《The Wandering Fate》CHAPTER 17


"Hold fast to dreams,

For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird,

That cannot fly."

This saying implied to Arzoo, she had hope of this marriage and now Anabia's words pushed her hope further. its said that ''Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present''

so she wanted to make her present better and build her future with him.

but still she was scared of him, and her this fear was taking a tool on her hope.

Anabia's these words didn't help her at all, she was scared more but she had no choice, she had no choice to tell him that she needs time, she had to obey what ever he wants from her.

She squeezed her hands and took off her veil and the pins of the veil.

Giving her one last smile she left the room.

Arzoo left alone in a huge unknown room she felt all kind of humanly feelings all at once.

Is this the place where I belonged to?

From here my new life will start, I have to be strong because I know my upcoming future is not easy.

He is my husband now I should accept him wholeheartedly but what about tonight?

Am I ready for him?

Am I ready to be his completely?

I am not but still do I have a choice?

I never had any choice I was bound to him at an age which I don't remember and I got married to him but, nobody asked me even once what I want?

Do I want him or do I want this marriage or do I have any other thought in my mind?


Nobody cared they just came to fulfill their promise which they did.

And him?

He never asked me once in all these years that how I am?

What am I doing?

What I want?

What I feel? He never bothered to even asked me how am I?

Am I alive or dead?

He just said yes because his mother was sick and he wanted to fulfill his parents wish but what about me?

Did he once ask me that what I feel?

Let alone feeling did he ever see me in all these years?

I lost my parents in a very brutal way did he bother to ask me how am I?

I am grateful to my uncle he was there for me all the time while he was bound to this promise too but still, he did what he was told too.

Could he ask me what I want?

Yes he could but he couldn't because my parents did this promise so he couldn't do anything but just go with the flow.

And now I am here in this house being the daughter in law of this house and in this room being the wife of Amaan.

I don't know what life holds for me but I am ready for whatever is coming my way.

Am I ready for him?

Still the same question do I have a choice?

I think I have...............

Yes, I will tell him that we need time, we just met now on our own wedding day so it's better that we know each other then we can accept each other fully.

But will he.....

The door opened abruptly and startled her, this made her to turn bluntly toward the door.

She was freezing on her place upon seeing him standing on the door.

He looked at her.

Her hair was cascaded down her waist while few strands were fanning her temples which reached till her milky soft neck.


Her smoky eyes which complemented well to her captivating amber eyes.

Her plump rose lips were apart from each other.

He took steady steps toward her direction.

Their eyes were lock.

She couldn't believe how handsome he is, his brown eyes which looked tired and hooded.

His perfectly combed with style hair.

His sharp nose and plump lips.

High cheek bones with strong jaw slightly dusted with stubble making him more handsome. His black Armani suit did a good justice to his bulging muscles and shoulders.

They were few steps away and he cut that distance too now they were standing close to each other but maintaining a distance from each other at the same time. He was towering her, his height 6,2 while she was 5,5.

He raised a brow at her at making her realize that she was gawking at him.

Immediately she lowered her eyes and bit her lip then the situation hit her that she is standing in front of him without any shawl or veil.

Her cheeks became red and giving a good competition to beetroot.

She swallowed hard and her eyes start to search for her veil under her lashes but to all the vain, there was not her shawl or her veil.

Amaan was studying her and he was reveling in her this condition.

He croaked his head aside and looked at her head to toe; she was indeed a vision to look at.

She was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.

She slowly took her hand on her chest to hide her unshown neck line from him. He saw it and chuckled.

'' look at me''

But she didn't she got more nervous and bit her lip

Gently he up her chin with his index finger. And upon his touch, she flinched.

'' look at me''

He said softly but with a claim of authority and she obeyed she looked at him and their eyes locked.

Her heart was beating fast and his touch was burning her.

For a split second she wanted to just look at his eyes all night but she became conscious of her position.

He left her chin and she looked down again.

She was feeling extremely ashamed in front of him because she felt naked in front of his deep brown eyes.

'' feeling happy?''

His deep manly voice alerted her, and she looked at him confuse.

