《The Wandering Fate》CHAPTER 12


Why it's too dark here I can't see anything.



Who is calling me I can't see anyone but why this voice is so soothing it's so familiar I know this voice?

Who is calling me I can't see you? I loud my voice. But it looked narcissistic.

I am looking everywhere but I can't see the person who is calling me.


I see a shadow, yes I see a shadow, please wait let me see you.

Wait who are you?

Why can't I reach you wait just don't disappear please.


'' I am here baby come to me''

This sound made my steps halted in midway. With heavy breathing I asked the voice,

No who are you?

Why are you calling me why can't I see your face?

'' come to me take my hand come''

NO! I won't who are you?

Oh god why my feet are moving toward this shadow? Why can't I stop my feet? why can't I hold something to stop myself from going to this shadow?



Please NO!!!!!

'' Don't be afraid from me I am yours''


Who are you?

Why can't I see your face show me your face?

'' I am your mother princess''

Oh you are wearing my mother's green dress and you........ You really are my m.......

Arzoo woke up with a scream.

She was panting it looked like she was drained of oxygen, hungrily she was panting for oxygen.

'' Arzoo are you ok''

Noori entered her room after switching on her light she approached her.

But Arzoo was in a disheveled state right now.

She was sweating, her eyes were bulging from its sockets, and she was panting.

Noori have seen here many times in her nightmares states but this time she was not herself.

Her color was pale and she was trembling with fear.

She hugged both her knees to her chest and closed her eyes.

'' Arzoo baby what happened?''

'' I ....... I s......saw her n.....Noori''

'' saw who?''

She hugged her and felt her body warm.

'' drink this and calm down''

She gave her a glass of water and Arzoo drunk it all but her hands were shivering, she almost pour some water on herself.

It scared Noori, she was never like this before then what happened now?

'' come go to sleep''

Noori gave her a medicine too and put her head on her lap gently massaging he hair, after a while she drifted to sleep.

It was not the right time and she was also not in a good state to ask her about her dream.

She let her be now.

Noori went to sleep in her room then.


It was unusual that Arzoo was still sleeping when it was 8 of the morning.

Noori checked her she still had fever.

Noori went downstairs and tell her dad and brother about her health and the nightmare which she saw last night.

'' what was she saying last night?''

Asked Hamid with concern in his voice.

'' doesn't matter what she saw, My concern is till how long she will have these nightmares?''

Asked Mr. Jamil.

They all were concern,

Seeing her in this situation was not easy, Arzoo always had nightmares but last night Noori noticed something else, she was trembling with fear.

Her whole demeanor was changed, she was not herself.

She was born to a beautiful and positive couple's house, they never asked about anything else but her happiness were their main goal of their lives.

She was so happy with them, she was secure, and she had everything that she could ask for.

But that happiness didn't stay long, it shattered in to pieces along with her happiness and her persona.

Arzoo lost her self too; she was no longer the talkative and bubbly girl.

She was lost in her own world, her world which had no one but herself, her shattered self.

She had no expectations from anyone, everyone loved her but she never expects anything from anyone.

Arzoo woke up and took a shower wearing a simple black skirt with a peach sweater.

She greeted everyone and sat on dining table, while Noori prepared her favorite breakfast which was jalebi and paratha she had it quietly.

Arzoo smiled to Noori who was sad looking at her friend.

'' will you tell us what you saw last night?''

Asked Noori while Hamid and Mr. Jamil were waiting for her to say something.

'' let he have her breakfast at least''

Hamid eyed Noori to be quiet.

Noori looked down, Arzoo sighed and look up where everyone were looking at here with sad eyes.

'' I saw my mother last night''

And tears glisten in her eyes but she covered it while looking down at her untouched breakfast.

An awkward silence captured the room only the ticking of the wall clock and cracking of the woods in heater were making sounds.

'' she was calling me to come to her''

Said Arzoo and broke the silence.

Mr. Jamil came to her and put his hand on her head.

'' I know my child you miss your family, you feel empty without them, I can feel that,

I have always told you and again I am telling you that I am with you always.

