《The Wandering Fate》CHAPTER 24


Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Life is not easy for anyone. Sometimes you don't see the challenges on the outside, but every single one of us has both those and everything that goes on inside as well. Life had never been easy for Arzoo, she had seen her parents drawn in blood, she was living with her uncle who kept her like a princess but still she always felt empty. In spite of all this, she still was like a beautiful crisp, undried, uncured rose, standing high in beauty, being a thorn to the jealous eyes. But being married to Amaan was making her gloomy and wilts, losing her freshness and becoming droopy day by day.

Amaan's words and his actions were making her droopy. She can't believe the way he touched her. Sure she knew that she will be a wife to him and fulfill her duties as his wife. She didn't need time to get ready, because she always had no choice or time to think and say. Her destiny was written; she just needed to do what she should do as his wife. To be ready for him any time.

To listen to him.

To make and keep him happy.

But Amaan clearly rejected her as his wife. She was his concubine but not wife.

She was everything to him but not his wife.

She was a gold digger to him,

A vestige

A burden

And many more but not his wife.

But why he kissed me?

I know he doesn't love or even like me then why did he kiss me?

And how can he think of me so low?

What else does he thinks about me?

'' Arzoo!!!'' Noori's loud voice ripped her out of her trance. She immediately turned and looked at a much panicked Anabia and furiously Noori looking at her. Arzoo didn't realize that she was standing in garden looking at trees. She didn't know for how long she was there.

'' what happened Anabia?'' she asked Anabia with hoarsed voice which was cause of crying.

'' I have been calling you 3 times where are you lost?'' she asked annoyingly. But before she got a reply looking at Arzoo's state just broke her heart. She came and just hugged Arzoo. That sudden but warm hug startled her but she needed that hug. Arzoo kept silent and didn't utter a word but her eyes where telling the whole story.

'' we are leaving in an hour. Come and get ready'' She broke the hug and cupped her right cheek and left from there leaving a broken Arzoo behind. Arzoo took a deep breath and wiped the salty and treacherous water from her eyes. She looked at Noori who was already looking at her.

'' you don't need to tell me anything Arzoo. I got it.

I will take care of my dad and Hamid brother and myself as well. But promise me that you will take care of yourself more. And never ever think that you are alone. I am just a call away'' pressing her hands she assured Arzoo. Arzoo nodded with tears in her eyes.

Finally that time came where she was leaving everything behind and start a new life. She visited her parent's grave for last time with Noori before coming back to mansion.

Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. There is no need to fight them, there should be a way to stand. And Arzoo was trying to stand. But her feet were broken. Her hopes were broken. But she was not......not yet.


I will make this marriage work. I promised to my parents yesterday I will not let them down. I know life is not easy with Amaan. But I will try at least. But still I don't understand that why you kissed me?

Don't I disgust him?

What's in his mind?

And what should I do now?

I should say my good bye to uncle and Hamid brother but he prohibited me from him. Then how can I face Hamid brother?

How should I say bye to him?

I can't just ignore him. He is my brother. When Amaan was nowhere in my life but Hamid brother was always there for me. Ya RAB why everything is so difficult. What should I do now?

On the other hand Amaan was really anger on his own act. He hated her but still he lost his control and kissed her.

Why the fuck did I kissed her?


He was punching his punching bag with very belligerence that the bag was broke but still he was not satisfied. He was panting like an hungry lion he needed to have a prey so that he should satisfied his anger.

This can't happen. This is not me. I am Amaan Rahmani the fucking billionaire and the most successful businessman. I can't look like a shit and kiss a shit like her! but i didn't kiss her out of emotion, i kissed her to show that who does she belong too. i fucking own her. she is my concubine and she in indebted to me. she should pay.

She is a fragment in my life. A bloody fucking FRAGMENT. She will pay for her fucking life.

'' Amaan we are leaving in an hour so get ready?'' Ali came to inform him when he saw him boiling in anger. His gloves were thorn and his knuckles were red. He knew this side of Amaan is like a hungry and angry lion. Who can snap anyone at any time.

'' get ready and come downstairs. Uncle Jamil's family is here. We are leaving in an hour'' Ali said in an uncertain voice where he clearly knew that Amaan was not a person who will listen to anyone.

'' where is she?'' asked Amaan while drinking her protein and looking at him in his anger demeanor. His eyes were red. His nostrils were flaring and his knuckles were itching to punch more until he gets satisfied. He rotated his head in a circular motion and looked at Ali to get his answer. Ali was taken aback by this unexpected question of Amaan. To say he was shock will be an understatement. He was beyond shocked. Looking at Amaan's demeanor Ali knew that there is something else behind this question of Amaan. Amaan was beyond angry and asking about Arzoo was looking like he is asking about his prey but not wife.

Ali licked his dry lips and cleared his throat.

'' I don't know I think she must be in her room or somewhere I haven't seen her since last night'' he told Amaan with a calm voice but he was concern for Arzoo.

Amaan looked at him intently but before he leave his gym Ali's voice halted his steps.

