《The last video》Hello and welcome


It was noticeable that this wasn't just any video. The first thing one would notice was the title. It was just some automatically generated title by the camera as it was recorded. He hadn't found any suiting title, so he just left it as the date of the recording and a number the camera made for him. Not like the other fun titles they had on the other videos. He hadn't been the one to make up the fun titles anyway.

The recording itself was different from the other videos too. The first thing the video showed was a tired man turning on the camera, something they normally would edit out. He shook it slightly in the process of flipping the switch, and then turning to go sit down in a large black couch. He was forcing himself to look at the camera instead of down on his hands, and his usual smile and the spark in his eyes was gone.

No editing had been done before uploading either. He had just uploaded the video in it's raw form, which was another hint that this video was different from the hundreds if not thousands of videos they had uploaded before this one - the previous one only two days ago. The most prominent thing that set this video apart from the other videos on the popular channel though? The man was alone on the couch.

"Hello..." he began, his voice weak and breaking up at the end. He still wasn't too sure this video was a good idea to make yet, but he knew he had to make it at some point anyway. He really didn't feel up to it, and it showed.

"...and welcome to... to..." He paused to take a deep breath and to force his mouth to form the rest of the unimaginable sentence. It felt wrong to even say it, as it wasn't his line. Unfortunately, he was the only one there to do it. He pulled himself together and cleared his throat.

"... to the last episode... of TwoSet Violin."

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