《Garden | j. green》027


Noelani stood in the hallway surveying the painted yellow room a few doors down from her own bedroom.

The room was clearly set up to be a future nursery with a wooden framed crib and a few teddy bears in various colors placed near the doorway.

"Noel! You got a letter!" Alejandro yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"Coming!" Noelani tore her eyes away from the room and headed downstairs.

When Noelani came into the kitchen, Alejandro was waving a white envelope in his hand.

"It's from the university of Hawaii. Open it," Alejandro shoved the letter into Noelani's hand.

Noelani ripped open the envelope and let it fall to the ground while she unfolded the letter.

"Dear Noelani T. Morales, we are extremely pleased to offer you admissions to-."

Noelani's recitation of the letter was interrupted by Alejandro wrapping her into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, dad."

The smile on Noelani's face didn't reach her eyes.

This was everything Noelani had been working towards since July when she found out that she moving to the mainland.

So why did she feel so off?

In the back pocket of her jeans, her phone began to vibrate.

Jalen had texted her, Baby, I'm outside.

"That's Jalen. He's outside. I gotta go." Noelani removed herself from her father's hold.

"About... About Erin and the baby. I didn't know she was going to tell you that way. I didn't want you to find out that way but..." Alejandro spread his hands.

Noelani shot him a fake smile, "It's okay."

"It's not okay. But we can wait to talk about this until you come back from dinner with your friends."

"Okay." Noelani shot her father another smile before slipping out the front door.


Jalen was parked in the driveway and Noelani slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey love bug!"

Jalen raised an eyebrow at the nickname, "'Love bug'?"

"You don't like it?" Noelani raised an eyebrow.

"You love weird ass nicknames," Jalen gestured for her to come towards him with his index finger, "Lemme get a kiss."

"Nah. I just put lip gloss on, kid."

Jalen rolled his eyes before planting his thumb and his index, middle and ring finger under her jawbone to pull her closer.

"You need to relax." Noelani laughed, "Always trying to touch on me."

"No, need to relax." Jalen leaned forward to give her a long kiss on the lips.

In the cup holder, Jalen's phone started to ring.

Jalen's hand was still cupping Noelani's face as he answered, the call going through the car's Bluetooth, "Yo?"

"Where are y'all at? Y'all fucking again?" Jordan yelled over the phone.

"Nigga what?" Jalen asked as he started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"We're on our way." Noelani cut in.

There was muttering on the other end, "Y'all taking forever! We just ordered our drinks."

"Do me a favor and learn patience little nigga." Jalen responded before hanging up.

Noelani let out a snicker at his remark as they drove away from her home.

Fifteen minutes later, the two were seated, next to each other, at a Buffalo Wild Wings.

Also at the long table was Jordan, Sydney, Coleman, Jasmine, Jack, Deon, Nimari and his date from homecoming.

Noelani was talking to Deon while plucking fries from her plate, "He walked up to me and was deadass surprised I didn't know who he was."

"Aight," Jalen rolled his eyes.

"That sounds like some shit you would do." Deon responds with a laugh.


"Yo," Jordan said, leaning past Sydney, "Jack's about to air ball with the waitress."

Jasmine snickered as everyone turned to Jack.

Jalen held up his phone to start recording.

The waitress came back to refill Jack's drink and Jack held up his phone, "Something's wrong with my phone."

"Oh?" The waitress replied, glancing at Jack's phone then to the flashes of the recording phones around the table.

"Yeah, your phone number's not in it."

The waitress made a face for a second, "Ion really give my phone number out at work," Then she quickly walked away.

Noelani furrowed her brows as she tried to focus on her thoughts through the laughter, "Wait... Didn't you use that line on me back in August?"

Jack paled, "Uh..."

"He used it on you?," Jasmine spoke up, "He said that to me!"

"Yo, raise your hand if Jack has used that line on you." Noelani called down the table.

Slowly each girl raised their hand.

"Oh, uh, uh. You got some serious issues." Nimari shook his head.

"You're a fiend." Deon cut in.

"You didn't even use different lines on them? What the fuck?" Coleman laughed.

"When it works, why change it?"

Jalen reached over and slapped the back of Jack's neck, "It didn't work though."

Noelani chuckled then leaned back in her chair, subtly observing Jalen.

His hand was on Noelani's jean covered thigh while he was deep in conversation with Coleman and she took this time to study his face.

As she was looking at Jalen the off feeling came back a tinge and disappeared.

You don't want to leave him.

Jalen glanced at her then leaned over to whisper, "You okay?"

"Yeah... I just realized something. That's all." Noelani nodded her head.

Jalen kissed her cheek then returned to his conversation.

Noelani entered the guidance counselor suite, located next to her father's office.

Rapping her fingers against a closed door, Noelani bit down on her glossed bottom lip lightly.

"Come in," An aged feminine voice called out.

Noelani opened the door to survey a heavily chai tea scented office, with blue paint underneath various positive quote posters.

"So, what can I do for you today?" Mrs. Robinson, the guidance counselor for seniors, sat behind her desk.

Noelani closed the door behind her, "Hi, Mrs. R. I was wondering if I could get a few of those state college applications that you announced a couple of days ago?"

Mrs. Robinson opened a drawer in her desk, "Which ones?"

"Uh, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Berkeley, and Merced." Noelani rattles off.

Mrs. Robinson got the according papers and placed them on top of her desk, "I have to say I'm surprised. The last time we spoke in September, you were fixed on the University of Hawaii, wouldn't consider anything else. What changed?"

Noelani took the papers off of the desk, "Yeah, well... I wanted to expand my horizons a little. I realized California ain't so bad."

Mrs. Robinson smiles, then passes her three final papers, "It's UCLA, USC and University of San Diego. Just in case you want Southern California too."

Noelani gave her a grateful smile then took the last paper and slipped out of the guidance office.

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