《Merciful》chapter eleven


Ali tossed the tie over his neck as he tied the knot delicately. He took one final look in the mirror before he headed to work.

He rushed down the stairs, but he halted at the end of the steps as he heard a distant crying noise.

He walked all the way down and then realized the sound was coming from Anaya's room. He looked at his watch and realized he was getting late, so he ignored it and left the house. As soon as he arrived, he began to work.

He attended three meetings to discuss revenue, new openings, construction costs, and new locations. He made the final calls and told everyone what to do and how to do it, and then signed every classified document, and contracts after reading through them.

Eight hours later, and it was three in the afternoon. Ali got off work and got into his car, as John drove him back home.

"You're father called, saying you haven't picked up his calls, asking me where you were," John said

Ali leaned back and sighed knowing what his father was calling about. he had put it aside for too long and had to do something about it. He took out his phone and dialed his father's number.

"Hello, Father," Ali said.

"Why haven't you made your move yet?" His father said, sternly

"Is Qadeer dead?" Ali asked.

"I shot that bastard the moment I saw him, make your damn move son."

Ali ended the call without saying anything else.

"John I need you to prepare a marriage license right away," Ali said.

John nodded at him, turning the car into the driveway, as Ali left the car.

Ali wasn't stressed. He didn't feel anything, as the marriage was going to be meaningless. All he needed was to marry her so he could take everything her family had. He planned on espousing her without even letting her find out and living his life exactly the way he is now.

It was a mere piece of paper that would give him the Qadeerul mafia, including all their workers, assets, money, and produce. Ali sat in his study, as he poured himself a cup of whiskey. He leaned back into his chair, as he sipped his exhaustion away.

Not even thirty minutes later, John knocked to come into his study. As he came in with a file, he put it on Ali's desk.

"It's been signed by a government official, it just needs your name and signature," John said,


Ali grabbed the sleek pen from his chest pocket and wrote down his name and signed the form quickly. He took the paper of where Anaya would have to sign and folded the top half, so the title wasn't visible.

"Get her signature, don't let her see the form." He said.

"Yes sir," John said, leaving the office.

John knocked on Anaya's door twice- not hearing any response, he unlocked the door and went in. Anaya sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the wall noiselessly.

"You need to sign this," John said,

She looked at him, with no energy in her. She stood up and walked over to him. Putting her hand out to see the paper.

"Sign it," John said, not giving her the paper but rather holding it out for her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"All you have to do is sign it," He said, in a professional tone. He talked as if he had been programmed to say only a few things at a time.

"I am not an idiot, whatever it is you need to tell before I sign." She spoke, surprised at herself that she had enough strength to speak up.

"Oh, but you don't have a choice,'" and there he was, the man she loathed.

She looked right at him, her courage at an all-time high.

Ali put his hand out to John, as John handed him the document and left, closing the door.

"What is it? My death contract, so if I die it won't be your fault!?" Anaya spoke aggressively.

Ali smiled at her, his intoxication making him more relaxed.

"Of course not, I can't let you go that quickly," He smirked.

Ali took out the same pen and held it out for her, but to his surprise, Anaya slapped it away- her eyes getting teary. Her anger built up and her persistence began to fade.

Aw, she's angry. How sweet. Ali said to himself even his thoughts mocking her.

"I will NOT sign it until you tell me what it is," Anaya said her fists clenched.

"Do you look like you're in a position to negotiate with me?" He asked.

"I told you before, and I will tell you again. The less you resist, the easier it'll be for you." He stated.

Anaya's eyes betrayed her as a lone tear fell from her eyes. Ali looked at her, her face looked noticeably more pallid and thin, her lips almost red, and her stance weaker. She stayed silent, as she didn't know what to say, but made no intention of signing the paper.


Ali walked to her, but she walked back, they continued until she hit the bed with the back of her knees.

"Sign it," he said, his voice low.

Anaya shook her head slightly as she clenched her jaw.

"If I tell you it's going to be harder for you, I am going to get that sign one way or another." He said.

Anaya didn't hesitate, urging him to continue with her chin and shoulders high.

"It's our marriage certificate." He said, smiling. As if it was no big deal.

Anaya gaped at him, completely startled.

"What?" She muttered.

"W-wha-what?! I am not going to marry you!" Anaya panicked.

Ali threw his head back in a burst of short laughter, as she scorned his reaction.

"It's funny that you think you have an option," Ali said.

"Why? Why? Would you do that?" Anaya tried to speak, her voice now fading as her overwhelming emotions took over.

Why would he want to marry her? Anaya thought, she didn't even know his name, who he was and neither did he. Anaya couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"No more questions. Sign it." Ali stated firmly.

Anaya put her hands behind her back, looking at Ali with her unsteady stare.

"No. You need to tell me what is happening, why I'm here, what you did to my dad, why in the world you want to marry me, why I am stuck here, YOU NEED TO TELL ME!" Anaya screamed, now entirely sobbing as she became more frustrated.

Ali strode towards her and grabbed her chin tightly, making her look up at him. His patience was long gone, as something more close to anger took over.

"No one and I mean, no one, questions me." He asserted each word slowly and clearly.

At that moment, it was as if something had snapped in Anaya's head. As her tears stopped streaming down. It had to be the wealth he was after. Anaya's family had nothing more to offer than that. But that was the most Anaya was aware of. Her dad was rich, and she was the only child. He wanted to marry her, for the money.

Because what else could it be? Anaya thought.

Anaya took a deep breath before she thought of what to say to him. She grabbed his hand trying to take it off, but his grip was too strong.

"I will sign it. I will sign every penny of my wealth to you. I-I won't mention this to any authority, but you have to let me go." She said in more of a whisper, as he was already too close to her, and that was the most of her voice that could come out.

Ali looked at her, and he realized she was right. Qadeer was dead, and she isn't aware of the fortune she could hold. So if she was ready to give it all to him, he could potentially let her go. He hadn't told her the justification behind this, and yet she had figured it out. He was impressed, to say the least.

Ali let go of her chin, picking up the pen. He grabbed her wrist putting the pen in her palm.

"Please," She begged, in a murmur.

"I promise you! I will. I will give you all of it, and not say a single word. But please! You have to let me go." She pleaded.

Ali looked at her silently for a moment knowing that she wasn't bluffing, and meant what she said, but he could care less.

"One last chance. Before I do something you are going to hate." He warned through his clenched jaw. His voice intensely deep and his eyes darker than when she had last looked into them

All of Anaya's hopes came crashing down. She felt as if someone had taken the small blaze of anticipation in her and distinguished it with the pinch of their fingers. She began to cry, her shoulders slumping down and her body quivering. The lump in her throat painful, and her eyes forcing more tears out continuously.

Scared of his threat, she took the pen with her shaky hand and signed her name messily, her tears falling on the ink of the words around it- smudging it.

Ali snatched the pen and paper folding it in half and put it inside his coat pocket.

"Good girl, Mrs. Ali Ahmed Sheikh," He said, tauntingly as he left the room.

Anaya fell on her knees, and she began to weep as if her life was officially over, but this wasn't even the beginning.

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