《Human Psychology》181 - 190


181. Mistrust is the main reason for quarrels between lovers.

182. Women prefer to communicate with the opposite sex at a close range.

183. Romance in a relationship can be no more than a year. This can be explained by the fact that the brain cannot stay in this state for longer.

184. According to statistics, most often couples file for divorce after five years of marriage.

185. Closeness is an indicator of love. For this reason, colleagues quite often fall in love with each other.

186. To maintain romance in a relationship, it is very important to listen to the words of your significant other.

187. 35% of people who are looking for dating for sexual relations on the Internet are married.

188. The longer a man takes to courting a woman, the higher the likelihood that their marriage will be happy.

188. Surely, you have heard that after parting with a loved one, it is advised to go in for sports. And it's not just that. During training, dopamine levels decrease, and the despair of parting will cease to oppress.

189. Quite a lot of relationships start with friendship.

190. People in a marriage feel much more confident.

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