《"Elves of the Northern Vale" A Tundrawolf Story》The Misty Glen
Katyr was embraced by a warm humid air the minute he crossed the threshold into the Northern Vale. Bright sunlight shined down on them making it a stark contrast from the dreary, cloudy day they had just walked out of. The air smelled sweet and fresh, much like the air one breaths under the gossamar trees. Katyr stopped for a minute and closed his eyes as he took it all in.
When he started moving again he followed Glynfiel to the top of a grassy knoll where they could get a better view of the Vale before them. He could see two Mage Towers close to the gate and many more off in the distance along the Vale wall. The Towers stood well over a hundred paces tall and were hard to miss against the lush beauty of the Vale's countryside. They were formed from huge pieces of black volcanic glass with a bubble of crystal clear quartz sitting upon their tops. Within the bubble worked three Tower Mages shaping and sending the White Magic to the dome above. On the sides of the Towers spells were engraved in ancient Elven runes. The runes glowed brightly and only the Mages of the Northern Vale knew their meaning. With the aid of the Mage Sight Katyr could see the White Magic like a heavy fog swirling around the base of each Tower. He watched as a thick beam of silver light shot intermittently from their tops towards the protective dome above. The streams of magic were strong, much stronger than those expelled from the Mage Towers of the Western Vale.
Katyr looked to the mountains making up the protective walls of the Vale as they stretched out from each side of the Norvale Gate. The foothills at the base of the mountain walls were covered by well ordered orchards of fruit bearing trees of all kinds. As the hills climbed higher the orchards stopped and a thick forest of evergreen trees began. The forest of conifers climbed high up the mountain sides until the walls became too steep and rocky for the trees to grow. The cliff walls soared ever higher above the tree line until they disappeared into clouds and the haze of the dome above. Katyr watched as water flowed down the rocky cliff sides out from under the clouds and mist covering the mountain tops. He could see thin trickling rivulets to heavy cascading waterfalls traveling down well worn paths cut deep into the rock to feed the streams and rivers of the Vale below.
Where the orchards ended at the base of the foothills a checkerboard of manicured fields began rolling out over the low sloping hills and wide open plains of the Vale floor. Katyr identified a variety of vegetable and grain crops growing along with large swaths of pastureland. Some fields were broken up by fences made of log posts and rails or by long rows of stone stacked to about waist high. Some were divided out by ditches dug for irrigation or by natural clear running streams and slow moving rivers. Katyr could also see cobblestone roads and trees planted in long lines making up the boundaries between fields. The pasturelands went far off into the horizon without any barriers at all. Wild grasses grew in these fields and within view were herds of aurochs, bison and sheep. As the light of the afternoon sun shone down on Katyr through the dome above he could see off in the distance rain falling on the fields from soft billowing clouds floating just under the dome. The Tower Mages were hard at work bringing life giving water and sunshine to the Vale.
Katyr could see far as he looked out over the lowlands of the Vale with the gift of his Mage Sight. There were several cottage farmsteads and two modest dells among groves and small forests of hardwood trees within his view. Yet try as he might he could not see any of the cities the Northern Vale was known for. He could barely make out the distant mountain walls on the other side of the Vale. Katyr thought at least a town would have awaited them on the other side of the Norvale Gates, but all he could see were rows of fortified buildings close to the mountain wall. According to Glynfiel these were the barracks for the Norvale Guard. He also thought he would have been able to see the palace from here, the Stronghold 'Morfgroth Dorthore', the home to the High King and his family. Glynfiel explained to him as they began to ride down from the knoll the Stronghold was located far to the west end of the Vale. She said it would take two days ride to get there from where they were. Also, according to her, the House of Mage Lore was at the east end, nestled up against the protective walls of the Grimfangs. It would take several days to ride that way. Katyr was amazed as they left the grassy knoll. He was used to places being much closer in the Western Vale, usually no more than a days ride away. Also there was not much he could not see when he looked about his Vale with the use of the Mage Sight. As they took a winding road down into the fields and meadows he continued to look about in wonder at the vastness of the Northern Vale.
