《Her love & her regrets》chapter#2 (unedited)


Aslam o alaikum guys

Fahad was laying on his bed, he didn't eat anything since morning because of the thoughts that were lingering in his mind.

"Fahad" Naila was watching a film when she turned towards him while turning off the volume of television.

"yeah" he was doing assignment on laptop.

"How is Hoorain" Naila asked with a mischievous smile.

"you know very well I do not talk to her" he glared at her, trying not to blush in front of his sister. Naila laughed at him.

"yeah but you stare at her daily in your university " she pushed back her laugh. Fahad chuckled and again started with his assignment.

"it's your last year in your university , when will you confess your love to her" she asked him while switching off the TV.

"Naila she doesn't even look at me how can I confess my feelings to her" His voice was dripping annoyance and tiredness, maybe because he wanted Hoorain to notice him.

"Don't worry bro I'll get you married to her once you are done with your studies" she winked at him, Fahad stared at her like she've grown two heads.

"what about your marriage, after completing my studies, I'll find the best purposal for my elder sister then I would handle business and then I will get married" Fahad stood from his swing chair and sat beside her on couch. Naila's eyes twinkled proudly at his younger brother, she just smiled at him.

"do you like someone" Fahad asked her to which her expressions changed for a second but she composed herself.

" Oh no look I've wasted so much time in talking to you that I forgot to perform Namaz(prayer)" she was about to stand up when he took hold of her wrist.

"Answer me Naila" he demanded like a stubborn child

"Look Mr. I don't like anyone so please let me go because tomorrow is my meeting in the office" He let go of her and looked at her when she was going in her room.

Naila was never like this, she was very naughty, carefree and fun loving but after their parents died, she became very reserved but with Fahad she was still very frank because she wanted him to share his every problems with her. One thing was very wrong with her that she never shared any of her personal issues with him, that's why Fahad was always concerned about her.

Naila was different from most of the girls who become jealous easily and gossip about random people and who would drool over money like money was everything.

Naila was very innocent and polite, she was so simple yet so attractive, lucky was the man who would have married her. Fahad was thinking about his sister when his mobile vibrated.


He frowned because it was an unknown number, he picked up the call but when he heard the voice he became stilled.

"Wh...Who are you?" he stammered.

"I'm Hoorain your classmate" Fahad was shocked, the first thought that came across his mind was "is this dream or really miracles do happen? "

"Hello Mr. Fahad" she asked for his attention.

"yeah yeah I'm listening how are you? " he asked, he was on the seventh sky, he never imagined that Hoorain would call him like that.

"I'm fine and how are you?" she asked him.

"Absolutely fine" he was smiling from ear to ear.

"Umm... My friend Sawera told me that you've solved the equations that teacher assigned to us, actually I'm stuck in these equations, if you don't mind would you please share your answer method with me" She nervously completed her statement.

"yeah why not tomorrow I'll give you answers and will also teach you how to solve them" he didn't want to miss that opportunity to talk to her that's why he also offered to teach her that topic.

"Thank you so much Fahad" she said happily.

"My pleasure" He replied. When they said bye to eachother and hanged up, he was looking like a child who got his favourite candy.

Fahad went into Naila's room to tell her about Hoorain's call but when he saw her on prayer mat so he silently came out and headed towards his room.

I'll not forgive you Hoorain" I

thought to myself as a lone tear fell from my eye.

I'll make sure to punish both of these love birds(Aaliyaan &Hoorain) . Right now I've had delayed the case of Naila's death till the birth of my child because Hoorain was pregnant with my child and I didn't want to drag my baby into all this.

Once my baby arrives in this world I'll again file a case against both of them and will make sure to get them hanged to death.

I came out of my thoughts when my mobile vibrated, it was Faraz my bestfriend. I picked up the call.

"where are you" he asked, his voice was laced with concern. I sighed

"At home" I replied.

"And where is she" He interrogated

"Maybe in her room" I again shortly answered. There was silence on the other side, after few seconds he spoke.

"okay I'm coming over to you" he said and dismissed the call.