'' I don't know what are you up to now but if you are done with your anger I think you should get ready and meet the guest before we leave'' this made Amaan to turn to Ali and tilted his head while looking at him in his usual anger.


'' there is no word like DONE in my life. I never am done with anything. And right now in this phase of my life I am just warming up'' he seethed and left his gym leaving Ali in his thoughts.

Arzoo decided to take a shower and get ready. She searched in her closet which was filled with clothes all Amaan's choice. Thankfully they were modest so she had no problem wearing them.

She chose warm black leggings with long turtle neck white dress sweater.

If this was a happy marriage, then I would be happy that he chose these clothes for me. But these clothes remind me only one thing that I am his concubine. So I should wear these clothes to match up to his statues.

It's a slap to my face. He thinks of me so low. How can I live my life with someone who thinks of this much low!!!

But I should spend my life with him. And I have hope one day he will be fine and will accept me as his wife.

After taking a much needed shower she changed in her clothes and wrapped her long brown hair in a towel and came to her dressing table to get ready. She applied some moisturizer to her face and kohl to her amber eyes making it more enchanting. For her plump pink lips she chose pink gloss.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that didn't realize a pair of black orbs was looking at her with so much pique and vexation. She wore her diamond studs in her ears and her wedding diamond ring in her ring finger. Before she unwrap the towel to brush her hair a strong hand harshly turned her to hard and cold wall. This rasping and brassy act almost made her heart to stop. This caused the towel to fall on the ground and making her hair cascade to her right shoulder. She looked up and saw a very exasperate Amaan looking at her like a hunter is looking at his sparrow. Who is trapped in his trap.

He trapped her by putting his hands on both side of her. She looked down and started shivering. She remembered the harsh kiss of morning and it made her heart to run a marathon speed. Arzoo didn't dare to look at his eyes. she was having her veil around her neck and this was making her more nervous in front of him. Amaan was noticing her nervousness and fear. Her fear was always satisfying his ego. He looked at her petite figure.

'' you must be happy living this life aren't you?

Wearing beguiling and ravishing clothes. Living a luxurious life. Where you had no idea about his before you marrying me. But you know what I fucking don't care about money. How much I earn money you can't even imagine. Or you do. Because you are a bloody gold digger.

But don't worry I will make your life a living hell. You don't know the real Amaan Rahmani but'' he paused and looked at her terrified face who was looking down but was trembling. He grasped her chin and tilt her head to look at him. She looked at him with so much fear in her eyes.

'' I will show you who the fuck am I'' he gritted under his teeth and jerk her chin roughly. A knock on the door made him to leave her. She breathe as she didn't realize that she was holding her breath.

'' open the fucking door and compose yourself'' he snarled and giving her space to open the door.

Arzoo took shaky steps toward the door and with shaky hands she opened the door only to see Mrs. Zarina waiting for her. Arzoo immediately looked down not being able to look at her calculative eyes.

'' Arzoo come down your uncle's family is waiting for you. We should be leaving in few minutes. And Amaan you come down too my son'' she give Arzoo a smile and left from there. Arzoo closed the door but her heart was hammering. She turned and looked at Amaan who was looking at her intently. She looked down and bite her lip. Arzoo was fudging with her fingers but she could see him taking fluid steps toward her. She was afraid of Amaan. Only his name would made her flinch let alone his touch or his voice.

'' say your proper and last good bye to your family. but listen to me very carefully girl'' he gripped her arm and pulled her to himself. She collided to his hard chest and put her hands on his chest to create some distance between them. She looked at him with fearful eyes. He snaked his hands around her waist. Pulling her more to himself.

'' I am very possessive about the things which I own. And I fucking own you. This is the last time you are seeing them. Say your proper good bye but remember to never piss me off. Understood?''

Arzoo looked at him with so much hurt. She thought she would come and meet them but she never thought that It would never happen. It looked like her heart will stop at his words.

She remembered her last night in her uncle's house. The chatting, the laughter, the love, the environment. Everything was so surreal and serene to her. But what she never thought was that it will be a memory where she can look at it but cant relive it.

'' I said understood??'' he roared and Arzoo flinched and nodded her head while shedding tears.

Arzoo came downstairs and sat beside Mr. Jamil. She was trying her best to avoid Hamid and to swallow the lump in her throat. After a while Amaan also came. He was wearing a black Armani suit with black dress shirt but not having a tie. Surely he was the most handsome man Arzoo has ever seen. But her heart was bleeding now. And it will bleed day by day.

The time was coming close and she was going far from her family. far away.

This mere thought was making her restless. She wanted to voice her thoughts and live her life as she wanted. But she couldn't be a burden or her uncle more. she knew Amaan was capable of everything. So she didn't want to risk her small yet loving family's happiness. They think that she is very happy so she wanted them to think like that.


Late update but finally I made it.

Stay tune a lot is coming NOW.

They real drama is about to happen, and one more thing after this chapter a new phase will be started which will be a dark phase with abuse and violence. so be with me till then.

keep reading and keep guessing.

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