Never feel alone, I can't fill the absence in your life specially on this day but remember one thing this house and we all are yours.


And dare if I see you crying''.

He gave her a side hug and kissed the crown of her head.

'' I have never ever thought that I have one sister, but I have always said to this to you and all and I have always seen you before Noori because you are a very dear sister of mine.

Always remember Arzoo I am your brother and dare if you hide anything from me''

Hamid said while looking at her with so much affection and consideration.

Arzoo couldn't help but to smile while having tears in her eyes.

She always knew that they all love her, she never denied their love but still she felt indebted.

Right now her life was getting a turn and she felt all the kind of nervousness.

But her body were aching, she felt drained, her last night dream was in front of her,

What was the meaning of my dream?

why I saw my mother after all this while?

And why was she asking me to go with her?

Is it something related to this marriage?

am I doing wrong?

Or is this marriage itself is wrong for me?

We sometimes take things for granted, we takes our intuitions for granted, having fear that legitimate answers could possibly be so obvious, However trusting your intuitive heart means listening to and trusting that quite inner voice that knows what it is you need to do, what actions need to be taken, or changes need to be made in your life.

Her intuitive heart was telling her that this marriage will hurt her badly, but did she have a choice?

Anabia patted her shoulder and she came out of her thoughts. She didn't realize when Anabia came?

'' huh?''

'' Arzoo I just asked you something but I guess you are busy in my brother's dream already'' (wink)

Teasingly asked her.

She blinked, oh yes I am getting married to someone who haven't seen me or I haven't seen him properly.

Arzoo give Anabia a small smile ''when did you come?''

'' when you were dreaming about him''

Anabia laughed looking at Arzoo's wide eyes.

'' and also I asked you, are you feeling ok because you look very pale today?

And I talked with Noori this morning and she told me that you are not feeling well so I came here to see you''.

'' no I am fine thank you just.............. nothing''

Anabia came and hugged her '' I know what you are thinking Arzoo but trust me everything will be fine and I know what you are thinking right now but there is nothing to worry about.

You both were engaged to be married to each other just like me and Zahir.

It's been 5 years since we are married and I can't tell you how much I am happy with him but still there a thing which I can't change''

She sighed.

Arzoo and Noori looked at her.

She looked at Arzoo and continued.

'' we don't have kids Arzoo and we can't have one''

Arzoo was shocked .

'' I have the problem but he never show it to anyone that we desperately wants to have kids, he just keeps telling me and everyone else that everything happens in the right time and may be now is not the right time for us.

But you know Arzoo I have seen him how desperately he wants to be a father, but he never show this to me just cause he doesn't wants to hurt me and, I love him Arzoo. I couldn't find anyone better than him''

She looked at Arzoo and continued.

'' you know Arzoo my engagement was just like yours we were not meeting like normal couples since he was in UK and I in US, and we would talk less cause we were busy in our lives, we simply had no interest with each other. but now I see him and I think how lucky I am to have him as my husband and trust me he is a blessing in my life.''

She sighed and took Arzoo's hand in her hand and continued

'' I know my brother is giving you tensions by just being in his world, but trust me Arzoo he is not like how you think of him, yes he is workaholic at times arrogant at times difficult to be with him, but he is very kind very humble and very caring, all you need to do is have some patience.

Because I know him he is the one who will give you anything and everything to keep you happy, he is just like this, when he is in to something he will give his 100% to that. you just need to be patient with him, you need to go a long way to bring him back to his normal life rather that a workaholic life''

She smiled at Arzoo.

Something in Arzoo urged her to accept what Anabia said and to have hopes from this marriage.

Her emotional mind was telling her

May be he is not that bad, maybe he cares about me or he will care when I enter his life as his wife.

While her rational mind was telling her otherwise,

No he will never love you he never did and he never will.

He never cared about you and he won't, so don't pin your hopes on him or this marriage.

She closed her eyes.

She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm her pacing heart.


POOR soul

keep reading and keep thinking.

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