《The Pianist || MYG || ✔》12


When Hoseok arrived in Yoongis flat on Monday morning to get him up and ready for work, he was completely shocked. There was no smell of smoke coming from the living room, and the usual stench of whiskey from an open bottle wasn't present, either.

He wandered into the living room, ready to do his usual routine of kicking his friend awake, but Yoongi wasn't passed out on the sofa. He passed the door to the master bedroom, and it was locked as usual, and there was no running water from the bathroom. He headed into Yoongis bedroom, and found him curled up asleep on the floor, clinging to what looked like a sheet of paper. Upon further inspection, he saw that the slightly crumpled paper in Yoongis hand, was actually his wedding photo.

Hoseok crouched down and slowly pulled the picture from between his fingers, and gently shook his friends shoulder.

"Yoongi, wake up," He said softly, "It's time to wake up,"

Yoongi groaned and pushed himself upright, rubbing his sore eyes with his hands.

"Sunday already?" He grunted, "Why're you here, Hoseok, I thought I-"

"Sunday?" Hoseok interrupted with a frown, "Yoongi, it's Monday morning. Were you here all of the weekend?"

Yoongi scrubbed at his face with his hand, "Monday?"

Hoseok took his hand and pulled him to his feet, "Did you not do anything but drink yesterday?!" He sighed angrily, "You don't even know what day it is. Yoongi, don't you think it's too much now?"

"I didn't drink yesterday," Yoongi said, looking down at the broken glass from the frame down by his feet, "I think I slept the whole- Where's my picture?"

Hoseok lifted his hand and Yoongi took the photo between his fingers. He stared at it for a moment, before placing it back on the bedside table, without the frame. He then left the bedroom, shedding his shirt along the way and headed into the bathroom for a shower.


Yoongi hadn't slept without the assistance of alcohol in over eighteen months. Once he was woken by Hoseok, he couldn't remember a single thing he dreamed about, but for the first time in a very long time, he felt well rested and light hearted, as if some dark, heavy weight had been lifted.

Hoseoks mouth almost dropped open in shock, but after a moment, he headed into the kitchen to make something for his friend to eat. If Yoongi didn't drink yesterday, and really did sleep the whole day, then he was going to need something to eat.

A few minutes later, Yoongi came into the kitchen, fully dressed with wet hair and a towel around his neck. As he sat down to eat, Hoseok rolled his eyes and moved behind him, taking the towel and using it to dry Yoongis hair.

"Hoseok," Yoongis voice was barely above a whisper, but in the silence of the kitchen, he could be heard loud and clear, "I'm sorry,"

This time, Hoseoks mouth did drop open in shock. He had not heard that little phrase from his friend since before he lost his wife. He wasn't quite sure how to answer; he was so surprised, but Yoongi continued to talk.

"For how I spoke to you yesterday- I mean Saturday. I know you've done so much for me, and I am grateful,"

He lapsed into silence and Hoseok finished scrubbing at his hair with the towel, before draping it over the back of the chair and taking a seat opposite him. He smiled at his friend, who was staring intently at his breakfast.

"Ready for work?" He asked, not wanting to say anything to upset the clearly vulnerable feeling Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded and got to his feet, tapping out a cigarette from the box on the table and lighting it. He placed it between his lips and took a long, deep drag, before holding the smoke in his lungs for a moment. When he finally breathed out, he walked down his hallway to the front door, and forced his feet into his ratty old converse and his leather jacket, before turning and waiting expectantly for his friend to follow.


Just as Hoseok left Yoongis apartment, Yoongi rushed back to the living room and grabbed the sketchbook from the table. He then locked up, and followed Hoseok to his car.


Daisy looked even worse during the lecture today than she did on Friday. Yoongi could see that she looked stressed and tired, and instead of furiously drawing like last time, she was just looking down at the desk in front of her, fiddling with a pen.

She was the first one to leave the hall once Hoseok declared the lecture finished, and Yoongi gave his friend a quick wave before picking up the sketchbook from underneath his own chair and heading to practise room Seven.

"Hello, Daisy," Yoongi actually greeted his student as he closed the door behind him, but she ignored him. Her fingers were already moving over the keys, and she was playing worse than usual. Her fingers were jerky and she had the lack of discipline similar to a brand new player.

"Please stop," Yoongi said, sitting down, the sketchbook on his lap.

Daisy sighed and pulled her fingers away, looking down at the keys in front of her.

"I don't want to talk about Friday," She muttered, "So don't try,"

Yoongi took a deep breath, "You have to talk about it, some day," He said, "But not today. You don't want to play the piano, and you have no passion for music,"

Daisy slowly turned to look at him, her face clearly irritated, "What's your point?"

Yoongi lifted her sketchbook, and she jumped to her feet angrily, "Why do you have that?!"

Ignoring her, Yoongi flipped to the page that had the beautifully constructed drawing of Jimin. He dropped it to the floor in between them, and Daisy rushed forward, swiping it up quickly with pink cheeks.

"I found your passion," He said calmly, "Or should I say two passions?"

"I don't know what you're-"

"Now all we have to do is to transfer that to your playing," He stood up and walked towards her, and she glared at him, hugging the sketchbook to her chest.

"And I know how to do it,"


AN: Unedited, of course.

I'm really sorry that some of you can't view the videos in your countries! That's really upsetting!

I'll start writing the names so you can look them up separately so you can still listen while you read.

This one is "Decode" by Paramore, The Piano cover.

(I love the original too, so if you haven't heard it, check it out. Haley Williams has a lovely voice)

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