《You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)》Chapter 27


"Who.. who are you?" I asked while standing up myself, ignoring his hand. He smiled a bit. He was weird, and a stranger. But I was for some strange reason not scared and I didn't know why.

"Yessin" he said. It was raining and we stood there. The tension in the air was different, unique. It made me wonder what it was. It was something else. Something I couldn't put the name on. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes and smiled the whole time, like a kid who just found his long-lost toy.

"I've seen you before" I said. He smirked and came near to my ear. He also smelled good, nearly beating Aneel's smell.

"Don't let anybody hurt you. We will meet again" and with that, he left. I turned around and around to see him and stop him to ask what he meant but he was just gone. Like, he just disappeared. Yessin, why did you look so familiar...

I made my way home shaking. It was cold and I was scared. Scared that Aneel might s- shut up Sahra.. I made my way inside and had it hot and cold at the same time. I guess I got sick from being outside in the rain. Aneel wasn't home and I didn't see his car either. I sighed and made my way to the bathroom to take a hot shower, since I couldn't take the cold anymore. While showering, I thought about that voice. Why didn't he or she talk to me anymore? I closed my eyes and concentrated, but nothing. Not one single word.

I was brushing my wet hair when Aneel came home. I looked at him and my eyes widened. His eyes were red and his face was pale. He couldn't breathe properly and walk either. He came struggling over to the couch but sat down on the floor.


"How did you come home like this?" I asked. How did he even drive if he couldn't even walk.

"Fr..friend" he said. I sighed. I didn't want to see him like this.

"If you respond to the call from Allah to pray, He will respond to you with giving what you want. Please Aneel, just try and I promise it will be alright" I said hoping he wouldn't snap. I didn't know what to do to make him feel better so I just figured that praying would help. He looked at me like I was mad.

"Don't you t..think I don't know that? Be..before this...I always prayed.. it didn't work" he said. I rolled my eyes and knelt down beside him.

"Look at me, Aneel. Allah knows the best. If he doesn't give you something, that means it wasn't meant to be. Maybe if he gave you Maryam, you would become worse than you already are. Maybe you would've gone through more things than you already do. We don't know. Maybe it was meant to be that we... that we married" I said whispering the last part. I didn't know where it all came from but I knew that he needed to hear it. Aneel said nothing. He just sat there, his head inbetween his knees and his hands as fists. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. He let go of my hand without looking at me.

"I pr..promised her" he said.

"But she isn't here anymore! She is dead! She won't be here to tell you that you should take your hands off of me. She wouldn't be here to tell you that you broke all the promises. She isn't here anymore, Aneel" I said. I placed my hands on my mouth in shock. What did I do? He was going to do the worst, I was sure of that.

"You are right. She is dead.. She left me" he said before walking off to his room without saying anything else.


Final Editing Done (11-10-2016)

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