"Katyr, I suggest we start our ride to the Mage House in the morning," she said. "I know I said we should go to the Stronghold first, but the more I have thought on it, the more I think we should begin with the High Mages. You will have a better chance of convincing them of the Black Magic you feel. Then we can work our way up to the Royals and the Pure-bloods. They will be easier to convince if the Mages of this Vale are on our side. What do you think?"
"My thoughts exactly Glyn!" he said, even though he hadn't really thought on it at all. "But I like your idea of a hot meal and a soft bed first." That was really all he was thinking about, besides the marvels of the Vale. "Is that Inn somewhere close by, I hope?"
"You dolt!" she replied angrily. "It is near, but you had best start thinking about what you are going to say to the Mages! This is a serious matter to me, and it should be to you too!" Glynfiel rode on ahead with the small pack of Tundras swarming about, leaving Kaytr to wonder on why she became so angry.
Katyr did not have to think on what he was going to say to the Mages of the Northern Vale. He knew what he must do. It was only a matter of showing them the Black Magic building in the Grimfangs to the west. Unfortunately, it did not occur to him they might not see it, even though the black taint was so very obvious to him.
The rest of the ride was done in silence. Katyr trailed behind taking in all he could see of the marvelous Vale about him. Travelers on the road gave friendly greetings as they passed by, always astonished by the pack of Saddlebacks in their midst during the fall. They rode over many bridges made of finely wrought silver which were beautiful to behold. They looked so fragile, as not able to hold one traveler, let alone several, yet were as solid as the road they traveled upon. Hedgerows filled with large flowers of many colors lined the well maintained cobblestone roads they rode upon. All of the hamlets they passed grew vines up their walls and covering their verandas. They too were covered with blooms of many colors adding to the sweet smell in the air as they made their way.
They topped a rise in the land and then took the road down into a narrow glen. A variety of old growth trees grew upon the hills on both sides of the glen making the little valley feel very secluded. A fast moving stream ran alongside the road adding the natural music of water to their ride. Through the glow of the of the setting sun Katyr could see the dell Glynfiel was taking them to. Elves were beginning to light lamps in and around the buildings ahead. She said the dell was named Elora and it was beautiful.
The road that led to the dell was very well maintained and lined with the same flowered hedges he had seen before. They went by the blacksmith hut on their way and he could see the smiths inside cleaning up after the days work. He noticed the hut was covered with the same vines as all the hamlets he had seen. Then he noticed all the buildings they passed were covered in the vines with bright beautiful blooms of infinite colors hanging down. Glynfiel told him the flowers grew every where in the vale. She said these were the Hanging Gardens the Northern Vale was famous for.
They rode up to the front of a large Inn at the center of the dell. A large wooden sign hung over the main doors from a stout iron bracket. Carved into the wood was the picture of a beautiful oak tree sitting in a narrow canyon with strands of mist swirling around. Below the tree were carved the words "Misty Glen Inn". The windows along the front of the building were opaque and all he could see was the glow of the lamps that burned within. He could tell there were many patrons inside from the sound of laughter and the many voices he heard. The two travelers dismounted from their golden mounts and led them to a stable beside the Inn.
"This is where the High Mage Belador liked to stay on the times I traveled to the Vale with him," Glynfiel said, as two young stable hands helped unload Besh. "I did not think it would be so hard coming here."
"We can go to another Inn, Glyn," he said. "This is nice but I do not mind riding for a bit longer in this wonderful Vale."
"The next Inn is not for miles," she said. "I will be fine. Let us go inside. I can use that hot bath and hot meal. I am tired of sleeping on the ground."
