《Cold Blood (Completed)》Twelve- Jealous Alpha


I was so angry, so frustrated by her. What does she think herself to be?

"Why didn't you go with them?" Sera asked me as soon as Dave and the outside pack left.

"I'm unable to shift." I told her.

It was a lie. I shifted yesterday- after four long months. It felt good to let my wolf out but also a load of irritation because all he did was scolding me. He is still angry over my idea of rejecting Sera but I think it's for the best. I want her to accept my rejection and I have to get my plan on work for that. It would have been better if Shea was here but her absence will do too.

"It must be really frustrating to know that your pack members are fighting for survival of this pack while Alpha is sitting in his room like a worthless pup." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

She meant to taunt me with her words and I would be lying if I say those pricking words didn't do their job. I did feel worthless sometimes and it angers me so much. I blame myself inability to shift. It was my fault from starting. If I had Sera as my mate, this might have not happened. But I couldn't have her as my mate. I was in love with Shea back then. If Sera hadn't entered in my life, things would have been so perfect.

I will shift soon and she will take her words back. I'm going to show her that I'm not worthless anymore.

But my main motive is to get her accept my rejection.

"Yeah, but Shea had been with me whenever I needed her." I told her watching her reaction.

She merely batted her eyelashes at the mention of her name. All she did was stare at me with that fake warm glare while I knew there was blazing fire in depth of those green orbs.

"Oh," it didn't sound disappointed but rather surprised, not the kind of reaction I was expecting, "Where is she now?"

I faintly remember Shea going somewhere in morning. She had told me where she was going but when I search inside my head, I come up with nothing. It's not my fault. She goes outside every other day. How am I supposed to remember where did she go today.

I was not planning to tell Sera that. She will definitely make fun of me over the fact that I don't know about my mate's whereabouts.


"Let me think what that place is called." I said squeezing my eyes shut in order to mind link with Shea.

"That hard to remember?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I murmured and finally got hold of Shea.

'Where the hell are you?' I asked through mind link

'I'm shopping with Lydia and Delilah. I told-'

I cut off the mind link.

"She's with Lydia and Delilah." I told Sera with triumphant smile. Sometimes this mind link thing can be really helpful.

Sera smirked at me and for a moment I thought she saw through my cheat but there was no way she could find out about that. When her wolf died, her common connections with the pack snapped.

The thought of her dead wolf made my wolf whimper as sudden sadness washed over me but I masked it with neutral expression.

"I wanted to go out with her but the arrival of Blue Moon pack made me change my plans. But we had fun last night. I'm looking forward for when she returns." I told with a smirk on my face. Those words would have really stung but she merely recoiled at my words. A smirk appeared on her face.

"Yeah, talking about Blue Moon pack. I think their Alpha is really something." She said leaning back on her chair, her eyes staring intently into mine. A pang of jealousy hit me but I kept my face blank.

"Something?" I rested my arms on table and raised my eyebrow mostly daring her to speak anything in his favor.

"Didn't you notice it? How could you? You're a male wolf and not a female one, even though you sit at home like heavily pregnant she-wolf, but I must say the boy had got muscles and all." She but her lower lip and I fisted my hands.

She insulted me and praised another wolf in front of her mate. How dare she do that?

Anger rose inside me.

"Excuse me. I would like to go to washroom." She stood up and left me in my office burning with anger.

Her words stung- really bad.

I'm here at disadvantage. I can't even take care of my pack. There's a battle going outside there where my pack members are fighting, not only my pack members but outside pack also and all I'm doing here is trying to taunt my mate so she accepts my rejection.

Past few months flashed inside my head. Dave had told me many times about rogue attacks and how many pack members had died. I never cared about them. I never thought what it'd be like losing someone you love. Losing Sera was a shock. It was my fault but still it was something unbearable. I was so pent up in my sorrow that I never cared for anyone and now I feel like a complete moron. How could I have been so inconsiderate about my own pack? I can shift but still I'm sitting here.


But I want to get rid of Sera. As soon as she accepts my rejection, everything will be fine. I should have done it the moment I found out she was my mate.

'Or you should have never parted with her.' My wolf argued and I growled at him.

I push my feet against the crust running as fast as I could. Why it feels like it's my fault? No, I can't think that. I can't think it's my fault. It will make me weak. Dad always said- if you think it's your fault, you can never win.

I ran and ran until I reached a lake. The cold breeze was enough to soothe my senses. The entire bustle in my head finally came to a stop and I shifted back to my human form. It would have been good if I was carrying clothes with me. Naked man at side of a lake doesn't sound really bad though.

"I must say your judgment is really underground." I heard a very familiar voice.

Sera was leaning against tree with her arms folded. She looked incredibly beautiful under moonlight. Her face reflected the shining lake water. The green of her eyes looked so entrancing. I didn't want to look away. Her face had fairness, purity. I wanted to touch her milky skin and run my head in her midnight black hairs. She is so beautiful.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her standing up.

A surge of pride rushed through me when her eyes took in my six packs. I smirked at her waiting for her to blush.

"Nice body I must say. Six packs." She smirked and her eyes met mine. "Kyle has eight packs. But you're still good. Kyle is just better."

My smirk fell, replaced by a frown. My insides boiled and I snarled at her at obvious insult.

"Did I make mighty Alpha angry? Sorry." She said with everything but remorse in her voice.

I glared at her.

"Just like Shea has better figure." I spat at her.

"She also has abs. I never knew." She sounded surprised.

"She's better than you." I told her meaning to hurt her feelings in every way possible.

"You will like to take your words back Alpha. Even you know I'm better than her or you wouldn't have been checking me out when you saw me here."

"And you were checking me out."

"And you received you share of praise. Though it was less than what Kyle got." She said in a taunting voice.

I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Stop comparing me to him." I said through gritted teeth.

"Well when two Alpha's are in same territory, in same house, it's hard not to. I mean what will people think when they find out that the Alpha of Moonstone pack couldn't go to defend his wolves when there was rogue attack in his territory but Alpha of Blue Moon pack did even though it was not his own pack."

"I couldn't shift." I argued.

"Then what's the advantage of being Alpha. Though there are always disadvantages of being weak Alpha- for the pack."

"Shut up." I growled at her.

"Well now I know what he meant. Words said in face gain more response than words said behind back. But I was only stating the truth." She shrugged casually.

"I don't want you to tell me what to do." I told her with my eyes flashing dangerously. If she doesn't stop it right now, I will definitely strangle her.

"I know. But you need me to tell you what to do because your fake mate hardly does that." She told me and I turned my expressions cool.

"So this is all about her. You're jealous of her." I shouted at her.

She scoffed at me.

"You don't know what jealousy is Daniel. But you will know it. And you will regret saying that to me. I'm not pinning for your love Daniel. I'm pinning for your pain." She said in an excruciatingly cold calm voice that sent chills to me spine and then she disappeared into the forest.

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