《Her love & her regrets》epilogue


Aslam o alaikum guys

I dedicate this chapter to my lovely readers especially and ....

This entire year had been miserable for both me and Hoorain.... She had complicated pregnancy, due to which doctor prescribed complete bed rest to her. I did my best to do everything doctor was instructing me to do and Alhamdulillah we reached last 9th month. I thought that now after all would be set but things got difficult at the labour when instead of normal delivery doctors had to do caesarian due to constant vomiting of Hoorain.

I was so much worried and afraid of both my baby's and my wife's health that I was about to faint down due to anxiety.

Finally our little boy Zayan arrived in this world giving us life time pleasure with his presence. Hoorain became more weak after giving birth that she was again prescribed bed rest but after becoming mother she was not letting herself breath due to Zayan's helath so I had to force her to take bed rest and hire a nanny for our little bundle of joy. That way me and Hoorain were somehow relaxed.

Now our little prince is 4 months old and his presence is doing wonderful things to us. My love and understanding for Hoorain is increasing with each day as I've come to realize how much mother invests herself in bringing her child into this world and then in his upbringing.

I still remember when in pregnancy Hoorain wasn't even able to walk properly due to weakness, she was only allowed to use washroom and that too with someone's help, she was so much exhausted and frustrated living in a one room for several months on bed due to which I had to do multiple things to vanish her stress. Like watching movies, ordering food from her favourite places, bringing different flavours of ice cream which used to lit her eyes.

The best thing about my Hoor was that she never gave up instead she used to pray and recite Qur'an for our baby's health. We both had hope and faith that everything will be fine, Alhamdulillah now everything has fallen into it's place.

I was laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about previous year, when Hoorain came and sat beside me, she slowly moved her fingers in my hair. I looked at her and faintly smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked as I opened my arm and gestured her to lay down beside me, She kept her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Nothing. Next month is our 2nd wedding anniversary" I reminded her to which she nodded and chuckled. I frowned.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Remember when on our first wedding anniversary you bought the cake and I was 2 month pregnant so I ate the whole cake giving you only one slice" she laughed to which I chuckled.

"Where is Zayan?" I asked, her eyes went wide.

"Oh I forgot that I came here to take you downstairs.... Baba and Ami has come and Zayan is with them... I don't know why when I'm with you, every other thing slips off from my mind" She spoke as she quickly stood up from bed, I also stood up, held her from her waist and pulled her towards me.


"Because you are madly in love with me" I whispered in her ear to which she giggled and kissed on my forehead.

"No doubt You are always with me, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. I think my soul is still in my body because I see you everyday. Your presence in my life is what makes me want to live this life fully" Tears gathered in her eyes as she kissed on my lips. I was seriously moved by her words. Told you that this woman always surprises me with her ways which spoil me more.

"Hoor do you know you've spoilt me so much that now without you everything seems incomplete and colourless " I said to which she smiled genuinely.

"I know and I will always spoil you with my love and care" She replied holding so much love for me in her eyes.

I'm thankful to you my Lord....


Today I came late at home due to endless work and meetings that I didn't had the chance to eat lunch and dinner due to which my stomach was grumbling.

As I reached home I saw Hania sleeping on the couch and dinner was on the dinning table. It seemed like the food was untouched, I felt so sorry that she had to keep waiting for me.

I went near her and sat on the floor beside the couch and stared at my beauty, slowly moving her hair from her face.

No matter how tired I'm but whenever my gaze falls upon you, my all exhaustion vanishes away.

I very carefully kissed on her temple, so she doesn't wake up but her eyes opened and she slowly moved and looked at her wrist watch then she slowly sat up. I was staring at her to which she frowned at me. She was looking different maybe because of the lipstick shade that she was wearing.

Actually one day I praised Hani for the lipstick she was wearing so from that day she apply lipstick everyday and I love the fact that she applies it for me although Hania doesn't like makeup but still she does it for me.

"Should we go and have dinner before anything else" she spoke not so in good mood but I obliged. I've always loved her way of arguing, she never takes someone off guard with her words, but always smoothly and slowly tries to clear everything and sometimes she out of anger crack lame jokes to which I just look at her and try to suppress my laugh.

We did our dinner and I was somewhat surprised that today there were many dishes but all turned cold because of me coming late..... I didn't speak because I knew she was upset so I didn't want to provoke her.

Then she cleaned the table as maid was sleeping because it was really late, I also helped her in keeping the remaining food in fridge and washing the utensils. She was silent whole time.

She was washing her hands so I hugged her from behind and kissed on her shoulder. Hania turned around but was staring down at her hands.

"Today you are looking different... Have you done something to yourself or it is this new lipstick shade?" I asked as I softly lifted her chin, finally her gaze settled on me. She looked away, but I didn't miss small smile playing on her lips.


