《The last video》Morning


When Brett woke up to Eddy's snores close to his ear the next morning his first reaction should probably have been to freak out. Why on earth was Eddy in his bed? He didn't freak out, though. It was kind of nice, just lying next to each other like that. Or, not just next to each other. He could feel Eddy's hand resting on his chest, a hint that they had been closer than this earlier in the night. Brett couldn't remember how they had ended up like this, but had a minor heart attack when he realized he was in only his boxers. When had he undressed? He looked over to see Eddy still fully clothed and let out a small sigh of relief. He wasn't sure how he would have reacted if that wasn't the case.

He studied Eddy's peaceful face as he slept. He hadn't seen his friend's face like that in a while. It had always had that sad look lately, which made Brett sad as well. He didn't like seeing him like that, and he felt guilty for not being able to do more to help him. Eddy's sleeve had slid up slightly on his arm, revealing the dried up streaks of blood that had ran down his arm the night before. Brett didn't know if he should puke or cry. He felt like doing both. Puke from guilt and cry from helplessness. Why had he left him alone here in the first place? He had a great time with Ray, sure, but was it worth his best friend's sanity?

The sun had gone from barely peeking through the curtains with warm orange light to really lighting up the room before Brett even dared to move. He carefully moved Eddy's hand from his chest to rest next to his head and reached for the t-shirt he had been wearing the day before. It had been left in a pile along with his trousers and Eddy's jean jacket. He had borrowed it without asking because he wanted a part of Eddy to come with him when he went out. It was silly, and when thinking back on the split second desiscion he had made by the door before heading out, he felt like a child with attatchment issues. It was a nice jacket though, and he finally understood why Eddy liked it so much.


He pulled the t-shirt over his head while realizing his glasses were nowhere to be seen. His vision wasn't completely awful, he could still see something when not wearing them, but everything was pretty blurry. After a few minutes of searching and accidentally knocking over an umbrella he had leaning against a shelf by the door he spotted his glasses on the floor by Eddy's side of the bed. He went over to grab them and put them on and laughed in his mind at the thought of "Eddy's side of the bed". The entire bed was his bed. Eddy had his own. Even though he didn't really mind sharing it like this.

After getting his glasses on he took a better look at Eddy. His hair was all messy as usual, but not as greasy at it had been before filming. He was still wearing the hoodie and sweatpants he had when they were filming along with a pair of bright red socks. He looked peaceful sleeping, and Brett couldn't get himself to leave him there alone. He sat back down in bed carefully, but froze when he heard the rustling of his duvet and a tired groan from the tall man in his bed.

"Brett..?" he asked after just barely opening his eyes, probably sensitive to all the light.

"Yeah, I'm still here", Brett replied, feeling the urge to stroke his hair but didn't do it. Eddy looked fragile like a toddler after just barely waking up, but that quickly changed when he suddenly sat up.

"Shit, man, sorry, I shouldn't uh... be here..." he said quickly before attempting to get out of Brett's bed, but instead just falling out of it onto the floor. "Ouch..." he mumbled when he hit the floor with a relatively loud thump. He pushed himself up on his arms, but couldn't really get up properly.


"No no, Eddy, don't worry about it", Brett said, slightly too late. "Let me help you." He went around the bed over to Eddy's side and offered him a hand to get off the floor. Eddy took it, as he realized he wasn't able to on his own. It scared him slightly that he wasn't able to do it on his own, but he knew it was likely due to his lack of eating lately. Brett helped him to his feet and he stood there, knees and hands shaking.

"I'm sorry, I was planning to leave once you had fallen asleep..." Eddy desperately tried to explain. His brain telling him Brett was mad or disgusted by his presence in his bedroom.

Brett sighed. "Eddy, it's fine. It was nice, don't worry about it." Eddy's heart almost stopped when he heard the word "nice", but decided not to mention it. He was sure he hadn't meant it like that, and he scolded himself mentally for even considering that it might have been meant that way. Stupid.

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