《Her love & her regrets》Chapter#3 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

Hoorain's pov:

"Hoorain my love! Life is giving us golden opportunity. It's not the Co incidence that Naila is my boss and Fahad is your classmate, it's the sign from fate. success and power are on our doorstep then why you are being reluctant" he looked in my eyes and tried to convince me again. This time I smiled and nodded.

I took a tired deep sigh, Aaliyaan was wrong life never gave us golden opportunity, our fate only tested us in which we failed.

I regretted every moment that I spent with Aaliyaan, I regretted that I became part of his plan and I regretted I used Fahad for our filthy intentions.

I stood up from the couch and went into the washroom to change the clothes, I was wearing these clothes since morning and they were suffocating me. How usual it was that every bride look breath taking with beautiful dress on her marriage but I was very unfortunate that on my Nikah (marriage) , I was wearing simple black clothes.

After changing my clothes and wearing light pink dress I took out the prayer mat from my suit case and started performing Isha Namaz. I was done with namaz but was sitting on prayer mat when knock on the door pulled me out of the thoughts. I abruptly stood up and opened the door only to see a unfamiliar face. I was startled to some stranger at the house. 'where is fahad' it was the first thought that ran into my mind.

"No please don't shout I am not a stranger" I was about to call Fahad or Nafeesa when he suddenly stopped me from doing so. I silently looked at him.

"who are you" I asked him. He smiled at me. He was no doubt tall and handsome, he had beared and moustache and his hair were set with gel, he was wearing simple brown shirt with jeans.

"I'm Faraz, Fahad's best friend or you can say brother" he explained, I nodded at him.

"Ohh Aslam o alaikum Faraz Bhai" I greeted him, of course now he was brother to me also. He smiled at me again.

" Can we talk? " he asked me. I was reluctant, how can I let him enter in my room what will Fahad think that maybe I'm still the old Hoorain, he will doubt at me again. I was engrossed in my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

"Don't worry you've called me brother so as a brother I respect you, If you are uncomfortable talking in your room then we can talk in living area" I was shocked, how he read my mind but somehow I was relieved that he understood me. I nodded and followed him in living area.

He was sitting on golden sofa and I was sitting on black sofa, we were sitting opposite eachother. His gaze was making me shift in my place.

"You don't know me but I know you very well and I've seen you before"

He said but it was not new for me, of course Fahad must have told him everything about me.

"I saw you in your university when one day I picked Fahad from there and you were standing with your friends. To be honest I didn't like you in first place, the way of your talking and your persona all from head to toe, you were giving negative vibes. Greed and selfishness were written on your forehead but Fahad was persistent to prove me wrong and look you yourself proved him wrong"


his words were piercing into me like needles. I looked down at my hands as I was feeling ashamed of myself.

"but when today I saw you, my opinion about you is changed because maybe you are changed and trust me if you are regretting then you are lucky" When he uttered the word 'Lucky' I felt like someone has slapped me. I was not lucky.

"Fahad really deeply loved you and the way you cheated him and killed his sister destroyed him completely so I want to you mend his heart which you broke ruthlessly" He pointed his index finger at me but my whole world was clashed when he held me accountable for the things I never did.

He stopped when he noticed my expressions.

"So do you still love that monster Aaliyaan?" He clenched his teeth and asked me. He was now looking dangerous, I immediately shook my head in no, he misunderstood my face expressions.

"Fahad never confessed his feelings to me and I didn't kill Naila..." he cut me off

"What are you saying? So why you always used to call him and you both used to hang out" he interrogated like I was lying to him. His sudden reaction was making me tense.

"I accept that I was using him in the name of friendship but that doesn't mean I loved him or he confessed me"

I tried to hold back my tears. Faraz Bhai looked at me then he stared at the wall behind me then he again looked at me and suddenly stood up from the couch and went outside. I also stood up and my gaze turned towards the glass window from where I could easily see him sitting in his car and going from the house.

I went in my room, when I saw wall clock it was 10:00 pm. Prayer mat was still spread on floor, again I sat on prayer mat. Now the tears I was holding back, flowed from my eyes, I kept my hand on mouth to control my sobs.

"Did I really hurt Fahad that much? Did he love me and I took wrong advantage of it?" My mind was roaming around these questions.

"I didn't cheat on him and I didn't kill his sister, it was Aaliyaan who killed Naila" I was telling the truth to myself from which Fahad was oblivious.

I'm so excited Aaliyaan, there are only five days in our marriage" my eyes were sparkling with the immense happiness I was feeling at that time. Aaliyaan chuckled at my excitement and took hold my hands.

"Hoorain you are my diamond, you've been so lucky for me. Look now we have everything that we wanted from life" Aaliyaan was looking in my eyes and his words especially "Diamond" captured my heart, he had this quality to attract anyone with his words.

" yeah look money, business, power we've everything" I repeated and we both smiled at eachother.

We both were so much happy because today Naila gave 60% of her property to Aaliyaan.

Our happiness was short lived because as Aaliyaan opened the papers of property, his eyes became dark, I was confused as I saw him.

