《You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)》Chapter 20


I tried to kick him with my legs but he was just stronger. Tears were streaming down my face and I was breathing heavily. He took me out of the house and I was looking around for people to see me. No one. There was literally no one around. He pushed me in a car and put a cloth on my eyes that he tied together behind my head. I cried and screamed but he put tape on my mouth.

"Be quiet, or I'll kill you" he said and I cried silently, the piece of fabric absorbing my tears. I tried to kick everything that was around me but it didn't help. All the energy I had was gone and I felt like I was frozen in my spot. I didn't know what to do. 'Don't be scared, Allah is with you. Just pray', the voice said. I wasn't in shock anymore when I heard that voice because I got used to it. I relaxed a bit and tried to focus on my breathing while praying. 'Ya Allah, help me. Help me and give me a chance to prove myself that I can be a good muslim. Get me safe out of this mess'. That was when someone put something on my nose and after a few seconds everything went black, even though I tried to fight it.

I heard voices. I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn't. I felt too tired to even move. I was having a headache and it felt like a truck just raced a couple of times over my body.

"I have your girl, Aneel. I told you I will do it if you didn't give me what's mine" I heard that disgusting voice. Kyle. I tried to stand up but it didn't work. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Everything was dark and it looked like we were in an old building that wasn't in use. I tried to stand up from the chair but realized that they tied me to it. I moved my arms. Maybe I could save myself but it was too tight that it hurt. I hissed and realized that Kyle was looking at me.

"Well, I called you the other day and told you. Look, one last chance, you can't bail out. You can't stop it anymore. Bring everything here... She is awake now... Oh, young love gives me tears" he said with sarcasm and was smirking at me, looking with his disgusting expression that I didn't want to see.


"Here, your lover. Listen, tell him that he has to do what I said if you want to get out of here alive" he said with one hand on the phone and the other in my hair, tugging it. I nodded and tears started to come again. He put the phone on my ear.

"..Aneel?" I said, my voice was shaking and I couldn't control it. I was even happy that I managed to talk.

"Sahra, are you okay?" he asked. His voice made me relax a bit. It was like hearing a secure voice that made you feel safe.

"Yeah. Aneel.. please come" I whispered so softly that I thought he didn't hear it.

"I'm coming baby. Just- just hold on, please, I'm coming" he said and I smiled a bit. Just when I was about to say something, Kyle put the phone away from my ear and ended the call. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it on.

"Wake up!" someone yelled at me. I hissed in pain, since I fell asleep on the chair.

"Your boy is slow with tracking us down" he said. I looked up at him with disgust.

"He will come and save me. He will" I said. I didn't know what came over me but I knew that he would kill me by then. He took a step forward and before I knew it, he slapped me. I felt my cheek sting. I turned to him and glared at him, trying not to show that it actually hurt. His phone rang that made me let out a breath I was holding. My body started to shake, remembering the moments from my past.

"Found it? Well, that was slow. If you were faster, maybe your girl would've been alive" he said and I looked confused. I knew that it was Aneel he was talking to but why did he say that I was dead? He ended the call and just started talking a different language with the men that were surrounding us. They started running and moving. Some of them were hiding behind old furniture. I wondered why they were acting like that. Maybe he was here. I started looking around, trying not to miss any movement so I couldn't miss seeing Aneel. I heard a loud sound and saw that the door opened. I saw a lot of guys entering, definitely not the men of Kyle. In the middle of them was Aneel walking and they all had guns in their hands. Aneel looked so dangerous, like he could kill anyone with his eyes right now. I tried to move so he would see me but he couldn't.


"Where is she?!" Aneel yelled and stood in front of Kyle. Aneel was way too taller than him and looked more intimidating at the moment. He pointed the gun at his head and the men of Kyle pointed their guns on Aneel. I was so scared and just wanted to get out of there. I just wanted to go out there without anyone being hurt.

"..Aneel" I said and he turned towards my voice. He blinked his eyes for a second before running over to me. He was looking everywhere on my body to see if I was injured. I shook my head to say that nothing had happened. Then he held my face in his hands. He looked at me with wide eyes and full of angry, although I knew it was not directed at me.

"You okay?" he asked. Of course not. Who would be okay in this situation? So I shook my head. He ran his thumbs over my cheeks, looking at me with eyes full of guilt.

"I'm so sorry. I was so scared- so scared that I was the reason for the death of someone again" he said and I looked down. The only thing that was going through my mind was that I wanted to go home. .

"I want to go home" I whispered and he nodded. He untied me from the chair and took me bridal style in his arms. When he wanted to walk away, Kyle and two of his guys came and stood in front of us.

"The stuff, Osman" Kyle said. Aneel nodded to the corner of the room and I tried to look too, but it was my other side that I couldn't see. Kyle looked that way too before smirking.

"Oh and Osman, she is fine. Really." he said and that was when Aneel snapped. He placed me surprisingly gentle on the floor and went over to Kyle before punching his face. I yelled for Aneel to stop but he didn't listen. I couldn't stand on my feet and was about to fall when a guy grabbed me by my waist to help me stand up. I looked at him and he smiled. I guess he was a friend of Aneel. Kyle wanted to punch back but Aneel's men hold him and Aneel turned to all the guys of Kyle. They were about to start a fight. I was sure of it. This wasn't good.

"Don't even try" Aneel said and they immediately put their guns down and I wondered why. Aneel was the enemy and they listened to him. How could Aneel have an effect on them? I just shook the thought away since I didn't even understand the situation I was in. Aneel came over to me and took me bridal style in his arms again. I put my arms around his neck and secretly inhaled his scent. He just smelled so good. I only concentrated on his smell and let myself fall in a deep sleep. I didn't know what they gave me but I felt so tired and I couldn't feel a single bone in my body.

I woke up in a bed I woke up in before. I looked around to find Aneel and tried to stand up but my head ached so much that I lied down. I heard the door opening so I looked over to it. Aneel came in and he was angry. As always. I wasn't suprised anymore.

"What the hell Sahra?!" he said and I immediately knew what me meant. He found out about the call. About Kyle calling and me picking up and not telling Aneel..



Final Editing Done (09-10-2016)

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