The two Elves grabbed their packs and walked to the front of the Inn with the Tundras in tow. The wolves were searching all throughout the front grounds, sniffing and taking in all the different smells they came across. Lanterns hung in the trees lighting the pathway they followed. When they reached the entrance the Saddlebacks each sniffed at a leather flap hanging beside the main door. They pushed on it with their noses and then went running in. Elves good-naturedly laughed on the other side of the wall as each wolf ran through and then quickly turned to look at swinging flap. Ignoring the laughter they all took turns running in and out several times amazed that they had their own door. A few Solid Tundras that were in the Inn yipped and howled remembering their first time with the flap.
The Inn was crowded with Elves, every chair at the tables on the main floor held an Elf as did every tall barstool at the long bar against the back wall. Many Elves were standing and leaning against the bar as there was nowhere left to sit. To the left of the entrance was a large fireplace within a wall of big round river stones held together with mortar. At the other end of the room was a low dais on which stood three Elves playing various instruments. Stairs and a hallway were beside the fireplace wall leading to the rooms above and the bathhouse out back. Glynfiel quickly walked to the end of the bar nearest the fire to talk to one of the servers there.
"May we have two rooms and two baths please," she said rather curtly to the tall graceful Elf behind the bar, as she dug into her pack for some coin. The tall Elf tossed her long blonde hair aside and looked at the two with deeply blue eyes. Katyr's breath caught in his throat when he saw her.
"Well, hello there! My name is Merlara. Welcome to the Misty Glen," the tall Elf said. "You are in luck, I happen to own this place. I would be happy to get you and your friend a room. Despite the crowd you see here we have plenty to choose from. Are those Saddlebacks with you, my lady? Are you from the Western Vale mayhap? Such a brutal time of the turn to be traveling!"
Glynfiel stopped digging in her pack and looked up at the tall lovely Elf. "Where is Master Inchel?" she asked with a sad look on her face.
The tall Elf laughed and said, "He is about. He is my father and only runs the place when I am away with the Guard. We share in the ownership, you might say. He broke his leg and I had to come home and take over. He is probably drinking with his friends out on the veranda. Do you know him?"
"I have met him, a few times before, always in the spring. I am happy to hear he is still around," Glynfiel said as she continued to dig.
"Your coin is no good here my lady," said Merlara as she put her elbows on the bar leaning in close to the small Elf. "If Saddlebacks travel with you at this time of the turn your quest to the Vale must be of some import. As a first lieutenant of the Norvale Guard I will do all I can to assist you and your friends. Come, I have many rooms available, follow me. You can tell me your names while we walk."
Katyr could barely get his name out as the tall slender Elf led them up the stairs to their rooms. He was amazed that this tall beautiful Elf that tended to an Inn could be a soldier in the Norvale Guard, a first lieutenant no less. He had so many questions that he could not think of what to ask. After a quick elbow to the stomach from Glynfiel he was able to find his voice, but all he managed to get out was his name.
She led them to rooms that were spacious and grand. The door off the hallway led into a small common room. On each side of the small room were doors that opened into the bedrooms. Large feather beds were in each and they looked so comfortable Katyr was ready to go and lie down right now. Merlara said she would have a tub and hot water brought up so Glynfiel could bathe in her room while Katyr made use of the bathhouse down below. She also said she would have her serving maids bring each a change of clean clothes. The Elf could see theirs needed to be washed and repaired.
Beside the main door of the common room was a square hole with a leather flap, just like the one by the entrance door below. The Tundras could come and go as they please. Katyr had never seen such luxury in the Western Vale.
"Once you two have bathed and are rested come down to the dining room," Merlara said. "We are serving fresh roast duck tonight that my father brought back from his last hunt. The one in-which he broke his leg, or so he says. I will have one cooked up special for you. If you do not mind the company, I would like to sit with you while you dine. I would love to hear news of the Western Vale, plus I have many friends there that you might know."