Confusion was all written on her face and eyes.

He studied her face and took an expressionless face. But still she could read expressions on his face, it was anger written on his handsome face. Or is it hate? She couldn't decipher.

'' don't act this innocent, do you know who I am?

I am Amaan Rahmani'' he told her in his cold yet authoritative voice which chill sweats run her spine.

She was feeling flabbergasted she was lost couldn't comprehend of his words.

''you wanted this so called marriage right?

You wanted to be Mrs. Amaan Rahmani and why wouldn't you?

after all I have everything that a girl from your class and statues can't even imagine what life I am living''

The wheels of her mind began to work, and her eyes were widened in shock.

She couldn't believe that he will say or think this about her.

Her heart was accelerating on his every word because it was working like a hot stamp on her clean heart.

He roughly held her arm and pulled her to his chest she collided to his strong and hard chest.

Arzoo put her hands on his chest to keep a distance from him but her breathing was very strong.


Her eyes were wide on his sudden move.

''you were forced upon me; you are a liability on me.

You have always been a liability on me, and I never ever cared about you and I never will care about you.

You're this happiness is short, remember this girl.

I married you because my mother is sick. and you used her to get in my life.

You are a leech

A burden

A bloody gold digger

My mother's sickness impel me to marry you, otherwise I would never every come her to marry a gold digger like you.

You have no prestige in front me, you have no statues to stand in front of me you are nothing but a compulsion that I have to carry with and a burden to hold on it ''

He seethed through gritted teeth, his old was strong on her arm, and his breath was fanning on her face, but she was feeling pain in her heart, she was being torn apart in too many pieces.

She felt the earth beneath her feet and sky above her head were taken away from her.

She felt shattered

She felt completely alone, alone in the darkness, alone in this world.

Her all hopes from this marriage were coming to an abrupt halt.

She felt useless and deep down empty. Empty of hopes, empty of happiness.

He looked at her up and down and pulled her more closer to his chest. His this act brought her back from the shock but she was still in shock.

His hold was strong one hand was holding her arm while other snake to her waist.

She was gob smack with this act.

His eyes were flashing red in anger, his whole demeanor was executing power and dominant.

His nostrils flared as he breathed in deeply,

Her heart leaped to her throat when she saw the look on his face, his handsome features where changed to dark and hard.

She was shivering like a leaf and would fall anytime like a dry leaf in front of strong wind but his strong hold or her waist and arm were preventing her to fall.

His hold on her arm was so tight that she thought his nails were digging in her soft flesh.

Amaan's jaw clenched, the muscles ticking in his mandible and as his hand left her tiny waist and clenched her jaw roughly.

His nails were digging in her jaw and she whimpered in pain but didn't utter a single word.

Arzoo claw her hands to his hand so that she couldn't free her jaw but, he was much strong to her dismay.

''And you have actually the nerve to wear something so revealing! just to show to the people your flesh and to even think that by wearing this you can match to my statues?

But'' he paused and look at her tearful eyes which were shedding tears nonstop.

'' you don't know that, whatever you do, you can't change your fate.

You are nothing but a vestige.

Someone who is a burden on every fucking person and you have the audacity to think that now you will live a life beside me in luxury, being my WIFE??

Then you are clearly mistaken here because I am Amaan fucking Rahmani. I hold you from now on you are in my debt and I will fucking make sure that you pay your debt in a satisfying manner.

You don't deserve anything in this life not even this dress.

If you sell yourself which nobody will even care about your existence, then you can't even buy a single piece of this dress.

Look how worthless you are''

He jerked her jaw roughly.

She was panting like she couldn't breathe, taking all this was too much for her.

To say the realization hit her would be justifying because Arzoo realized that she was a vestige and will always be. Although she never felt like vestige in her uncle's house but somehow, she was feeling empty and guilty as well but in here in his own husband's house, she felt like nothing but a trash.

His breath was fanning her face but his words were shattering her heart in to pieces.

Tears screaming from her beautiful face.

He looked at her eyes with narrow eyes and he saw hurt in her eyes. But why hurt he couldn't comprehend that.

She lowered her eyes but never said a single word to him.

