《Forever - Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan fanfic》Feelings


Wang Yibo stared outside the glass window.

“Ge! Didi loves you!” he can hear his voice echo inside his mind… and heart. He can’t remember how many times had he told him (XZ) this. He (XZ) thinks he (WYB) is only joking, making fun of him (XZ) because of his age. However, god knew how true his words are as he tells him that. During one of their interviews, the interviewer asked them what can he say about the time they filmed the drama. He was very nervous that time. Should I tell him? He thought. He is nervous not because of the question but because of his answer. He glanced at the man beside him, then held the toy in his hand tight.

“From my heart.” He answered, meaning that what he did, everything, is true. All their interactions, from on-screen to off-screen. Their bickering… all of it are from his emotions during that time… what he felt…

“3… 2… 1… happy birthday, Wang Yibo!” Xiao Zhan said, leading the greeting for his birthday. He celebrated his birthday on the set. However, what he (XZ) didn’t know… Xiao Zhan smiled at him as he gave him his gift – a helmet. “Didi, happy birthday!” he told him, wearing that beautiful and bright smile of his, as always.No matter where he (WYB) spends his birthday, as long as he (XZ) is there… then that birthday will always be memorable and the happiest for him (WYB).

“When you saw Wei Wuxian walks towards you and smiles, you will feel relaxed.” The director told him.

Xiao Zhan laughed as his assistant wiped his face. “Smile.” He told him (WYB) and smiled.

Subconsciously, he smiled as he stares at the other’s face. Really, really… bright. Even if the poker faced Lan Wangji’s smiled, his smile can never be compared to Wei Wuxian’s smile that is brighter than the sun. Ge… he thought, Wei Wuxian’s image overlaps Xiao Zhan’s. Your smile will always captivate my heart. He thought. Wei Wuxian or not, whoever Xiao Zhan will be, he will always be his (WYB) one and only gege (brother). The brother he secretly and helplessly loves.

"You started it, right?"

"Is it starting?" Xiao Zhan asked and laughed as they start their bickering.

He just stared at him, isn't aware of the love overflowing from his eyes. Like Lan Wangji staring at his Wei Wuxian. And, like Wei Wuxian, the other is dense.

“Take it off.” What cruel words for him even though the other only told him out of worry. That time during the game in a variety show they casted, he irritated his neck. It was because of the necklace the other gifted him.

That time, he hadn’t thought anything of it and only followed the other’s words. Now, he realized. Those words… are like intended for what happened that day.


“There’s nothing between us.”


His love is like that necklace. He gave me the necklace (love), then asked him to take it off (unlove). Doesn’t his conscience hurt when he told him that they didn’t have a relationship? All those feelings they had toward each other… however, he knows he has a fault, too. He didn’t ask the other for a confirmation of their relationship. In short, it looked like everything is just a joke – flirting with each other, yet…

“Yibo.” One of the reporters called, waking him up from his daze. He turned to her. “It’s already 6 years that passed and you’re a successful racer now.” She said. “Is there an inspiration behind this success?” she asked and smiled, teasing, as she pointed to him the microphone.

Yes… it’s already been 6 years. The glamorous life he had before was like a passing dream and was gone like a smoke. He quitted the showbiz world, which had shocked the many. He focused on racing since then. … since then? When was it? He thought as he lowered his gaze and his eyes caught sight of the ox head pendant on his chest. A subtle smile appeared on his face. “Mn.” He answered as his fingers twitched, itching to touch the pendant.

However, even if he didn’t, his actions didn’t escape the others’ eyes. “Oh? What a nice pendant.” One of the interviewers said. “Was it a gift by someone?”

However, he evaded the question and ended the interview. He immediately left and hopped on his motorcycle. He rubbed the pendant with his fingers, then wore his helmet. It was the helmet that was gifted by the person who gifted him the necklace. 6 years had already passed. Now, he’s the same age of the man when they first met. He drove away.

BJYXSZD Company.

“Good morning, sir.” The employees respectfully bowed when he passed by them.

His secretary-assistant reached his hand to take his helmet when he stopped him. “Were there any problems today?” he asked.

“Nothing, sir.” The secretary-assistant answered. Despite older than his boss, yet he greatly respects his boss. To build his own company at a young age… he’s so matured! He also heard that their boss was an idol and actor before. However, he suddenly quitted and left the showbiz world. Now, his boss is a racer. His identity as a famous clothing company’s owner is a secret. “You have a meeting in an hour.” He told him.

“Mn.” Wang Yibo nodded and went inside his office. He went to his secret room, took a bath, and then wore his suit. He walked out when he heard his secretary-assistant’s voice calling him that the client arrived earlier for the meeting.

