《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 7


Storm's POV

"Storm, when's the last time you've been on Instagram?" Heaven asked me as she fed Shariah a strawberry. Star, Heaven, and I were out for lunch and I brought LJ and Chelsey with me. The other kids were with Josh.

"I haven't been on it for years" I shrugged as I wiped LJ's mouth. We were having dessert now and the kids were eating fruit with vanilla ice cream.

"Log in right now" Star says.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Right now" they both said.

"You know what's crazy, Saweetie told me to right when I started working again. And I never did" I said laughing.

"Girl do it" Heaven says smiling. I sighed and grabbed my phone. Everybody wants me to log into my damn Instagram so badly! I type my username and password in and press log in. It loads before letting me. I threw my phone down and looked at it.

"I can't look" I said as my heart started beating fast.

"Lemme see" Star says and picks up my phone.

"Girl you got over 1000 dms and notifications" she says laughing.

"Wow" I said and motioned for her to give me my phone. She gives it to me and I look through it. I go to my tags and saw people reposting me saying that they missed me.

"Awww" I smiled as I looked through all of the edits. Some even had Melo in it. These were so cute.

"You see Storm, you had nothing to worry about" Star says. I then went over to my dms and seen some celebrities and fans checking up on me. I started to reply to all of them and let them know I'm ok. I then came across this one dm by someone.

"I hate you! You got my husband killed and didn't do anything about it. You should die and rot in hell" I read out the dm.


"Did someone say that to you?" Heaven asked me.

"Yea...." I said as frowned at the dm. I then came out of it and started going through the rest of them. A lot of them were like that.

"The half of my inbox says I should kill myself" I chuckled and put my phone down.

"But the other half loves you and missed you" Star points out.

"Man, that hurt" I chuckled sadly. I can't believe people would really say that to me.

"Storm it's ok, don't think about it to much" Heaven says. Easier said then done.

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna get back on social media" I said shaking my head. I then got carried away and started going through everyone's pages.

"Now look, she's stuck on the app" Heaven says giggling, causing Star to laugh as well.

"I hate how addicting this app can be sometimes" I said as I looked at posts that were made on The Shaderoom about me. At least none of them are bad. My eye then caught one of their most recent posts. I clicked on it and my eyes widen.

"What the f..." I mumbled. I caught myself because kids are around.

"What?" Star asks and leans over to me. She reads the posts and her eyes widen.

"Oh shit" Star says.

"Language" Heaven says and hits her arm. I froze and put my phone down. I closed my eyes and fold my hands. Stay calm Storm...

"Let me see what this is about" Heaven says as she grabs my phone.

"Josh Christopher seen with women outside of a movie theater with his 3 adopted children. Do you think Josh and Storm have called it quits? Or is he maybe cheating?" She reads out. Hearing it out loud just made me more mad.

"I'm going to try and stay calm about this" I said as I glanced at my daughter, who just stuffed her face with ice cream. She's so adorable.


"Um no. You're going to rampage and make a fuss about it. Who the hell does he think he is bringing you kids around another women like that" Star says. She had a good point. Who is this women and why is she around my kids?

"No, don't listen to Star. You're going to address him lightly about this and just talk about it" Heaven says. Star turns to her and rolls her eyes.

"That's boring Heaven. Storm deserves to get mad about this. You should beat his and her ass" Star says and points at me. Only Star...to choose violence.

"He told me he wasn't hiding anything from me" I said as my heart started to ache. I don't know what hurt more. Being told to kill myself by strangers, or my Josh supposedly cheating on me. Again...

"Which clearly was a lie Storm. You should beat his ass!" Star clapped. Heaven rolls her eyes and turns to me.

"Storm, I know this must be hard for you. To finally be back on social media and find this craziness. You're an adult so honestly do what you think is best. I personally think that you should talk this out with Josh and just find out what's going on" She says. I nodded and folded my arms.

"You're right Heaven. But I'll think about it" I said to her and she nodded. Lord please let's not have a repeat of what happened years ago...

"Hey y'all" Luzzy says which causes me to jump cause she scared me.

"When'd you get here?" I ask her in complete confusion.

"A few seconds ago duh. I just left Mikey's game" She says and sets her purse down on the table.

"His game? I thought Shaqir said it didn't start till 3" She says then checks her watch. I look at the time on my phone and it said 2:46pm.

"Yea he's right. It doesn't start till 3. I just went to go break up with him" She shrugs and we all turn to look at her.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Star says blinking a couple of times. She took the words right out of my mouth.

"I said I went to go break up with him" She says.

"You're saying it so calmly...I can't read your emotions" Heaven says confused.

"Look, we just been arguing a lot and he doesn't see an issue in anything he does. And he thinks I'm being sensitive and insecure so I dropped him" Luzzy says.

"Luzzy you don't mean this... what about?" I ask her and she sighs.

"He questioned if it was his which pissed me off" She says rolling her eyes.

"Questioned what?" Heaven asks.

"I think I'm pregnant and Mikey had the damn nerve to ask me if it's his. Like duh nigga who else would it belong to?" Luzzy says rolling her eyes.

"These basketball players just piss me off more and more everyday" Star says and rubs her head.

"We need a break from them I swear" I said sighing.

"Girl all of us do. I wanna go and explore other people. A new environment" Luzzy says.

"Psh I'm good on that one" I said and chuckled to myself. After what happened last time... I'll stick to the environment I'm used to.

"Let's go on a girls trip. Just us girls, no kids, no boys. Just us and our liquor" Star says and takes a sip of her water.

"I'd love that" Heaven says smiling. I nodded and smiled at the three girls.

"Let's plan it then"

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