《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 28


Luzzy's POV

"Ugh I'm tired!" I said loudly as I continued to pack my stuff in a box. This moving out stuff was so much work. When I first bought this house, I had the boys and movers do everything for me. Now I have to pack everything by myself. It's pretty dumb that I'm moving out of my own damn house, but I can't stand to be around Mikey and he won't leave. What he said really hurt me and I felt so disrespected. The last thing I need is to stay with someone who doesn't care or respect me. I'll raise this baby on my own if I have to.

As I continued to pack, I heard the door open. Speaking of the devil, he's here.

"Luzzy!" He called out. I didn't answer and continued to put my stuff in a box. He then walks up the stairs and walks in. He stands at the door and looks around.

"Why do you have all of these boxes around the house?" He asks me. I look at him to see him kind of sweaty. Must be back from practice.

"Why does it look like Mikey, I'm packing" I said to him.

"Packing? Where are you going?" He asks laughing.

"I told you I was moving out" I said to him as I stood up. Ugh this tape is done. I tried to walk pass him but he grabs my arm.

"Let go of me Mikey, I need more tape" I said to him.

"Ok let's slow down, cause you're acting crazy" He says.

"I'm acting crazy?" I said as my eyes widen. This is the shit I was talking about.

"Luzzy the situation isn't that deep for you to pack up and leave. Unpack all of your stuff and come downstairs" He says.

"Mikey are you serious right now? I'm leaving you" I said to him. He looks at me and sighs.

"What's your problem Luzzy?" He says and leans on the door frame.

"My problem is that you don't respect me. You made it clear already that you don't want anything to do with me and the baby so I'm leaving" I say to him.


"Luzzy, I respect you. You're one of the woman that I respect the most" He says. I laughed and folded my arms.

"Bullshit, if that was true then you wouldn't have told me to get rid of the baby" I said to him.

"I never told you to get rid of it, all I said was you decide what to do" He says shrugging.

"And I did. I'm leaving and I'm gonna raise the baby on my own" I said to him. Saying that out loud and especially to him made that sad feeling wash over me again. I always said I wouldn't be a single mother and look at me now. A single mother.

"Luzzy don't leave" He says and steps closer to him. I sighed as I felt like crying now. I see how Storm and Heaven were so emotional while they were pregnant. These hormones aren't a joke.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" He says and lifts my head up to look at him.

"Saying sorry doesn't change the fact that you still don't want kids. I'm keeping this baby Mikey, whether you like it or not" I said to him. He sighed before scratching his head.

"Can we sit?" He asks and I nodded. We walked over to the bed and sat down.

"You wanna know why I don't want kids?" He says looking in my direction, but not at me.

"Mhm" I hummed nodding.

"It's because I don't think I'll be a good father" He says. I looked at him and grabbed his hand. He really thinks that?

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, I never had a father figure in my life. How can I do something I know I might not be good at. And a child is so much responsibility. We aren't taking care of us, we're taking care and raising a someone else. Someone who will become who knows what in the future. I'm just scared I'll mess up" He says sighing.

"Mikey I see how you are with the other kids. They all love you, especially the twins and LJ. I get it, you're scared. But your not doing this alone, I'm here too. You think I know if I'm gonna be a good mom? Who knows the challenges that we'll have to face with our son or daughter. But no matter what, we'll do them together" I said as I rubbed his hand. He just looks at me.


"And don't worry now about the kind of person they'll be in the future. We don't know what kind of person they'll be or what they'll be doing in life. But no matter what, we'll raise them and do the best that we can do, together. Ok?" I said to him.

"Ok" He says. He then looks down again.

"So you're really pregnant?" He says looking back at me.

"Yes Mikey. About a month and a few weeks now" I said to him. He then smiles as he kisses my hand.

"We're in this together?" He says.

"Yes, together" I said smiling at him. He smiled back and pulled me close to him.

"Luz I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I kind of gotten back to my old self and I know I've been stressing you out and getting you upset. I'm really sorry" He says as he looked into my eyes.

"I guess I should apologize too. I do come off clingy and maybe I ring down your phone a little to much" I said giggling. He then shakes his head.

"You do it because you care, and I love you for that" He says, which causes me to smile.

"And don't worry about Deja. We really are just friends, she's even engaged. She was trying to get me to ask you if you could design her wedding dress" He says and my eyes widen.

"Really?" I was pretty shocked. I was very good at designing and had great taste in style. But hearing that Deja wanted me to make her dress made me feel better. I guess he wasn't cheating.

"Yea, you're amazing at what you do Luz" He says smiling at me.

"Thank you Mike" I said smiling. We sat there for a bit before he stands up.

"Let's get two things straight" He says and I just waited for him to continue.

"You ain't break up with me, that was a one sided decision. So we're still together" He says and I laughed.

"Is that your way of asking me to be your girl again?" I asked him and he smirked.

"I'm not asking you anything. You've always been my girl and always will be" He says and I couldn't help but laugh. He then leaned down and pecked my lips.

"And anther thing" He whispered against my lips.

"Unpack your stuff from these boxes. You ain't going anywhere" He says.

"Wanna help me?" I asked him and he laughs pulling away.

"No, no one told you to do the most" He says and grabs his towel from the closet.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To shower, wanna come?" He says smirking. I tilt my head to think. He then grips himself through his shorts and I see his long print. Hmm this is tempting. I can't give into him so fast. But it's so hard...

"No thanks little boy" I said smirking. He gasps and folds his arms.

"Little boy? I might be younger then you but ain't nothing on me little. You know that" He says confidently. At least he's not lying.

"Ok Mikey" I said as I stood up. I guess I have to unpack now. As I bent down to grab one of the boxes, Mikey comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Luzzyyyy come join me" He says whining. I stand up and shake my head laughing. He then moves my hair to side and kisses me slowly on my neck. Mikey nooo....

"You know you want to" He says and kisses behind my ear. I hate the affect that he has on me.

"Ugh fine" I said and he cheers. He picks me up from behind and throws me over his shoulder. Oh ok.

"Let's go baby mama!"

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