《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter - 26 Nįpple
I go to my room, and as usual Kyle and Khloe are knocked out in my bed. Even when they have the opportunity to have their own rooms in this big mansion, they chose to sleep in my bed. I take off the nightlight since the sun is out and although I'm pretty sure Kye can afford it, I do not want to waste electricity. I walk into the bathroom, and roll my eyes once I see my neck.
I can't believe I allowed that fucker to just give me hickeys. I swear there is something seriously wrong with that guy. I can't stop playing those words he called me in my head.
He said I was one of the most special women he knows. He called me beautiful too. What is wrong with him lately. He's so touchy these days. Before all that though... who the hell is Trenton?
"So this is Trenton my cousin."
Kye mumbles looking displeased.
"We're more like brothers."
Trenton says smiling to me and I return his smile to not be rude.
She just blushed back at him!
Is she fucking serious?
He's not even attractive... well he's not sexier than me.
Ugh; since when did I become such a bitch?
I'm seriously insecure over my younger cousin because of Laila?
I mean do I even like Laila enough to act this way?
Females throw themselves at me wherever I go. I can get whoever I want. It is nothing for me to be with a female. So I need to put these bitch ass feelings away. No girl is worth that. Last time I acted like a bitch, I feel in love with Diana and now look where that has gotten me.
"You live here with Kye?"
Laila asks Trenton while brushing Khloe's hair in a ponytail.
"Oh please it's bad enough we are blood. I would never succumb myself to such torment."
I respond instead making Trenton clench his jaw and shake his head.
"If you cannot tell by now, my cousin is one of the nicest and easiest people to live with."
"If that is sarcasm, you now may leave my home."
I state.
Lai finishes with Khloe's hair, and I can't help but smile as I watch them. Lai is such a great mom. She'll make a husband very happy one day.
"You okay cuzzo?"
Trenton asks.
I don't even realize how irritated I get at the idea of Lai being someone else's wife. Imagine if she was Trenton's wife? Oh the thought alone irritates my soul.
"Why are you here?"
I can't hide my irritation towards him.
"Wow. Why are you such an asswhole? I'm your blood for goodness sake- not one of the random broads you have here every night!"
I hope she did not hear that.
Lai immediately grabs the kids hands and walks out the living room with them. I do not miss the glare she gives us before exiting.
"Watch your mouth around my kids!"
I shout angrily while getting up from my seat.
"Are you delusional? You don't have kids? Why are you even letting this random bitch stay here with those-"
Before he can even finish his sentence, I grab his collar.
"Speak about her in that way again, and I will make sure you regret it- blood or not. Now if you are here to reproach the way I am living, you may leave. Matter of fact-"
I let go of Trenton's collar and walk out the living room.
Let me go get his things...
"No don't. Please I learned my lesson. I'm sorry Kye."
I turn and look at him, but then decide to just walk away.
I search for Laila, and after a few minutes find her in the upstairs living room singing with the kids.
I smile as I hear her angelic voice.
"Kye- I mean Dad!"
Kyle shouts smiling as he sees me.
"Kye- I mean Dad!"
Khloe mimics her brother.
Laila does not turn back to look at me, and from that I can tell she's irritated with me again.
What the fuck did I do now?
"You guys ready to go?"
I ask them and everyone but Lai responds.
Her back is faced towards me as she is now looking through her phone.
"Where are we going?"
Kyle asks and I mess up his hair.
"It's a surprise remember. Now come on let's get you in the mini bus."
Both ask, and I notice Lai finally puts down her phone and faces me.
"I thought you were just taking us out to eat."
She states and I get distracted by her full lips.
She's wearing that sexy red lipstick color I like on her.
"Slight change of plans. I didn't feel like dealing with the paparazzi today"
I throw her line back at her.
Laila's POV
Our whole ride I notice Trenton does not speak once. I am grateful because I cannot take another argument. I wonder why Kye is so irritated by his cousin's presence.
Trenton is no doubt attractive. He looks allot like Kye. They both are muscularly built similarly. They both are the same height, and similar facial features. Kye has a stronger pronounced jaw and black hair unlike his cousin who has brunette hair. In addition, Trenton also has hazel eyes unlike Kye who has blue.
I am sitting on the minibus, and no one is siting next to me. We have probably been driving for two hours now, and everyone is asleep but me and Kye.
He's been acting extra off today. Hesitantly I go in the back of the bus to sit next to him and talk.
He looks so deep in thought, I don't even think he sees me as I walk towards him.
I say lowly in volume to him, and he quickly turns his head towards me.
"Woah. How long have you been sitting there?"
He says genuinely surprised.
I rest my hand on his forehead to see if he is warm.
No fever.
"What wrong, Kye? Lately you've been so easily irritated. Your face is always red; I don't know if you're angry or allergic to something. You zone out- are you sick, or are you going through some things?"
