《The last video》Please


Brett could immediately sense something was wrong when he got to the living room. Light were peaking through the curtains, making Brett notice a few items on the table his drunken self hadn't seen last night. Eddy's pack of sleeping pills on the table as well as a bottle of some kind of liquor he didn't recognize standing next to the couch. Eddy's words from the day he had gotten the sleeping pills echoed through his mind. "Don't worry, I don't have any alcohol anyway." He could feel his heart sink down into his stomach when he realized Eddy hadn't moved at all since the night before. This wasn't happening, it was just a bad dream. It had to be. This was not happening.

He went over to try and shake him awake by instinct. His brain had gone into a desperate panic mode, and when he didn't get any response from his best friend in the world he didn't know what to do.

"Come on, Eddy, please", he whimpered, desperately trying to turn his limp body towards him. No response, nothing. His right arm slid limply from his side and hit the couch heavily. Brett's world were falling apart and all he could think of as the tears started to flow was to hug the boy.

"P..please... Eddy.. Please... please... Eddy..." he repeated over and over, desperately hoping this was just a sick joke even though he knew deep down it wasn't.

After a while, Brett didn't know how long that while was as time seemed to have stopped for him, someone outside must have heard his pleas or something. The police showed up, an ambulance showed up. He didn't understand why they were there at first, nothing made sense to him anymore. All around him was just a blur. A police woman had taken him to the kitchen where the food was still waiting for Eddy and him to come eat. Brett worried it would be cold before Eddy could come eat, but he knew deep down his worries didn't make sense. She had tried to calm him down, but he didn't take in anything she said. The tears were flowing non stop, he was shaking, and he didn't know what to do with himself. An ambulance worker showed up in the kitchen door, gave some kind of signal to the police woman and then left them alone again. Brett didn't understand what all these people were doing here. He wanted them all to leave him alone, but he felt too weak to do anything about it.


"When's Eddy coming back?" he asked the police woman who gave him a confused look at first before understanding. His shock still hadn't let him go.

"I'm sorry, mr Yang, I'm afraid Eddy has passed", she said, trying to sound as calm as possible. Brett just shook his head in denial.

"Do you have anyone we could call, who can come make sure you are okay?" the kind police woman tried, but Brett just shook his head. He shut down as the words "Eddy has passed" grinded through his head and he realized what they meant. Eddy was gone.

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