She bited her lip to control her sobs, but it was out of her control now.

She was sniffing now slowly but didn't utter a word to him.

Her chin was wobbling and tears role down her cheeks nonstop. She hated to cry in front of him, what would he think of her? That how weak she is?

But nothing was in her hands, not even her emotions.

He pushed her; she instantly took steps back from him until her back touched the wall.

He stride to her while she just wanted that the wall on her back swallow her from him, he hold her hair roughly make her whim in pain.

'' you know what? You to come to my life, but I am going to make this life a living hell for a leech person like you.

You know why?

Because I hate you '' he sneered.

Her amber eyes were glistening with fresh tears now.

'' I am Amaan fucking Rahmani I will make your every breath difficult.

Do you understand what I am saying''?

She didn't say a word but with sob she nodded.

'' Fucking reply me, use smart mouth of yours ''

He shouted on her face making her shivered in fear, but her mouth was not opening to say anything to him.

With difficulty she opened her mouth but she had no strength to say anything.

She felt dizzy

She felt sky is falling on her

She was seeing darkness calling her

Her breathing became difficult

But she was trying to control it because now was not the time for her to feel weak.

She was feeling afraid on him.

I am a burden to him I can't consume to darkness I can't be more of a weak burden to him

She was sweating now because she was fighting with her weakness of fear.

Amaan noticed her demeanor but he couldn't understand what was happening to her. But instead of worrying for her shattered state, he felt content.

Good, she is afraid of me?

But to this extent?

She is so weak in front me.

'' yes''

She said it more like a whisper almost inaudible with a struggle of breath.

Amaan smirked and left it and she fall to her knees.

He crouched to her level.

'' outside of this room you are my wife but inside in this room, you are a fucking piece of shit to me. Always remember this, now get up and change you do not deserve such clothes wear. Clothes of your statues''

With that he left the room. she was shivering, her heart was out of control.

She hugged her knees to her chest and cried her heart out.

Why why me?

What have I done to deserve this?

Why can't I be happy?

He is completely wrong about me but why didn't I tell him that he is wrong.

Why I am scared of him?

Why couldn't I open my mouth in front of him?

She kept crying till she didn't know how long she was shedding tears.

After looked like hours she stood up with shaking feet and walk to the closet to take her clothes.

She was surprise to see her clothes hanging in there.

She choose her clothes from her closet which Noori bought for her recently.

While looking around the room she realized how big and luxuries this room was.

Color in grey and white all walls white while one wall above the bed was in grey.

A white king size bed with a white king size closet with some dots and flowers in grey were making the room more enchanting.

A big maroon color sofa with two white side tables and carpet maroon and grey and curtains in white were giving the room a heavenly look. there was other door too, she didn't bother to open it but she knew it must be balcony.

the big window showing back side of the garden and giving heavenly view of mountains still covered with snow, were giving an exquisite look to the room. beside the bathroom there was an other door too, which was open and it was a walk in closet of Amaan.

Arzoo didnt look at it but she could feel that what ever he needed, was there all in brands.

She went to the bathroom and opened its door only to be amazed on its interiors

With a big tube, glass walls in shower chamber all the interior in white and grey, she didn't spare it much as she took a quick shower and changed in white salwar kameez.

But she noticed that his finger prints on her jaw was visible while her arm was bruised cause of his harsh hold. all his wealth wee not making her amazed or happy, but it was showing that from which statues she belongs too and right now in here she is?

she felt small, and broken.

All this while tears were not stopping, she didn't want to touch anything of his because his words were resonating in her mind.

You are vestige

You don't deserve anything

she wiped her tears and took the wedding gown and spread it neatly on the sofa.

It's true I don't deserve anything I am a vestige.

She fell of the floor and kept on crying.

she realized that what her husband thinks of her now.

she looked around her room or his room and it broke her heart, she wanted to start her life with him, but now its impossible.

how can she think of of him loving or respecting her, when he loath her to no extent.

she felt weak and dizzy.

she was broken beyond the words, but still something inside of her was telling her, that still she can.


sad but true

keep reading a lot is yet to come.

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