I ask and I notice that Kye looks like he is having an inward battle.
"You want to know the truth?"
"The truth is you and Trenton are on my last nerve. Whatever sexual attraction you all have going on, keep it to yourselves. Neither me nor the kids should be knowing about it."
My jaw momentarily drops, and on instinct I try to nudge Kye's face, but his hand grabs mine.
"Touch my face again and-"
Kye's POV
I am cut off when I notice tears start to silently fall from her face.
She starts to sob, and I quickly grab her arm and walk her to the bathroom.
I don't want anyone seeing her like this.
"What did I ever do to you?"
She states covering her face, and I feel so bad for making her cry.
I am such an asshole to her. She's only 23 and I always stress her out and make her cry. I was even the cause of her last panic attack which the doctor- who was blatantly checking her out- said it was the most extreme one she ever had.
Because of her hard exterior, I sometimes forget all that she has been through, and I am not making it easier for her.
"I'm so sorry Lai."
I respond cupping her face, but she turns her head from my grip.
"Since the first day I meet you, you've been nothing but controlling, disrespectful and mean. I know I am not the easiest to deal with, but I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much."
Her words and tears tear at my emotions.
"I don't hate you."
I respond and Lai moves back from me, but I grab her arm so that she won't leave.
"I'm trying so hard to compromise! I- Just forget it. I don't care. Neither do you. Just leave me alone."
Laila's POV
"I can't do that."
He states making my blood boil.
"Why the fuck not?"
I ask angrily.
"Because I care about you."
He states and I roll my eyes.
"That's why you accuse me of wanting to sleep with your cousin? Go fuck yourself."
I state trying to walk away, but Kye grabs my hand.
"I said I'm sorry"
He says frustratedly.
"I said go fuck yourself."
I respond.
My eyes widen as I feel Kye wrap his arms around my waist.
On instinct I slap his face causing him to let go. I smile when I hear the loud sound my soft hands make against his cheek. Next, I exit the bathroom and go back to the front of the bus.
"Welcome to six flags"
Kye says while exiting the bus.
The kids start jumping up in excitement.
"You see in New York February weather is too cold for amusement parks. However, in Texas winter weather is like fall weather."
Kye states while staring at me.
I turn my face away from his stare. I have nothing to say to him. I will never have anything to say to him if I can. He just gets on my nerves.
"Lai- I mean mom."
Kyle says smiling his toothless grin at me.
"Yes sugarplum."
I respond.
"Can Khlo and I get some funnel cake?"
I open my mouth but am cut off by the Wipe.
"You all stay with Trenton while Lai and I get everyone funnel cake."
I roll my eyes.
I don't even think Trenton likes me. Why would I make him look after my kids.
"I'll meet you there."
I mumble to Kye with no intentions of meeting him there.
"I'll wait for you."
He responds following me and I roll my eyes.
I decide to just go towards the funnel cake stand to get this over with.
We get on the long line and I roll my eyes when Kye starts to speak to me.
"I'm sorry-"
I respond cutting him off.
He grunts and I take out my phone.
He grunts and I roll my eyes again.
"-la. As in Laila. That is my damn name."
I say.
"But everyone else call you Lai."
He responds and I raise my hand cutting him off.
"Everyone who I like calls me Lai."
I correct and he smirks.
"Oh so you don't like me anymore?"
"When did I start?"
I say and I look away because of how red my cheeks are suddenly.
He walks closer to me and whispers in my ear.
"You did when we were... Oh never mind."
He says and I hear the smirk.
My thoughts go back to when we were rubbing crotches together.
"I really hope that Kyle comes out nothing like you."
I say through gritted teeth.
Kyle lets out a sigh.
"Lai..la can we start over."
"How much times are we going to start over? I'm tired of your games Kye. If you dislike me fine, but at least don't disrespect me."
He observes my face and opens his mouth to speak.
"I don't mean to be an ass hole I promise you, but you just don't leave me any other choice."
He says looking frustrated.
"Let's just get the funnel cake and that's it. You don't need to throw anymore insults at me. Please!"
I say while putting my fingers in my ear.
Kye shakes his head and cups my face to look at him.
He lets out a deep breath.
"Lai I really like you. I'm very territorial, and I get jealous easily."
My eyes widen in shock.
"I'm sorry for how I have been maltreating you. I've unjustifiably let my frustration out on you from day one. I really am a gentleman- or at least can be. I mean if that's what you want."
My heart drops at his words.
"What I want is for you to stop being 'jealous' and 'territorial' over something that will NEVER EVER be yours. I don't have time to play these games. I'm here because we share a child. I don't have time for these damn games Tanner!"
I get so irritated I walk back to the kids and Trenton. Luckily Kye does not follow me back. He stays on line.