It had been 15 mins since he came and he was staring at me like he was trying to solve some puzzle.

"say something" I was annoyed by his gaze.

"Now that you've married her for the sake of your child then let me remind you that husband and wife live together in one room but here you have another room and she has another. What are your intentions?" He was also irritated.


"My intentions are to divorce her once she gives birth to my child" I cleared all his confusion

"look Fahad I know you don't love her anymore but that doesn't mean that you would damage her on every step of her life. I know she is behind your all misery but you've also destroyed her completely, you've taken your avenge and the amount of punishments she has received, I think Allah has also forgiven her" He was raising his voice at me for that stupid girl.

"So you want me to spend my whole life with that girl, who was behind my sister's death, who cheated on me and who's eye was on my money and property" My temper was also losing. How can he think and talk like that to me.

"Yes! what they did to you and your sister was bad but you've done the worst to them" he outraged at me. He stood up from the couch as I stood up from the bed in enrage and grasped his collar.

"What do you think of yourself?" I growled, my lips were trembling with anger, I was sure that if he spoke a word I would lash out all my anger on him.

He surprised me by pushing me hard, I stumbled but gained the position, of course he was body builder.

"I think of myself a human being and a Muslim who should be in the favour of justice not cruelty. I just wanna knock some sense into you" he shouted at me, I was shocked at his behaviour.

There was silence in the room for few seconds then again he started.

"look they cheated on you both siblings then they both are separated right now, Allaiyan is in lockup and Hoorain is bounded here, if your sister was pregnant with Aaliyaan's child then Hoorain is also pregnant with your's, Aaliyaan killed Naila and now he is also in lockup waiting for his death. your sister didn't face humiliation as much as Hoorain has faced and the most painful thing is that her father is in coma. What else do you want from her" his voice was slow this time but the anger was evident.

"Aaliyaan and Hoorain they both killed my sister, they both are still alive" I corrected him.

"So you also want to kill her. Fahad this is not revenge, this is not you"

He said while I looked away from him. He sighed and went from there.

I didn't know what I really wanted. I wanted to see her in misery, wanted to punish them which I did, but still I was not in peace.

"I really wanted some peace, which I won't get until she goes from my life" I said to myself.

"Are you mad Aaliyaan? I won't do that" I said in disbelief. How can he make me do such thing.

"Hoorain my life, just listen to me. I'm not asking you to marry him or love him, just be one of his best friends and know about his personal life" he grabbed my shoulders and tried to convince me.

"but why you wanna know about his personal life. You've already trapped his sister so what's the problem" I asked impatiently. He let go of me and turned towards the window, now only his back was facing me.

"My silly partner! I've forbade Naila to tell anything about mine and her relationship to anyone, if you would get close to Fahad then he'll tell you everything about him and maybe about his sister, then we will easily know if she has fallen in my trap or not" he explained to me everything. I formed my mouth in 'O' expression.

"okay but Aaliyaan don't you think we are doing wrong? They are very rich what if they catch our truth and tell everyone or file a case against us then what would we do? We are not even that much powerful and rich." I was getting tense thinking about the future. Aaliyaan turned towards me and laughed at me, I frowned at him, how dare he?

" You are so innocent Hoorain" when he called me innocent, my eyes became soft and I blushed.

"yeah I know there is some risk in doing all this drama but if you really wanna live luxurious and happy life with me then you've to be with me, I'm lonely without you, I'm doing all this just for you, for your happiness. Trust me Hoorain if we handle everything with extreme care then everything would go smoothly and nobody would know about that" he took hold of my hand and made me sit beside him on my bed.

"once I trap her into my love and get 60% of her property then we both will marry and run away from here, then no one would know that where are we" he said, excitement and happiness was bubbling in his dark brown eyes. I was still not sure.

"Hoorain my love! Life is giving us golden opportunity. It's not the Co incidence that Naila is my boss and Fahad is your classmate, it's the sign from fate. success and power are on our doorstep then why you are being reluctant" he looked in my eyes and tried to convince me again. This time I smiled and nodded

I hope you would like the chapter :)

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Stay blessed :)

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