《Friends with benefits》Welcome baby Bronx 💗

















I woke up and saw I got an invitation to Princess's baby shower.

Amari: Baby

Bryan: Yeah

Amari: Princess invited me to her baby shower.

Bryan: Are you gonna go?

Amari: Yeah were gonna go

Bryan: Am so tired though.

Amari: Please

Bryan: Fine

So I got out of bed and took a shower then brushed my teeth and got dressed.

Amari's outfit

Amari: Are you ready.

Bryan: I've been ready.

Amari: Ouuu you look sexy

- Bryan smiles -

Bryan: Thanks

So you guys went in the car and drove to Princess's baby shower.

Princess: Amari am glad you can make it

She says hugging me.

Amari: of course, Princess this is my boyfriend Bryan

Bryan: Nice to meet, and congratulations

Princess: Thank you, nice to meet you to you guys can have a seat and have some food.

Amari: Thank you

I say as we sit down

Amari: This is so pretty

Bryan: Yeah it is, is it just her.

Amari: I don't think she invited him.

Bryan: oh

- 5: 06 am -

I woke up with needing to pee all the time, and I was so tired

And I was feeling contractions every 5 minutes.

Bryan: Are you okay

Amari: No am having Contractions and I'm tired as hell

Bryan: Are you serious

Amari: Yes

Bryan: Shouldn't you sit down

Amari: No

You say taking deep breaths.

Amari: Can you grab my yoga ball

Bryan: yeah

He says going into the closet, as you feel a gush of water run down.

Amari: Bryan!

Bryan: Am grabbing it, did you pee

Amari: No!

Bryan: Okay

Amari: I think my water just broke

Bryan: Your only 8 months

Amari: I know can-

Bryan: how is that-


Amari: Bryan!

Bryan: oh sorry

Can you call Doctor. Zanders

Bryan: Yeah

- Calling Doctor. Zanders -

Doctor: Hello

Bryan: I think Amari's in labor

Doctor: Did her water break

Bryan: yeah

Doctor: so her cervix is probably up to eight or ten centimeters now.

Doctor: How far are the contractions

Bryan: I don't know

Doctor: Okay So the contractions are probably two to three minutes apart and locked up to one minute.

Bryan: Okay what do we do

Doctor: Make her a warm bath and do breathing exercises with her.

Bryan: Okay thanks doc

Doctor: No problem I will call you when I think you guys should head to the hospital.

Bryan: Okay he said take a warm bath and try to breath everything is fine.

Amari: Okay

He says starting up the bath as he got in with me calming me down and rubbing on my stomach and telling me story's.

- Amari smiles -

Bryan: So how are you feeling

Amari: Better but the contractions are getting worse.

Bryan: I know mamas

After taking a bath I got out and changed into something more comfortable.

Amari's outfit

Then after like an hour the doctor called and told us to head to the hospital. So we headed to the hospital. As we got a room the contractions were getting closer.

- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center -

Doctor: Okay the baby is in occipito-anterior position.

Amari: Is that good or bad

Doctor: That's good it helps the baby come out easier.

Rihanna: hey Baby I came as fast as I could

Chris: How are you doing

Amari: Not great

Rihanna: When will she give birth

Doctor: when the cervix dilates and effaces to position the baby into birth. And that will take up to six hours since the baby is doing early.


Amari: okay

- A couple hours later -

Amari: It's getting worse

Bryan: Do you want me to call the Doctor

Amari: No i'm fine

Bryan: Okay

Doctor: Okay the baby is ready so we need to start pushing.

Rihanna: Okay Baby I'll see you later we're just gonna be right outside okay.

Amari: Mhm

You were so emotional, scared not knowing if this is gonna go good.

Doctor: Okay lay down put your legs up on here

Amari: Can I hold your hand

Bryan: Of course Baby

He says grabbing my hand

Doctor: push Amari.

Bryan's pov: As she pushed tears formed her eyes as she's squeezing on my hand.

Doctor: okay breathe concentrate on your pushing and breathing.

I felt a strong cramping as well as in achy feeling, and I felt pain in my sides as well.

Doctor: Okay push again

As you give in all the strength that you had sweating, crying, feeling a lot of emotions at once.

Doctor: I can see the head push

Your pushes got weaker you were tired, and feeling sick.

Amari: I cant do this Bryan

Bryan's pov: She says crying out to you.

Bryan: Yes you can babygirl you will be the best mom this baby can ask for and he will know that you did cry for him and you did everything for him. he will be thankful that you did you are bringing an angel into this world come on mamas.

Amari's pov: He says making you cry out giving it one more push.

Doctor: Give me two more big pushes

As you did you see the baby come as they wipe the baby then handing the baby to you.

Bryan: You did it mamas

Amari: Oh my gosh, he's gorgeous

You say crying out.

- An hour later -

After the baby got tested he was perfectly healthy.

Bryan: I can't believe he's here he's so beautiful

Amari: I know right

Bryan: And you did an amazing job

Amari: Thank you

Rihanna: He is so cute

Chris: He'll be getting all the girls.

Rihanna: Okay were gonna go in the cafeteria

Amari: Okay bye

Nurse: okay by now the pre-milk should be in

Amari: Okay

Nurse: So it's time to start breastfeeding the baby.

Bryan: What's pre-milk

Nurse: Pre-milk has a slower flow to help your baby learn how to nurse

Bryan: Oh okay

He says handing me the baby

Nurse: Okay make sure your comfortable and the baby's comfortable then encourage the baby's mouth to open.

As he opens his mouth then starts to suck.

Nurse: Okay that's great, and he will stop sucking when he is done.

Amari: Okay

So after he finished eating he went right to sleep.

Bryan: So how did it feel

Amari: how did what feel ?

Bryan: the birth

Amari: It really hurt but you're pep talk really helped.

Bryan: Your welcome

Amari: Thanks you say kissing him.

Rihanna: Okay the cafeteria is not the bad.

- Amari smiles -

Amari: Where's dad and royalty.

Rihanna: He took her to get some sleep

Amari: Oh you should get some sleep to

Rihanna: I wanna be here for you.

Amari: You have been I just want you to sleep for a little bit.

Rihanna: Okay fine I'll see you later, and I love you

Amari: Love you to

Bryan: Bye

Rihanna: Bye

Bryan: You should get some sleep to

Amari: Am not tired

Bryan: Yes you are you haven't slept

Amari: Okay can you lay with me

Bryan: Of course

- Amari smiles -

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