When I get back to my kids and Trenton, they look confused.
"Trenton, go join your cousin on line. He requests your services."
I say plastering a fake happy smile.
"No problem."
He says getting up from his bench, and I take his seat.
"Laila. Why are you always angry at my father?"
Kyle asks and my jaw slackens.
"I'm not mad."
I respond defensively.
"You're not happy Lai- Mom."
I chuckle.
"I'm irritated. Your father is a handful and very set in his ways. It makes him very unlikeable."
I look towards the direction of the funnel cake line, and see Kye and Trenton conversing.
I wonder what they are talking about.
"I think he likes you."
Kye says to me taking me out of my thought.
"You're 6. You're too young to know what like is."
I respond.
"Na uh!"
Kyle states making me laugh.
"Then how do you know your father likes me?"
I ask curiously.
"He always asks Khlo and I questions about you. He always stops speaking to look at you when you pass by. He's always staring at you. He's mean to any guy who is friendly with you- even his cousin. "
"That's not true."
I say trying to hide my shock for how observant my son is.
"It is."
Kyle protest.
I shake my head.
"Like last time he asked us what was your favorite food."
Kyle continues.
"What did you tell him it was?"
I ask curiously.
"I told him three things: cheese, pasta and seafood."
My mind goes back to that surprise date he brought me on. He ordered me Alfredo with clams and the food was so good! However the date did not end so well.
I remember that night ending with me having a panic attack and ending up in the hospital.
I shake my head as if to shake away the memory.
"Enough of this conversation. Tell me about your first week of school."
Kyle's eyes light up as he speaks about his new friends and teachers.
Kye and I were able to come to an agreement on private school for Kyle instead of homeschool. I am satisfied. Anything over homeschooling is good for me.
I listen to Kyle speak and suddenly feel eyes on me. I face my head towards the direction of the heat of the stare and my breath hitches in my throat when I see Kye staring at me. His gaze is so focused on me even though Trenton is conversing with him.
I get out the shower and dry myself with my towel. I am not going to lie, today was an extremely fun day for the kids. I actually enjoyed the amusement park too. It was a pleasant surprise... for the kids. I would have loved if Haley and- well not Henry... I still miss them though even though it has only been a couple of days.
Oh! Which reminds me; I have to talk to Kye about this interview that was suppose to happen. The one where he introduces his son to the world.
I might as well ask him now since the kids are already asleep in my bed, and Kye does not usually sleep at night. Knowing him, he's in his office.
Kye's POV:
I just get out the shower when I hear a knock on my office door. I wrap my towel around me and walk to the door that exits to my office.
It is probably Trenton to ask me more about Laila and her kids. He would not stop at six flags. I was about to tell him the truth, but then he would know that Laila and I actually have no relationship together except for Kyle. If I don't tell him anything he'll assume at least that Laila is one of my mistresses. Thus, meaning she is off limits.
What is wrong with me?
I walk to the door and am pleasantly surprised to see Lai instead of Trenton. She smells like pears. Her hair is in a puffy high ponytail as if she just washed it, and her beautiful face is bare of makeup.
In a way I feel honored to see this "naked" face of her. I cant stop my eyes from traveling down to see that sexy short playful nightgown of hers. It ends mid thigh, and is spaghetti strap. This all white gown has fluffy white fur at the bottom actually making her look angelic, and with the way this gown hugs the right places, it has to be from Victoria's Secret. I scan her beautifully sculpted legs, her small waist, her full breast. My eyes travel up to those full pink lips of her that are slightly parted and I just want to take her so badly.
I look up to her brown eyes and notice she is looking away from my body- in fact, her whole face if red. She's blushing! I'm making her blush? She finds my body attractive too? Even with my tattoos?
I decide to speak and take her out her misery.
"What brings you here, firefly?"
I notice she momentarily closes her eyes.
"I wanted to speak with you, but I see your umm..."
she does not even finish her sentence.
"Its okay we can talk I'll change into something less.. distracting"
She mumbles surprising me.
I pull the door close behind us locking it, and grab Laila's hand as I walk her into the same bathroom that leads to my bedroom on the other side.
Lai's breath hitches in her throat as we enter my room. I turn back to see what is wrong, but all she does is look around my room.
"You like"
I ask and she nods her head while still staring.
She seems to be frozen in place as she looks around and I just smirk at her behavior. I go inside my walk-in closet and change into my boxers and white v - neck.
I come out and see her siting at the foot of my bed.
"Don't get too comfortable."
I regret the words when they come out.
Damn why would I say that! I was never good at flirting.
I notice the look of embarrassment and hurt from rejection she wears on her face. Damn! This is why she hates me!
"So fucking stupid."
I mumble to myself and Lai rolls her eyes at me.
