《You Who Touched My Life (Completed)》ch 8


As I turned to my heels, I saw the most disgusting and horrible site. My brain was about to blast seeing that .....that....awful sight. Right there below my feet, on the beautiful tiles that I picked up myself was......

A strand of hair! A big....long disgusting strand of hair.

Yuck! Disgusting!

I looked back and cringed as there was one too. Eww. I was surrounded by that this dirty anomaly. I skipped through it and yelled at the top of my lungs.


4 of them came running up the stairs.

"S....sir, what's wrong?" One of the maid asked meekly.

I pointed inside.

"Didn't no one cleaned inside my room today?!"

"W...we were just about to." Another said.

"When? When huh? Look at my room, it's soo dirty and disgusting.

They all peeped in the room and then looked at me confused. I glared at them and they all lowered thier gaze.

"Come, let me show you.....look!" I said pointing towards IT.

"Um.... it's hair?" One servant with them said and they all exchanged glances.

"Yes! But why is it here? It's soo disgusting. Because of your tardiness I had to witness this disgusting site. Clean it immediately before I fire you all."

"Sorry to say sir, but you're married now. Your wife shares this room with you. It's normal to find some strands of hair in a women's bedroom and bathroom."

"What did you say?!"

"Sir what she said was that... you're married now...." The servant started to repeat the same gibberish.

"I heard that!" I grunted annoyed making him flinch.

"Just clean the mess. I want my room spotless when I come back. Or else you're all fired!" I stormed out saying that.

Woman's bedroom and bathroom?! Like hell! It's my room and my bathroom. Damn it! Why did I ever had to share my room with that .... that ....

I sighed. I can't even call her a slut anymore. It doesn't feel right. 1 day....just one day and she's already ruining my life and now my floor. How will I spent my entire life with her?! Wait, do I really have to spend my entire life with that girl?! No!


I suddenly felt a chill down my spine when I was talking to Mom. As I followed her gaze to the door my smile vanished and I realised why I felt soo. The devil himself had entered and soo was his glare. I didn't know if I was scared or angry....maybe both seeing him. But then his glare disappeared and something like disappointment and pain took it's place as he said that he came for the documents and went upstairs.

For a second there I felt pity for him. Living with your parents' hatred is.... not easy. I can somewhat understand how he feels. Mom hates him soo much but I know that somewhere deep inside she misses her son. As a woman, having a son who's a rapist must be soo painful for her and the victim that too was her friend. Does he suffer too? Is he tormented too? Nah! Men don't feel anything. They just ruin a woman's life for fun, ignoring and forgetting her cries in time. They're monsters who don't even deserve to be called humans. I shouldn't feel sorry for him. He should just rot....

I flinched getting out of my thoughts as I heard him screaming like a beast for the cleaning staff from upstairs. The poor maids and a servant ran to him frightened. Tsk tsk tsk, he should be grateful that even after doing such a thing he still is living such a luxurious life. What an ungrateful bastard!


What Mom said is still ringing in my ears.

"1 year."


"Just one year I want you with Kaif....till then he'll take over the company and then you can be free. I'll arrange for you to move to any country of your choice and start a new life there and maybe find someone new."

After an year I'll be free?

Start a new life....meet someone new.

Will I really be able to do that? After Saim, can I ever be able to trust anyone. My heart is already broken, can someone else touch those broken pieces without being hurt or crushing me even more?

Mom gifted me a new phone. My eyes almost popped out when I saw the price. 1 lakh rupees!!! Who uses a phone soo expensive?! Who uses anything soo expensive? I can buy 10 phones with that much money!


This fancy iPhone X gold. Is it even real gold? Why is it soo expensive? It's just a bitten apple.

I don't understand this iPhone thing. The good simple android phone is soo much better. Why this overly dramatic phone? Is is soo difficult to slid your finger on the screen to unlock your phone or set a password or passcode? Why use a face recognition? Although, it's really cool but I don't think it's worth spending 1 lakh rupees on! This phone is soo expensive that it's more important than my own life.


Both the men came back around dinner time. Again, his glare was gone and somewhat suspicious gaze replaced it. It was intimidating nevertheless.

Mom and dad were only speaking to me and even though he tried to make conversation, he was being ignored. I know the feeling and I felt a bit bad for him.

It was our second night together. We didn't speak a word. I was still scared thinking he might pounce on me anytime but he wasn't showing any signs as such. What if he does something like that, will I be able to protect myself? Or be his next victim?

I stood in front of the dressing table and was combing the tangles out of my hair. Ugh, I'm loosing a lot of hair because of all the stress. I think I'll go bald soon. I collected the hair from my comb and put it in the dustbin.


I flinched and turned to him frightened as he screamed. He was staring at me wrinkling his nose.

"Don't you dare do this here? How can you be soo unhygienic!"

Unhygienic? What did I do? I was frozen in place and my heart was pounding.

"W....w...." I couldn't speak. I wanted to ask him what did I do wrong.

He gestured with his face something below me. I followed his gaze but looked back at him confused as I couldn't find any anomaly. He gestured again, I was more confused. He took a step forward from his couch where he was standing at and pointed down with his fingers looking even more disgusted.

"I.... I don't...un... understand." I said almost audibly.

"That! that!" He said.

I looked down for a while to understand. Wait, is he talking about....a strand of hair that fell.


"Yes....yes that disgusting thing. How can you be soo dirty throwing it around on my floor like that?! Do you know it travels around the entire room because of the fan?!" He grumbled.

I picked it up. "It's just hair." I lifted it up showing him. He scrunched as if I was holding a snake.


I raised an eyebrow at his strange behaviour and threw the strand properly in the dustbin.

"You women are soo unhygienic! Today it's hair on my bedroom floor tomorrow it will be clogging my sink and drainage. How can I live in such a dirty atmosphere?! "

"Sorry." I don't know why I felt the need to apologise.

"Do me a favour. Don't comb your hair around me, don't clip your nails, don't walk around me, don't sit around me, don't look at me.....just don't even breathe around me. Understood?!" He said and laid on the couch angrily taking the blanket on his face.

I was so angry and frustrated that I had to bite my lip to not escape a sob.

One year?! Tsk! I can't even spent one entire week with this man! He's impossible. Who fusses soo much over a couple strands of hair? Doesn't he have hair on his own head? Is he bald and wearing a wig? That must be it. It's just hair. It's so thin and light. It will fall of sometimes. Ugh!

I hate him! I just hate him soo much!!!

He's like an old grandpa. It's not just his room now, it's mine too. He's here because of me and instead of being grateful he's acting soo....soo.... petty and....... annoying. No wait that's not the word. There's something else but I couldn't think of it right now.

But whatever it is.... he's all that!

Bloody old grandpa! Huh!

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