《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 16


Storm's POV

"Let's go Qir!" I yelled as he dribbled the ball. The game was going so good I that was on the edge of my seat. We were at the last quarter and Shareef and Shaqir were going back and forth. I love competitive games.

"Look at my baby do his thang. I love watching him play" Heaven says as she smiles at Shareef. He runs down the court, chasing Shaqir. Qir holds the ball and bends down deciding what to do. He fakes a pass and Shareef falls for it. He jumps up and does a fade away shooting the ball. It goes in causing all of us to cheer and the boys jump. I'm gonna win this bet.

"Look at the boys over there" Peyton says. I looked at them across the court to see them all talking seriously. It must be about the game.

"They don't wanna lose the bet" I said giggling.

"Girl, you're the only one who's gonna lose the bet" Star says to me.

"What bet?" Miya, Sharife's girl asks. Let me tell y'all about Miya. She's loud, she's an alcoholic, and she loves to shake her ass. I have no idea what Sharife meant about her being shy and quiet. She's the complete opposite. We liked her though because she has good energy and seems to be on her shit. We love a independent bad bitch.

"We made a bet on which brother will win the game. I'm the only one who bet on Shaqir" I said to her.

"But we all know Shareef is gonna win" Luzzy says to her.

"Even though I'm not in the bet, I say Shaqir might win. If I lose, I'll buy you all shots tonight. But if I win, you guys buy shots for me and Storm" She says smirking. That sounds good to me!

"Deal" Star says and shakes her hand. And Sharife said she wasn't like us...ok buddy. As we continued to watch the game, my phone vibrates. A dm was sent to me. I don't know why, but I felt like I had to look at it. I opened my phone and went to Instagram to open the dm. When I opened it, my eyes widen and my stomach turned. I look up at Josh to see him laughing with Mikey and Caleb as they pointed at the players on the court. I bit my lip in anger and took a screenshot of the dm and sent it to Josh. He looks down at his phone and then looks at me. I point to my phone and he picks up his. I then see his facial expression change. Oh now he's mad.









After he said that, I see him get up and walk away. I wonder what he's going to do.

Josh's POV

I got up and walked out of the gym. What Cali did was uncalled for and now it's gonna start many rumors and issues on Storm and I's part. I wasn't as mad as Storm was but I still felt a way. But I need to shut this down now because if Storm takes this into her own hands, it'll only make things worse. I don't need things to get out of hand now. I grabbed my phone and dialed Cali's number. The phone rung a few times until she finally answered.

She says, I hear the kids in the background.

"Cali take that post down" I said getting straight to the point.

She asks innocently. You gotta be kidding me.

"The post you made about the kids. People are seeing it. So can you delete it" I ask her.

She says laughing.

"Deal? Girl the deal was you are allowed to see them. That was it. Whatever else you had in mind is not happening" I said folding my arms.

She says in a fake sad tone and starts laughing. That instantly pissed me off.

"It doesn't matter if she saw it or not. I did. You're not about to disrespect me and my wife by doing shit like that" I said to her and she continued to laugh.

"I'm going to ask you one more time Cali. Delete that post or else?" I said lowly.

She says.

"Or else this might be the last time you see them and talk to me" I smirked. The call went quiet for a bit, until she spoke.

She says quietly. That's what I thought.

"If you know what's good for you Cali, you won't do it again" I said to her.

She says. I instantly smirked again.

"Ah you wish you could. Have a nice night Cali" I said before hanging up.

I know the kind of affect I have on Cali. So I know she won't go out of her way to disrespect me. But she will do it to Storm and I won't let her. The last thing I need is Storm and Cali beefing with each other and I get in the middle of it. I don't have time for that childish shit. If Cali does something like this again, I'll gladly stop her from seeing my kids. She better play her cards right. I go on Instagram to see if she deleted it and she did. Good. But then I see people reposting it and tagging the three of us. I sighed rolling my eyes. I forgot Cali had a following to her name.


"Fuck it I'll deal with the media tomorrow" I said to myself before walking back to the gym. When I walked in, a lot of people stared. I guess they already know. I sit down in my seat and look at the score. 101-108. Qir ain't gonna win.

"Everything good bro?" Jalen asks me.

"Yea man I'm straight" I said to him. I looked towards Storm and she looked at me. I nodded to her letting her know I dealt with the situation. She smiles and blows a kiss at me. I grab it and stuff it in my pocket causing her to laugh. I smiled as she turned back to watch the game. My baby is so cute.

Storm's POV

"Qir! Cmon, it's time to pop out!" I yelled towards him. He's been playing soft the whole game.

"Pop out?" Heaven questions, all of the girls look at me as well and I just smirked. They'll find out soon.

"Y'all about to see" I said. Shaqir looked towards me and gave me a crazy face. There it is! I laughed as I gave him the face back. The second the ball was passed to him, he goes for a three and falls to the ground. It goes in causing me to jump up.

"Let's go twin!" I yelled. After that, he just started going crazy. He stole the ball from the next team multiple times and made scores on his own. I guess he forgot this was a team sport.

"Woah" Peyton says as we all watched. I looked at the scoreboard and nodded as the numbers were going up. That's it Shaqir! Meanwhile, Shareef kept missing shots and letting Shaqir take the ball.

"Baby what are you doing?" Heaven yelled towards her husband. He just let Shaqir take the ball for the third time. Reef shrugs and runs after his brother. As they both jump up, Shaqir dunks the ball on him. All of the boys stand up in shock. Dior falls to the floor shaking his head. Only Dior.

"You let your 6'4 brother dunk on your 7 feet ass!? You're a disappointment!" Dior yelled at him, which made me laugh. Dior and his mouth. Smh.

"Stop playing with me!" Shaqir yelled all excited as he ran down the court for defense. I looked at the time and we had less then a minute. Now it was honestly just Shareef and Shaqir playing. The team has seem to give up on them. Shareef got the ball and shot it, it bounces off of the rim which makes Shaqir go for it. Shareef runs for it and dunks on Shaqir, rebounding the ball.

"Yesss Reef!" Luzzy and Heaven yelled.

"So Storm, I'll be taking that money now" Star says. I put my hand up as I continue to watch the game. I looked at the score and it said 110-110. I looked at the time and it said 10 seconds. I watched as Shaqir walked with the ball. He exchanged words with his brother before shooting the ball and walking away. Show off. We watched it fly towards the basket and it goes in. The buzzer then goes off and I cheered.

"Yessss Shaqirrrrr!!!!" I yelled. He ran towards me and we did our handshake.

"Good job bro" I said and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Storm. You were the only one who supported me" He says and hugs me back.

"I'll always be in your corner Qir. You showed everyone tonight what you been doing in the lab" I said to him. He laughed and nodded.

"Yup. Can't fuck with me now" He says flexing. I laughed as he showed off his muscles. He then walks off to the boys and his team. They all walk back to the locker rooms and I turn to the girls.

"Soooo" I said crossing my arms.

"Heaven, why would he lose on purpose?" Star says to her sister.

"I honestly have no idea. Maybe he wanted Qir to have this one" She says shrugging.

"What the fuck, our money was on the line!" Luzzy says.

"I'll take my money now" I said holding out my hand.

"This is ridiculous" Peyton says shaking her head. They grab their money and hand it to me.

"And Miya and I will gladly take our shots later on" I said to them and Miya smiles.

"Yes we will" She says giggling.

"Alright! Let's go celebrate!"

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