《The last video》Video


The night passed quickly when Brett finally fell asleep on the floor next to the couch. His dreams visited Eddy, wanted to make sure he was better. In the dream, Eddy had held him. He spoke calmly, no signs of sadness in his voice. The words were unclear to Brett, but it was as if he just knew what they meant. He was in a better place now, with no sadness, no pain, no guilt. Still, Brett desperately tried to grab him back to the real world with him. It was a selfish act in a way, wanting Eddy with him, but he needed him. He missed him already and he hadn't been gone for twenty four hours yet.

When he woke up, everything was light. He nust have slept through the nigth, clutching Eddy's phone. He felt his heart sink when he saw it resting carefully in his hands. All he wanted in that moment was for Eddy to come around the corner and laugh a bit at how silly he looked lying on the floor, and tell him it was a joke. Brett shook his head slightly.

"Come on, for Eddy. What do you need to take care of?" he whispered out loud to himself before hearing his stomach groan loudly. He looked down at it like he had never experienced such a weird sound before, even though he had, and decided to try and eat something. He remembered the eggs he had prepared for Eddy and sighed.

"I hope you would have liked them", he said out loud, feeling stupid for speaking to himself. It sort of helped him, though, that the silence was broken for just a moment. He decided to continue doing this, so he wouldn't feel so alone.

He went to the kitchen and slowly started cleaning up the food he had cooked yesterday. It felt wrong to just throw it away, especially what he had plated so neatly for Eddy, but it had gotten bad by now. "You really missed some good food there, Eddy", he said as if he was there, and he could hear the soundwave hit the hard wall of the kitchen and resonate in the room slightly. Everything was so quiet. His mind went back to the videos he hadn't watched on Eddy's phone. What was that? More than one suicide note? He decided to check them out while eating, and after he had cleaned up the food from the cancelled breakfast he went to grab one of the leftover boxes in the fridge. He chose Eddy's box, his illogical reasoning being that if this was a joke he would pop around the corner and tell him to leave his food alone. He didn't though, and Brett sat down.


Every bite of this food reminded him of Eddy. He had propped up Eddy's phone to watch the videos, but hadn't dared to press play yet. When he eventually did, he watched in silence.

"He's probably disgusted with me", Eddy said in the first video, and Brett was no longer able to hold back his tears. Was that how his rejection had seemed? He could never be disgusted by him. He was like a perfect angel of some sort. Now more literally an angel.

The second video ended with Eddy quickly turning off the recording as Brett heard himself enter the house. Brett could still hear Eddy's voice cracking up while saying he wasn't sure he wanted to deal with it anymore repeating like an echo in his mind. He realized this must have been around the time Eddy had started to consider going through with it for real, and Brett was so close to knowing how he was. Literally just a minute too late.

He started the third video and immediately regretted it. Eddy's body was quiet and he showed the bandage on his arm to the camera. He recognized it as the one he had seen that night when he had held Eddy for hours until he calmed down. It broke Brett that he obviously felt worse than the previous video, knowing he should have seen it. He had gone from feeling bad to feeling like he deserved a cut as deep as that. It felt like Brett's heart curled up at something Eddy said in the video.

"No more clingy idiot, no more... no more Eddy." Brett wanted his clingy idiot back, and the tears overflowed again. Wanted his Eddy back. He heard himself enter the room right before the camera shut off and again he cursed at himself for being late, and not catching how bad Eddy was.


A notification popped up on Eddy's phone as he watched, it was from their twitter. He pulled out his own phone to check it out.

"You guys okay?" someone had tweeted to them, and Brett sighed. No, obviously he wasn't okay. It was only a matter of time before the news got out, and he needed to tell eveyone what was going on. It was only right. He scrolled through some older notifications as well, and realized that some knew. Rumours spread fast, and as there hadn't been any statement from TwoSet Violin officially yet, everyone thought they were just that. Rumours. Oh, how bad he wanted it to be just rumours.

He found the "new tweet"-widget and tweeted:

"Video coming soon."

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