《Forever - Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan fanfic》Extra: Wang Yibo's retirement


“’retire’?!” everyone exclaimed during Go On, girl! Drama’s press conference. They stared at Wang Yibo in shock after they heard him suddenly said he’ll quit being an actor and an idol. Quitting as an actor is somewhat fine, though they regret for losing such a talented actor, since Wang Yibo is originally an idol. However, he said he’ll also quit being an idol.

The one who asked Wang Yibo of his plan after this drama felt her face went red as everyone stared at her. If she didn’t ask Wang Yibo, then Wang Yibo might not –

“It’s not her fault.” Wang Yibo suddenly said after they recovered from their shock. “Even if you didn’t ask me, I’ll still use this opportunity to announce my retirement. If I can’t right now, then I still can use my Weibo and the company I’m signed in to announce.” He explained. He glanced at the girl who sighed in relief. After he interacted with Xiao Zhan for years, he finally learned how to care with other people… though barely. He faced the camera. “The company doesn’t know this, even my agent or UNIQ.” He continued. “I decided this myself.” He told them. The press conference for the drama turned to Wang Yibo’s press conference. Though, they don’t dare oppose since this press conference will be a hot topic later and Wang Yibo’s announcement will promote their drama, in some way.

“But… you’re only 24…” one of the audience said.

“Does the entertainment world had an age requirement for retirement?” Wang Yibo asked, which shut them all up.

But you’re really just too early to retire! They all spoke in their mind.

“Uhm…” a reporter said as she braved herself. “May I ask why do you suddenly want to retire?” she asked.


“I just want to.” Wang Yibo directly said, which earned black faces from everyone. Though they didn’t dare force him to speak more since they are already are already aware of the man’s temperament.

The press conference then continued to the right direction.

Wang Dalu choked in his drink and coughed for five minutes when he watched Wang Yibo’s announcement. “WHAT?!” he exclaimed. “This brat is really a brat!” his cheeks puffed in anger. “It’s just a year after Zhanzhan announced his retirement and he dared follow! Is he tired of his life or what… ah. Right. His life was gone and so he’ll be tired leaving.” He sighed. “But… but!” he said, his anger flaring up again. “What did Zhanzhan sacrificed himself for?! Wuwuwuwu. If this brat just told Zhanzhan he’ll (WYB) be retiring, then Zhanzhan doesn’t need to retire. Zhanzhan and I could’ve gone a movie or drama together… this brat. This brat’s fault! Hmph!” he said and wailed like a brat.


“Achoo!” Xiao Zhan sneezed and wiped his nose. “Who’s talking bad about me?” he asked, confused, then continued designing. He’s planning to submit this to a clothing company as his source of income.

Wang Yibo’s fans were discontented, but they knew that their idol doesn’t care about them nor their satisfaction. And so, they followed Wang Yibo on his way to become a racer. Thus, Wang Yibo’s fame is about to skyrocket again – in a different area.

(A/N: I’m adjusting my mind after I watched an episode of CQL (The Untamed) with my little sis 😂)

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