《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 26


Storm's POV

I arrived at Cali's building and was currently walking towards her door. I had Chelseys stroller with me because I had a feeling I might need it. I was trying to calm myself down because I didn't want the kids knowing I was mad. I really hope Cali doesn't try to me tonight. It's not a good time. I knocked on her door and waited for to her answer. When she opened the door, she looked at me and started laughing. What's funny bitch?

"Awww you're back already? I was having so much fun while you were gone" She says and opens the door wider for me to walk in.

"I don't have time for you Cali, I'm not in the mood" I said to her.

"Oh boo hoo. I'm sure Josh can make you feel all better" She says and smirks at me. First button pushed...

"Where are the kids?" I asked her.

"Sleeping obviously, it's like 10" She says.

"I came to get them" I said to her.

"While they are sleeping? Out of all the times you've could've came. Mother of the year award definitely goes to you" She says sarcastically.

"Pshh you wish you had that award" I said rolling my eyes and she cuts her eyes at me.

"I'll leave Kevin, Marcus, and Lola with you. But I'll take Chelsey" I said and she shrugs.

"Sure, I'll get her for you" She says and walks away. She walks into a room and then comes out holding Chelsey. I instantly take her from her and put her in her stroller. She lays there sleeping soundly.

"Ok I'll be gone now" I said as I turned around.

"Um hello, I'm waiting for my thank you" She says. Second button pushed...

"A thank you?" I asked her as I turned around.

"Yes a thank you" She says and puts her hand on her hips.

"Why would I thank you Cali?" I asked her. She must be out of her damn mind.

"Because I didn't have to watch her, she's not my child" She says and I scoffed. You're real close to that last button Cali....keep going.

"You're right she isn't, and never will be. You could've told Josh no but didn't want to because you just adore him so much" I said waving my hands.


"It's because he needed me thats why" She says smirking. I'm sorry...was I supposed to feel a way?

"Oh please. Josh could've brought her to anyone else. He wanted to keep her with her siblings" I said to her.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I wouldn't have to if her mama didn't run away for a bit" She says slickly. Keep going Cali....so I can knock the shit outta you.

"What I choose to do isn't your business Cali" I said walking up to her.

"It becomes my business once I'm stuck watching your child. Do better you mental bitch" She says tilting her head. Button...pushed!

The next thing you know, I punch her right in her nose. She falls back onto the couch and gasps.

"Call me a mental bitch one more time" I said to her. She touches her nose as she sees it bleeding. As I look at her nose, bruises start to form around it. Good job Storm!

"You h-hit me..." She says slowly.

"Yes I did, and I'll do it again" I said to her.

"You have no idea what you just started, I'm gonna ruin you Storm" She pointing at me.

"Bitch I'd like to see you try" I said rolling my eyes. She continues to sit there and just smiles to herself. I rolled my eyes and got the stroller and walked out. Hitting Cali felt good. I wanted to teach her disrespectful ass a lesson but didn't think I'd have to do it so soon. I told her that I wasn't in the mood and she continued to provoke me. So it's not my fault that I punched her. She asked for it.

As I walked out of the building and to my car, I started to think about my whole night.

"Damn" I said to myself. Night has been pretty rough. I put Chelsey in her car seat and put the stroller in the trunk. When I get to my seat I started the car and made my way back home.

I can't believe Peyton is really moving out. I personally don't think she has to and that the situation is not that deep. Yes I told her to move in because Melo told me to, but I already knew me and her would get closer too. It was one of the reasons yes, but not the main reason. So I can see why she's upset.


But the whole time I was arguing with Josh, I felt like everyone was on his side and I was being attacked. They made me feel like I was guilty because I kept it a secret about what me and Melo used to do. Me and Melo were best friends yes, but anything else we did was our business. They have no right to judge me and be like "really Storm?" Really nothing. Miss me with that bullshit.

And what am I gonna do about Josh? I see why he's mad at me and I guess maybe I should've told him I slept with Melo. But it was years ago and we weren't together. The only reason why I wrote that letter was because I wanted to express my feelings to Melo. Not in a relationship way. I couldn't attend his funeral to say what I wanted to say, so I wrote it down so I didn't have to carry that weight on me about not saying how I felt. I wonder where Josh found that letter. It doesn't matter now.

Maybe Josh was right. It was always Melo Melo Melo. No Storm! It wasn't. You know what, now that I think about it....it was always Melo because Melo stayed solid. While Josh did what he was doing, Melo was there. He always there. He can't be mad at me or Melo. Yea it was his friend, but he was mines too. And it doesn't make it easier that Melo is also gone, we can't talk this out. Chile this is a whole mess.

As I got home, I seen no cars around. Which meant everyone went home. Thank the lord. I can't stand anyone right now. I got out the car and grabbed Chelsey. I locked the car and walked towards my door. I opened it and looked around.

"I guess they're sleeping" I said. I closed the door and walked upstairs to Chelseys room. I laid her down in her bed and covered her with her blanket. I then kissed her head.

"I love you" I whispered to her. I turned her night light on before leaving her room and closing her door. When I walk to my room, I see Josh laying on the bed on his phone. He glances at me but looks back at his phone. I frowned and went to my dresser to find something to wear to sleep.

I grabbed a hoodie and some shorts and changed into it. When I was done, I walked towards the bathroom and grabbed a makeup wipe wiping off my makeup. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I was done, I grabbed my head wrap and wrap my hair before making my way to the bed. I laid down and turned around so my back was facing Josh.

"Why didn't you date Melo?" Josh asks me. I stayed silent for a bit before answering him.

"Because we belonged to other people" I answered him.

"Have you guys ever tried to be together?" He asked me.

"No, we just knew we wouldn't work" I said shrugging.

"You wanna know something?" He says. I stayed silent waiting for his answer.

"You were his ideal girl. Everything he looked for in a girl was you" He says. I remember Melo told me I was his ideal girl.

"How would you know that?" I asked him.

"Because he's my friend. And plus, he got Peyton. And you and Peyton are basically the same person" He says. He was right.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong. It's all in the past now and we can't do anything about it" I said shrugging.

"I'm hurt by this Storm" He says. I closed my eyes and sighed. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Is that all you can say?" He asks me. I then turn around to look at him.

"What else do you want me to say Josh?" I said. He looks at me and turns around.

"Goodnight Storm"

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