《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 9


Storm's POV

"Buss it...Buss it" I sang to the music that played in the studio. It was the next day and I was doing a photoshoot with Star. We thought it would be so badass to do one together. As we posed for the camera, I started to dance.

"Yess bitch" She said to me as she watched me dance a little. I looked at her and giggled.

"When's the last time you shaked some ass?" She asked me.

"Girl I don't remember" I said as we posed for the camera.

"I need to take you to a party" She says and holds onto my side as we smiled at the camera.

"Oh no, Parties ain't for me no more" I said as I turned around. She then stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. Erm...

"What?" I said as I looked at her as she stood there.

"What the fuck did you just say?" She asks me.

"Since I had Chelsey, I stopped partying. I don't have the energy for it anymore" I shrugged. Since I had Chelsey, and losing Melo......I stopped doing a lot of things I used to do. Partying was one of them.

"Oh no honey, you sound like a old person. I can't wait for us to go on our trip. Storm Nova is somewhere in there hiding, I know she is. Storm Christopher is no fun" She says and I gasp hitting her arm. She did not just say-

"That's mean" I said laughing.

"You're even married to Josh Christopher. One of the most littest people I know. How you turn out like this?" She asks me and I gasp again. This girl...

"Star" I said crossing my arms.

"No offense, but Cmon" She says and I roll my eyes and pose for the camera again.

"Don't take it to heart sis, I'm just saying. You're not yourself" She says and poses with me. You're not yourself....echoed in my head.

"Ok girls, beautiful. You are done for the day" The photographer says and we all clapped. These two ladies come and give us a robe and we put them on. We walk over to our seats and sit down. I don't know why but I was starting to think hard about what Star said.

"Am I really that boring?" I ask her. She sips her water and looks at me.


"I never said you were boring, I said you were no fun" She says laughing.

"That's the same thing" I said to her.

"No it's not cause if you were boring I would've said you were boring. Duh" She says. I just blinked a couple of times and continued to look at her. Girl it's the same thing!

"Look Storm. Don't take it to heart. You just need to be places in order to have fun. Remember, you were in hiding for a long ass time. Now that you're back out, you can slowly be yourself again" She says.

"I guess you're right" I said shrugging. She looks at me and sighs, she puts her drink down and turns to me.

"If it makes you feel any better, at least you still know how to shake your ass. A lot of people can't say that" She says. I looked at her and we burst into laughter. This girl...

"You're so dumb" I said laughing. She laughed and grabbed her phone from the table.

"Alright, I need to change and head home. I'm hungry" I said standing up.

"I'm coming over, Jalen left for Washington last night for his game. So I'm home by myself" She says.

"Doesn't it get lonely sometimes? You should have kids" I said to her. She turns to me and gives me a disgusted look.

"First off, don't ever say me and kids in the same sentence ever again" She points at me. Sis got serious so fast.

"Why not? And I thought Jalen was trying to get you pregnant" I giggled and she followed me as we walked to our dressing room.

"He was, and still is. But as you can see I'm not pregnant" She smiled.

"Why exactly?" I asked.

"I just make sure to pop that pill after we have sex" She says. I gasped and started laughing.

"Star! That's so evil of you!" I said covering my mouth. She looked at me and giggled.

"It's so evil of me, Jalen thinks I really can't have kids. Little does he know" She smirked. I shook my head as I grabbed my clothes. I took the robe off and took the clothes from the shoot off. I then put on a white cropped undershirt with baggy red sweatpants. I then grab my Gucci slides and slide them on.


"But honestly Star, you really don't wanna have kids?" I ask her as she changed.

"No, I really don't. I watched you and Heaven throughout your whole pregnancy, and then the delivering part. I can really say that's not for me. And then the raising part, yikes. I'm already a bad influence. Imagine me raising a child Storm" She says and throws her hair in a messy bun.

"It gets scary sometimes, not gonna lie" I say to her.

"It's so scary. Children are so naive and innocent. I can't see myself corrupting my child's mind" She says as she finishes putting on her clothes.

"Wait, you do that now" I said looking at her. She then grabs her bag and we start to walk out of the dressing room and out of the studio.

"Because you and Heaven let me. You're welcome. If your children are street smart, you have me to thank" She winks and I laugh at her. I grab my car keys and unlock my car. We get in and I turn it on.

"I'm gonna call Josh" I said as I connected my phone to the car. I pressed his contact and it started to ring, then it went to voicemail. I then called again and this time it went straight to voicemail. I groaned and threw my phone down in the cup holder.

"When's the last time you spoke to him?" She asks me.

"Honestly, I wish I can tell you. I don't know" I threw my arms up in frustration. Since I started working, it's like we don't talk at all. And us not talking is because of him. And he's been doing all of this secretive stuff behind my back and not telling me anything. I still haven't asked him about that post.

"Is he home?" She asks me as I started the drive to my house.

"He should be. He's watching the kids. I know Peyton is there too but I told her from the jump, don't watch the kids knowing Josh is there. They are his responsibility, not Peyton's" I said to her.

"And that's on period" Star says nodding. I huffed as I looked at the road. Everyday Josh just gets under my skin more and more. He needs a stern talking to.

As the gate opened, I drove in and parked my car at the front. We get out of the car and I lock it. We walk to the door and I put the passcode in. We walk in and set our bags down. We walk in more and I see LJ and Peyton at the dining table. It looks like she's working while LJ colors in his coloring book.

"Hey guys" Peyton says looking at Star and I.

"Hey Pey" Star says as they share a hug. She then goes to LJ and tackles him in a hug and kisses him all over his face.

"Hi cutie" Star says. LJ had a liking to Star. Out of all of us girls, Star was his favorite.

"Starrrrr stop" He giggles and she smiles.

"Hey boo" I said and give Peyton a hug.

"Hey girly, everything ok?" She asks me.

"Yea everything is fine" I said to her and she nods. I walk over and look at LJ's book. I kneel down beside him and look at his book.

"You know pigs are pink right? Not red" I said to him.

"So what?" He says and looks at me.

"So make it pink" I said to him.

"Or I can make it blue" He says smartly.

"LJ" I said looking at him.

"Auntie Storm" He says back.

"Is she really arguing with my 2 year old son?" Peyton asks Star.

"It's like watching her argue with Melo" She mumbles to her. I looked at them and sighed. I really feel like I'm arguing with Melo...

"Anyways..." I said and stood up. I walked away and walked into the living room and saw Josh watching tv.

"Hi" I said to him. He glances at me and waves me over. I sit down and he pulls me to sit closer to him. Oh...

"Jaygup!" Star yelled as she walked into the living room.

"Shhhh my daughter is sleeping" He says laughing lowly.

"My bad" Star laughed as her and Josh share a hug.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" I ask him folding my arms.

"My phone is dead" He says.

"How are you home and your phone is dead?" I ask him. He groans and tilts his head back.

"Don't start Storm, please"

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