《The last video》LingLing40hrs


"Bro, you ready yet?" Brett called from the room they used to record in. Since they started living together the need to film a ton of videos in one go had disappeared, so they just filmed what they felt like. They used to have quite a large buffer of videos ready to post, but after a few weeks of laziness they needed to pick up the pace again to keep the channel running.

"Yeah, any minute now" he heard from the bathroom. Brett had insisted Eddy took a shower before filming, partly because he didn't want anyone to see the state Eddy was in normally, and partly because he couldn't stand the state Eddy had been in the last few days. Since the revelation of his little secret he never left his room, and if he did it was only to go to the bathroom or to get something to drink. Brett hadn't seen him eat anything but a few bites of the takeaway he had gotten for him yesterday, and it really worried him. If he'd just let him TALK to him...

The paler than usual boy appeared in the doorway, almost looking like a real person again after the shower. He was wearing one of their merch hoodies and some sweatpants. Brett didn't want to push him on the sweatpants as they were sitting down for the video anyway. Eddy sat down in his usual spot while Brett fixed the lighting and the microphone. Neither of them spoke and joked around like they normally would before filming.

"Ready for some memes?" Brett asked with an attempted smile, trying to lighten the mood slightly. Eddy just shrugged.

"I guess", he mumbled, pulling his sleeves over his hands. "This is the only one today, right?" He didn't really feel like filming, but he knew they had to. All night was spent trying to gather some energy and confidence, and to figure out how to smile properly again. He was exhausted, as per the new usual.


"Yeah. I'll start rolling now, and we'll just cut the few dead seconds in the beginning" Brett said and pressed record on the camera. He went over to sit on the chair next to Eddy and cleared his throat.

"You start today, or me?" Brett asked, running a hand through his hair. He kind of worried Eddy's mood would show on the video so they wouldn't be able to upload it. How would he explain the reason they wouldn't be able to post it to him anyway? 'Sorry, you seemed too sad in the video'? Nope.

"I'll do it", Eddy said, scratching his chin. He had just shaved for the first time in a while, and it felt weird. Brett nodded and waited for him to go ahead.

"Hello and welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! First of all, check out our merch..." Brett couldn't help but realize Eddy sounded just like normal, like he would before acting all weird. Most of the video went by as usual, and Brett spent most of it thinking about how great an actor Eddy really was.

The memes were alright, a few old pictures of them and Eddy made a joke about himself not ever having a soul anyway, unlike Brett who seemed to have dreams. It had kind of turned into a joke between the two of them as well that Brett had dreams, and now he had memes. It made Brett crack up every time. Then he spotted something red in his peripheral vision. Automatically he turned to check out what it was, as he didn't remember anything red being to his right before.

"Eddy!" he exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight of Eddy's forearms. He looked like he had been in a fight with a cat and lost hard. Immediately Eddy snapped out of role and pulled down his sleeves.


"I uh... it's nothing I just... uh... scratched myself on... uh..." He knew it was too obvious that this wasn't just any old scratch. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. Let's record the video." Eddy tried to distract Brett, but Brett wasn't really having any of it.

"Eddy... I didn't know it was... that it was that bad...?" Brett said, eyeing up his friend. Sure, he knew he wasn't in the greatest of moods lately, but he would never have imagined that it was that bad. In a way he felt guilty. He, as Eddy's best friend, should have known and helped him.

"Let's just finish the video, please", Eddy said pointing to the camera. The adrenaline from being exposed like that was still making his heartrate sounding in his ears. Stupid, stupid. How could he have been so stupid and not think before pulling up his sleeves?

"Okay, but we gotta talk about this afterwards..." Brett said, trying to collect his thoughts. He watched Eddy go back into his role and they managed to do a whole episode of Ling Ling 40 hours, even though neither of them felt like it.

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