"What happened honey" I asked, he abruptly looked at me, his way of looking pinched my heart.

"These are fake papers Hoorain" he suddenly snapped making me flinch and threw papers on floor. We were in his apartment. I took the papers from floor and again read them and they were really fake papers.


"It means... " I didn't complete my sentence.

"It means Naila know everything about us and she has double crossed me" he said while clenching his teeth. He was outraged and I was afraid of his reaction.

"Now what will we do" I whispered. He stormed out of the apartment in a second that I couldn't comprehend anything. When came in senses I ran behind him, reached outside the building he was nowhere but still I went in parking lot to my car when I saw Aaliyaan and Naila were standing there.

Naila smirked at Aaliyaan. They both couldn't see me because I was standing behind the pillar and Aaliyaan's back was facing pillar while Naila was standing in a manner that I easily could see her. I don't know what took me but I chose to stand there and listen there talk.

"What do you think of yourself Mr.Aaliyaan that you will emotionally trap me and get my property?" Her voice was so calm yet so cold.

"Don't you dare forget that I'm not stupid who would easily be your target, you've damaged me enough, now it's my turn to get you where you should be" she threatened him, Aaliyaan was quiet then he laughed loudly making me frown. I didn't look at Naila's face.

"I'm not forgetting anything baby, you are forgetting that you are pregnant with alleged child, and if you do anything wrong with his father, he'll not accept you or your unborn baby then what will you do and where will you go? Will you spend your whole life with this sin" I felt like someone has brutally twisted knife in my back. His words were so strong that my world stopped. How can he do such horrible thing.

"It's is our child" Naila yelled and grabbed his collar to which Aaliyaan slapped her. I kept my hand on mouth, my eyes were teary. Aaliyaan was cheating on me, he betrayed me and Naila, he is a monster.

"Only we know that this is my child but this world, this world don't know anything" He tightly grasped her arm and said in low dangerous voice.

"But I know everything" I came in front of them to which Naila was frowning at me and Aaliyaan was shocked to see me, he suddenly left her arm and looked at me. His eyes were searching for a answer.

"Hoorain she is lying, she isn't pregnant" I slapped him hard at his lie.

"You said you would only trap her into your words and get the money but today I saw your real image. Money is not only enough for you but also the body is what you really get attracted to" My lips were trembling.

my eyes were red by now. I looked at naila, who was frightened and was staring at me.

"I thought you both were involved in this game" She whispered. Aaliyaan ignored her and turned towards me, his back was facing Naila. He took hold of my arms.

"Hoorain I confess that I did wrong but do you really think that much low of me, I did this just for money, for you, for our bright future" Aaliyaan tried to convince me but I shoved him off.

"If your love is that much offensive to go beyond limits then listen I don't need your love. I hate you" I screamed, tears were falling from eyes. I glanced at Naila who kneeled down on floor and was crying hysterically. I looked at Aaliyaan who was staring at Naila but his eyes were showing loath for her.

"If you really love me then marry her" I said making Aaliyaan's expressions go hard, he climbed the stairs and went from there. I grabbed Naila's arms and slowly made her stand up.

"Why you both did this to us?" she asked me, I was feeling very guilty.

"I'm sorry I became blind in front of money and Aaliyaan. It was his game in which I was also being played. Trust me I didn't know that you are pregnant with his child. It was also my fault that I supported him in his filthy plans not caring about your emotions" I said biting hard on my lips to not shed more tears.

"What about Fahad's emotions" she was not crying now but her eyes were waiting impatiently for my answer.

"I know he'll also be hurt when he would know that I was taking his advantage" I replied. We were standing there when Aaliyaan came out of blue and pointed his gun on Naila. I gasped.

" What are you doing Aaliyaan? Are you out of your senses?" I tried to come forward but he stopped me by showing his gun to me.

"I'm sorry Hoorain I love you so much that I can't even imagine to live my life with someone else other than you" His eyes were glassy, I gulped and looked at Naila who was standing there and was staring at him with many emotions floating in her eyes.

"please put it down" I pleaded him, he shook his head signing me to move back, Naila was silently standing there and staring at Aaliyaan.

He was about to shoot when I gripped his arm and striked towards different direction. Scream escaped my mouth as voice of bullet reached my ears.

"Naila run from here" I shouted and tried to hold Aaliyaan's arm as long as I could, he was also trying to release his hand from me but I tried my best to stop him from doing another sin.

Naila was still standing there I was pleading her to go but she was determined to be killed.

I screamed for help but there was no one other than us, not even security guard, it was hard for me to hold him back because he was bulky man whereas I was a weak girl. Aaliyaan pushed me, I couldn't sustain my balance and fell on the floor.

"Sorry but I can't..." with that he shot the gun. Everything was destroyed in that moment, everything was paused in that moment. My breath halted as I was looking at Aaliyaan whose eyes were focused on lifeless Naila. My vision blurred as I saw her body on floor and blood spurted like water from her stomach, her eyes were open which made me flinch. I was trembling, I slowly went near her and checked her pulse. She was dead.

My voice was stuck in my throat.

"S-Sh-Shee is d-dead" I whispered.


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