《Cold Blood (Completed)》Nine- Alpha is Sneaking


I felt restless with Shea at my side. We were on the bed we have shared for long time with long passionate nights but she failed to ignite the passion inside me tonight.

"What happened baby? Are you okay?" She asked me in her sickeningly sweet voice.

It might have excited me some other day but not today. I groaned and lifted her off me and got dressed ignoring her protests and complains. I simply marched out of the room.

I need to go for a run, now.

Images of Sera dominated my thoughts. It bothered me that she didn't show any signs of jealousy when I was with Shea. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

My paws carried me towards an unknown destination. My eyes were closed and it felt like something was controlling me and I let it control me. I felt too drained to protest. The power of magnetism was too strong, to alluring to be ignored. I was engrossed in following the scent that the joy of shift was so vu faint.

Familiar path appeared in front of me but I still couldn't recognize it completely until a house came into the view.

Dave's house.

My heart started racing at the proximity to my mate. My wolf shared howling inside me asking me to go to her and make her mine. But I couldn't do that. I have to forget her. She can't be future Luna. Not now when she has lost her wolf. I wonder why my wolf still craves for her. Her wolf is dead then what does my wolf want? There's nothing left.

She's still our mate. He told me. It's great to be able to talk to my wolf again but his words- I didn't want to agree with them.

'But her wolf is dead.' I argued.

Some wolves have human mates. She is human right now. She smells like a werewolf because you're still her mate. You still need her, even after she lost her wolf. He said.

'I want to reject her but she isn't accepting the rejection.' I told him. 'I won't be able to be with my new mate. Why is she doing this?'

I don't know. I think she still wants us. It's already a miracle that she survived in human form after transformation. Why do you want to miss this chance? She is not dead and she is here, in front of us. Why do you want to lose her?

'Because she won't be a good Luna,' I told him sternly.

"As if you're a good Alpha." I heard a voice that undoubtedly belonged to Sera. I looked around but she was not there. Maybe it was not Sera's voice but my conscience.


I shook my head and started running away from that house and into the woods as fast as my legs could carry me. I don't know for how long I ran, I was still full of energy and anger.

Why doesn't she accept my rejection? It'd make things easy for both of us but no, she has to be a clingy mate. I have to get rid of her as fast as I can. I have to break her so she won't dare to come back here ever again to fix her heart. She will regret not accepting my rejection.

******** ******** ******


I looked around my room. Nothing had changed since I left. The room was exactly the same. Not even a piece of paper had travelled from one place to another. But it was clean,not dusty at all.

"I used to come to this room." I heard Dave's voice from the doorway.

He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. He was staring at the wall behind me with a look of longing in his eyes. It made me realize how difficult it would have been for him. First mom and dad left him and then I. He was all alone. For how long?

"When did you find out Manny was your mate?" I asked frowning at him. I want to know how long he was alone. He had friends but they were not enough. I knew that.

"At my birthday." He answered.

"But her birthday is the day after mine." She could have identified him as her mate that day. If that had happened, he would have been alone only for a week and not a month and a week.

"Yeah. She was afraid that I would reject her if she approached me." He told me. I knew where her insecurities were coming from. But Dave is nothing like Daniel. It's true they both used to hang out but Dave was kind by heart. Daniel is the most obnoxious person. The way he rejected me was enough to boil my blood. There I was thinking he'd get on his knees to apologize. How wrong was I? He's never going to change but I'd make him. I will change him whether he likes it or not.

"She might be talkative but she was never very confident." I told him.

He nodded his head. His eyes finally came to settle on me. I smiled at him.

"You're tired. Go take some sleep. I'll take care of everything." I said.

He nodded and engulfed me in a hug.

"I love you." He said burying his head in crook of my neck.


"I love you too." I mumbled. We stood there for few seconds before he pulled away.

"Goodnight sissy." He said.

"Goodnight broey." I smiled and walked towards the window to welcome cold breeze from outside.

I watched as a big gray wolf disappeared into the woods. He was Daniel, I knew it. He thinks that he can break me but he is wrong. I'm not here to be broken. I'm here to break. Daniel Wayne will be the one to regret not me.


"What's special about today? You seem to be in hurry." I asked Dave who was running towards his car as if the world was ending behind us.

"We've an outside pack today." He told me and I frowned at him.

"Outside pack?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Rogues attacks are increasing and our pack members are not trained enough." He said. "Thanks to Daniel," he growled under his breath but I heard it and chuckled to myself.

"Which pack are you calling over?" I asked smiling at him.

"Blue Moon pack." He told me.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and an unmistakably broad smile played on my lips.

"What?" He asked when he caught my expression.

"It's going to be fun." I said to myself.

"What was that?"

"You will see." I said in a cheerful tone.

Silence settled inside car. I watched trees sprinting past us in a blur. This place has not changed much in a year. I hardly expected any change in a year. There are centuries to go ahead, to bring noticeable changes. I'm happy for Dave and Manny. Their happiness was all wished for. They have got the best mates. Not everyone is as unlucky as me.

But now I think that was not my bad luck, that was a path to my destiny, one I could have never imagined of.

"Is he your mate?" Dave asked out of blue.

I was surprised at his question. I knew what he was talking about and at that moment, lying to him or hiding the truth didn't sound right to me. He would get to know about it at one point or another. I wanted Daniel to tell him but I was dead sure Dave would break his nose and I didn't want that commotion. I could make Dave promise me not to tell anyone about it.

"Yes," I nodded.

I was thrown forward but the seatbelt held me back as the car came to an abrupt stop.

He was sort of expecting I would say yes, he was ninety percent sure. His reaction kind of threw me off guard.

Then it hit me.

An unfamiliar scent in the air. It was no one from this pack but I could tell it was also not a rogue. The smell was actually familiar. I smiled as I recognized it.

"They have arrived." I said. "The Blue Moon pack."

Dave nodded.

"For a moment I thought they were rogues." He let out a sigh. "Wait! Why didn't you tell me that before?" He asked looking at me, anguish clear on his face.

"What? I thought you'd smell it too." I shrugged.

"No, I mean, about Daniel. Why didn't you tell me later on when I asked you? You should have told me. That bastard. I want to beat the sh-"

Why did he suddenly remember?

"Language", I scolded him.

He gave me a look of disbelief.

"That son of gun. He deserves to be-"

"You don't have to say anything Dave. Don't get angry. I know what he deserves and believe me; I'm going to give him. I'm not back here for wasting time." I told him with a smile.

He stared at me. Anger and frustration was still visible on his features.

"What am I gonna do?" He asked.

"Relax. You don't have to do anything. I'm here to take care of problems." I assured him.

"But he at least deserves a million punches from me." His hands were clutching steer wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He definitely wanted to use his fists on Daniel. But it was not the right thing to do.

"Don't worry about Daniel. He's my victim now. You're not going to interfere in this." I told him sternly.

Dave frowned at me clearly not impressed by what I said.

"You trust me, right?" I played the emotional card.

He nodded his head but I could see battle in his eyes. He was mentally killing Daniel so brutally.

"Then let me take control of it. I don't want you to mess up with him and get kicked out of the pack. If you leave, I'll also leave and I won't be able to make him accept his mistakes." I told him carefully choosing my words. I couldn't let show any signs of misery or he would get angrier.

"Fine." He grumbled and started to drive again.

"You shouldn't be angry. I'm glad I left. Last year was actually good." I said assuring him. No And it was truth.

"How?" He asked curiously.

"I will tell you some day." I answered and again stared out of the window.


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