“Please have a seat.” He heard the receptionist said when he went to the lounge to greet the client.


He stopped and froze when he saw one of the two men standing not far from him. One is old but tall and his body is well-built despite his age. The other is –

“Wang Dalu.” He said, his voice flat and his face blank as he looked at the man that is a friend of the person he never forget.

Wang Dalu turned and surprise was written on his face. However, it was only for a second before he frowned and glared at him, dislike in his eyes. “Hah.” He scoffed as he sharply looked at him. “Turned out to be you.” He said. “No wonder I couldn’t find the identity of the owner of the company. It’s you.” He said and sharply looked at him.

The employees around and the old man accompanying Wang Dalu were surprised by the sudden turn of events. Wang Yibo frowned. “So it’s you.” He said and glanced at his secretary-assistant who is still stupefied like the others. “I forgot to ask who are coming. I was too busy. If I had known…” he said.

Wang Dalu cut him off. “What a terrible way to run a business. I doubt how this company became successful.” He said.

Wang Yibo calmly looked at him, already suppressed his emotions. “You’re wearing our company’s product.” He said and looked at Wang Dalu’s clothes.

Wang Dalu’s face was covered in dark lines. He just frowned. Then, they went to the conference room and started the meeting. It’s about the latest design of the company and Wang Dalu will be the model for it, that is why he is here and his agent. This matter was forgotten by him (WYB) since he was preparing for his race.

“You’ve finally gotten your dreams.” Wang Dalu said after the meeting and Wang Yibo send him off. Wang Dalu’s agent went to get the car.

He meant the dream of building a clothing company and being a successful racer. “Not all.” He answered.

Wang Dalu’s hand on his cuff paused. He took a deep breath and pressed his lips tight. “Do you know why I hate you?” he asked as they stood side by side.

“Because I stole him from you.” Wang Yibo answered.

“No.” Wang Dalu answered. “If you are still thinking I’m in love with him, then I’ll tell you. I am already married with my wife and had two children.” He told him. Wang Yibo’s eyes went wide and he looked at Wang Dalu, shocked. “And he isn’t in love with me, either, if that’s what you are thinking.” He added.

“… then – “

Wang Dalu nodded. “Zhanzhan really loves you.” He told him.

“Then… why…” he balled his fists, mad. Why did he break up with me? Why lie to me? He thought as his eyes turned red.

Wang Dalu looked at him. “This is why I hate you.” He said and frowned as he watch Wang Yibo looked at him. “You don’t realize it yet.” He said. “Look at yourself. Now.” He told him.

Wang Yibo looked at his balled fists and turned, just to see his reflection in the mirror.

“You’re matured, yes.” Wang Dalu said as he pointed Wang Yibo’s reflection in the mirror. He is wearing his suit. “However – “ he said and pointed Wang Yibo’s anguished face and balled fists. “ – you can’t hide your emotions. Well, your emotions towards Xiao Zhan.” He told him. “You’re like a sun, Yibo.” He said, his face now serious. “You’re a sun towards Zhanzhan. You lit up his life. You gave him warmth. However, too much and it burns him. Yibo – “ he called and looked at him in the eye. “Zhanzhan left not because he doesn’t love you. But because, like you, he loves you too much it burns him. But, that’s just one of the reasons. Yibo – “ he called. “ – like the sun, Zhanzhan is afraid that because you love him too much you’d explode. In short – “ he said. “ – you can’t control your emotions towards him, he was afraid he will cause you your end. Do you understand now?” he told him, then left when his agent and the car arrived.

Wang Yibo was left standing, dumbfounded.

"You're matured towards anybody but Xiao Zhan, which is your mistake. It should be Zhanzhan who should you acted matured towards, not anybody. You were immature in your relationship... that's why this ended like this."

Wang Dalu fixed his clothes, smirking, but his smile is mocking and ironic. Even if he said those words, he still felt sad towards his friend. “I wonder how is he now…” he muttered and sighed as he fixed the inner of his cuff. He saw the logo. There was a dot on the lower right, close to the company’s logo. It wasn’t a mistake but the design of the logo is really this. And he once heard that the company’s designer is also the one who designed the company’s logo. The designer, though, like the owner (WYB), is a mystery and is more mysterious than the owner. The designer sends them the design through mail. The company is in distress. However, they have no complaints on the design sent and so they didn’t push the designer to appear before them. “Isn’t this mole (dot) familiar…?” he muttered and his brows knit. He then shrugged and relaxed on his seat as his agent drove him towards the set where he will be filming.

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