Merlara left after that, with the Saddlebacks hard on her heels. She had promised each of the wolves a thick wild bison steak and all the auroch bones they could eat. Tundra wolves were always welcome and taken very good care of in the Vale, and having Saddlebacks at this time of the turn was a special treat for the northern Elves.
Katyr and Glynfiel both took long hot baths as each had several months worth of grime to get rid of. Katyr floated in a pool that was fed by the hot springs behind the Inn while Glynfiel went through bucket after bucket of hot water the serving maids kept replenishing her tub with. Both were bone tired after their baths but they were too hungry to pass up the meal. They had been catching the smell of roast duck all throughout their baths and it had made their stomachs growl every time.
When they came down the stairs they felt refreshed and clean. The clothes Merlara laid out fit perfectly and were a welcome change from the filthy ones they had been wearing for so long. The tall Elf was waiting for them when they reached the bottom and led them to a quiet table in a room behind the wall of the large fireplace. The room had several tables surrounded by chairs and looked to be for more formal affairs, no guests other than the three were dining in it tonight.
Servers brought out plates of food and put them on the table as the three sat down. In the center was a large duck still steaming from the oven. Bowls of boiled carrots, potatoes and steamed leafy greens were put down around the duck. Each Elf had their own loaf of freshly made bread by their plate and a small bowl of sweet butter beside that. They also had their own flagon of ice cold cloudberry wine. Drips of condensation traveled down the sides of the large pewter vessels as the wine was so cold. All looked and smelled so good, especially to Glynfiel and Katyr, who had not had a meal like this in quite some time.
All of the Saddlebacks save one were outside crunching on bones as they lay about the grass at the front of the Inn. Only Mid Day had decided to put up with the stuffiness of the Inn. He had lain himself down underneath the table in the expectations for a handout or for some food to drop. It was what Glynfiel and Katyr had come to expect of the big wolf who just couldn't seem to get enough to eat.
"I thought it best if we dine alone," Merlara said after the three had been seated. "There are several Elves who consider themselves of high import drinking at the bar tonight. It would not have taken them long to barge in on our conversation. They can be quite annoying after they have put away a few pints of the strong ale they like."
As she started carving the duck she continued on talking, "I do not know your business in the Vale, and you do not have to tell me. But it is somewhat curious that you two would arrive here relatively soon after we received the news of the tragedy that happened to some of your kin on the northern Tundra."
She stopped for a minute after seeing the surprised looks on her two guests faces.
"What news would that be?" Katyr asked.
"It was just before the last full moon," Merlara said. "Three pairs of Little Fliers and their Red Wings arrived in the Northern Vale, one pair flew to Morfgroth to see the High King, one went to Asegron-thare, the largest city at the center of our Vale and the third pair went to the Mage House at the far eastern end. They all came to tell of the deaths of General Darkath, the High Mage Belador, of fifty Valen Guard and one hundred and fifty Northern Boulder Edge soldiers. Not to forget fifty Saddleback Tundras. There has not been such loss of life in battle since the Dark Days they say, in fact the Vale just finished the month of mourning for the fallen Elves."
Merlara looked at the two Elves and could tell they were very saddened. "I had met both the General and the High Mage many times. They were great Elves, to be sure. And I will miss them both very much. Did you know them well?"
"I did not, but Glynfiel did," Katyr said as he put a hand on the little Elf's shoulder. "I had two friends that were tasked with telling the Western Vale of their deaths, Halamar and Orist. At least now I know they made it back to the Western Vale safely. We had arrived after the battle happened, but poor Glyn was there and lost many friends that day."
"It was a terrible time, I still feel the passing of the many fine Elves that day," Glynfiel said. Then, in between bites of food, she told the tale of the battle. Katyr finished off the tale with his part. In the short time they had known Merlara they felt they could trust her. So they also told her of their mission and of the terrible presence of the Black Magic Katyr could feel. They both told her of their plans to visit the House of Mage Lore.
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