my vision. Perfect! I felt my power running through my veins. This happened only twice before once when I fought jane and the other time when I fought Slender. The true power of becoming a Creepypasta. I jumped forward having power behind each cut and thrust. My movements calculated. The rake came back just as strong. This stupid monster. I got closer my blade nearer to its neck. I wanted to decapitate this mother fucker.


Creepypastas are immortal. You could kill us but we'd come back. It hurt like a bitch to die but the plus side was that we would be able to come back. I was 24, but I have died at least twice. Messy, plus going through Zalgo and all that shit. I was determined not to die not again.

The rake came at me again I was ready. I blocked his attack, but missed his secondary and felt a pain in my abdomen then a second one in my shoulder. Looking down I was his claws threw my torso slightly above my pants.


I ripped my knife through his neck then grabbed his body. The Rakes head rolled away. I needed to pull the claws out cleanly or I will die. Doing so I dropped his body and took off my hoodie wrapping it around me and tying it tight. Even with the pressure, I was bleeding immensely. I know if I had kept his claws in it wouldn't bleed so much, but my only concern at the moment was (y/n).

I walked back to where I left (y/n) we can't stay here. I picked her up and started to stagger back towards the house. Her weight pulled the wound in my shoulder and my leg was killing me. I was trying to keep my mind off the searing in my waist.

The house lights came into view. Fuck the porch had steps slowly I walked up to them and reached the door. I took a breath and knocked. They all must be back by now the sun was starting to rise. My vision became fuzzy someone opened the door, but I couldn't register who. Before I passed out.

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