"Are you upset with me for coming late?" Her eyes glistened which made me restless and confused at the same time that one second she was smiling and then her eyes were filled with tears.

"Hani is something wrong?" I tugged her hair behind her ears and cupped her face.

"I'm pregnant" She whispered and looked straight into my eyes. At first I was surprised to hear that but then I smiled and started laughing in happiness.

Hania laughed when I took her in my arms and twirled us around to show her how much I was happy by this news.

After making her sit on counter I kissed on her lips for longer until she pushed me to catch the breath.

"Why do you always push me while kissing?" I asked disappointedly.

"Because you forget that we need to breath also" she narrowed her eyes at me making me scratch my neck.

"How did you know about pregnancy?" I asked curiously changing the topic.

"Yesterday night I checked it but you came late from office and were sleeping so I didn't disturb you and today I prepared all this food for you and wore a beautiful dress to give you surprise but you weren't picking my calls so I just out of disappointment changed the dress into this night dress and food also became cold" She told me to which I was also angry at myself for hurting my pregnant wife.

"I'm sorry Hania and today I really was that busy that I've not touched my mobile since morning and it was in my cabin and today I was in meeting room whole time..... You know very well that whatever happens I pick your call on one ring, no matter how busy I'm" I tried to clear her misunderstanding to which she nodded.

"It's okay... It's just I'm happy that you are happy about pregnancy" She replied to which my heart skipped a beat.

"Hania you never miss a chance to make me a happiest man on this earth, your appearance in my life is all I want and now this little bundle of joy will add more colours in our lives.... In Shaa Allah" I cupped her face again and kissed on her forehead.

"In Shaa Allah" she whispered.

"I love you" I said. I'm not from those men who confess their feelings day and night but when I do it's from my heart not just casually.

"Love you too" She lovingly looked in my eyes while caressing my stubble beard.


At first I was so disappointed and sad that I can't bear another child due to complications in my first and second pregnancy but then Fahad consoled me that what if we had one child, some people deprive for only a child and I should be grateful that Allah has bestowed us with adorable son who has completed both of us.

Other times I think that what if Fahad was not in my fate, it shudders me to even think living a life without my Fahad and Zayan.

I never knew that Fahad would make my life perfect. I was just so blind in Aaliyaan's love that there was no difference between right and wrong in my eyes.

Now I'm satisfied that Allah showed me right path and blessed me with right man, who has always understood me and loved me even when I wasn't able to love myself.

"Hoor tomorrow is your office and you're still awake" Fahad asked in a hoarse voice as he stood beside me in balcony. I was working in his company as his finance manager.

"I wasn't able to sleep so I thought to come here and catch some cool air" I replied, he sighed and nodded.

"You go I'll come in few minutes" I spoke.

"Only few minutes otherwise I'll give you tons of files to make reports" He teased to which I smiled.

"I know you are a strict boss but you know you can't boss me" I smirked making him chuckle.

"Because you are my Queen" He said while kissing me on my cheek, leaving me blushing.

"Come quick" He yawned while going inside the room. I nodded.


"Anaya beta(child) why you always fight with Bilal" I was so frustrated with their fightings that I had to scold Anaya because she is elder than her brother Bilal but still she provokes him and they end up fighting.

"Because he touch my toys" tears gathered in her innocent eyes.

"Your dad also touches your toys, you don't fight with him then?" I asked making her realize her mistake.

"Dad loves me, he is sweet... Bilal isn't" She had some sharp replies which were upsetting me.

"Dad is elder than you that's why he loves you and you are elder than Bilal if you'll love him he will become sweet in your eyes" I tried to explain her and I was happy that she was listening to me with concentration.

"Really? I love sweet people. Like You, dad and Zayan" She spoke. I smiled.

"Yes really if you will let Bilal touch your toys, he will behave sweetly with you" I affirmed to which she clapped her hands.

"Okay then I'm going to play with Bilal" She excitedly replied and went from living room.

Zayan was 6 years old, one year elder than anaya that's why they had amazing chemistry whereas Bilal was just 3 and was always left alone in games due to his extremely mischievous nature among three.

Bilal is just like me

I smiled sheepishly at my thought whereas Anaya is just like his father, disciplined and sensitive.

After Uncle Ismail's death Faraz has become very sensitive about me and children. He can't even tolerate a scratch on our bodies. We both have become selfless in our love with eachother and with our children and I think that's why we both are joyful.

One day I asked him

"Do you even think about yourself? I'm scared that you've lost yourself... Where is that old Faraz"

"Hani I've found myself after loving you.... And trust me I've always been like this, jolly and caring. It's just I had become arrogant and rude after those incidents but now I love you so much that rudeness doesn't suit me when I'm around you" he replied.

But to my satisfaction I always try to do things which could make him happy and when he appreciates me even on my little things, it fills my heart with more love for him.

I'm thankful that I'm married to the love of my life....

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