Her expression flashes to irritation.
"You're right. I already feel like I am getting an STD from just being in this room. You and your sluth whore of a wife already desecrated this room. Lord knows what harmful fumes I am inhaling- much less what disease I'll catch from leaning on this bed of STDs."
His jaw is dropped as I get off the bed and I actually feel a little bad.
"Why do you always have to take it so far?"
He says walking towards me.
"Why do you always have to start with me?"
He shakes his head and I can tell I really struck a nerve bringing up his fiancé.
I exhale a deep breath.
"I apologize. I took it too far- even though you did provoke me."
I mumble and I notice he slowly smiles at me.
He grabs my wrist and sits in the middle. He pats for me to sit but I shake my head.
"I'm not even trying to be difficult; I apologize if it comes of that way, but I don't want to sit on a bed you've fucked multiple women in not even including Diana."
Kye shakes his head.
"I recently moved into this mansion. I purchased it the day the paternity test showed Kyle was my son. You're the first woman to grace my bed with her bum."
He says making me smile in content.
"But what about that other house you bought?"
I state taking a seat next to Kye.
"What about it?"
He says moving back by his pillow and pats the space next to him.
I don't know why I feel comfortable to follow with his silent request I sit next to him and he smiles.
"That's allot of money to be throwing away."
I state and he chuckles.
"I can afford it. I assure you."
I respond looking at the movie that is playing.
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Offside [publishing December 5th]
After being dumped on her on her 21st birthday, Bailey James rebounds right into the arms of her ex's biggest competition, Chase Carter: Antagonizer, womanizer, and infamous left winger for the Boyd University Falcons.Following a string of scandals and substandard grades, Chase is on thin ice with his teammates and tyrannical coach. The last thing he needs is to have his focus and loyalty called into question by fraternizing with his team's #1 rival. But a beautiful stranger who throws herself at him one night is too tempting to pass up... Until she throws up on his shoes.Caught in the midst of a bitter rivalry that extends far beyond the arena, Bailey and Chase are on opposite sides of the bench. He's worked his entire life to secure a future in the NHL. She's tagged along for the ride while her brother, star defensive for their school's team, has done the same. Fraternizing with the enemy is definitely out of the question-except this enemy is impossible to resist.*Note: OFFSIDE will be published on December 5, 2022 in Kindle Unlimited and paperback. Pre-order on Amazon now![[word count: 150,000 - 200,000]]
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❤️Danganronpa opinion ships!❤️
Hey everyone! This is my 15th & last book i published & it will be filled with all the danganronpa ships in all danganronpa games/animes! Leave your opinions & requests in comments! Feel free to share this book with your loved ones! Love you all!PS: I don't own Danganronpa, it belongs to Spike Chunsoft.
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Caged In
A day trip to a local wildlife refuge was Cage's last idea for a date with a female. Being dragged into it by his friends, he would rather be back in the packlands planning out where to look next. Kirsten isn't his mate but everyone around him pushed him toward her at a chance for a future. After years of looking, wolves start to wonder if their mates are out there, and the hope he has starts to twindle every year. The wolf pushes still to pursue the search. He believes she is out there, shouldn't Cage?When an odd feeling like an itch he can't scratch starts to rise and a shiver runs through him, Cage's wolf leads him forward from his friends as a playful southern voice rings out in the crowd and he stops in his tracks as his gaze lands on a woman standing up in front of the crowd. Consumed by the bond and moving forward their eyes meet with a mixture of excitement and confusion swirls in her eyes. Finally found Cage throws caution to the wind in the pursuit to get to her and fill the bond, the only problem is, she's a human and he has to win her over before he can reveal his true identity to her. Meanwhile, old rivals and sinister plans threaten to rock the peace of his pack and the safety of its future as they hide in the shadows and backgrounds, slowly pushing forward to throw them into war. Pulled between his pack and his mate, Cage is forced into two directions and choices to make.
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Young master Damien's pet
"Who touched you?" he asked, his eyes brooding down at her and when she didn't answer, his voice thundered in the room, "WHO?" The butler who stood near the wall spoke shakily, "Sir it was Mr. Reverale," Damien's face turned sour, his jaw ticking in anger he turned his face to the side where the butler stood behind."Bring the man here.""N-now?" stuttered the butler. It was the time of night.Damien who hadn't broken his eyes contact with the girl in front of him pushed his hand against the wall which previously rested beside his beautiful girl's head. Turning his body, he first looked at his butler who had his head bowed. With great courage, the butler came to meet his master's eyes, "Do you have any other better time? Or should it be after I wring your neck?" Damien asked calmly tilting his head. Not a second later, the butler ran out of the room to return back with Mr. Reverale after twenty minutes. "Damien, are we having a late tea party?" Mr. Reverale came to greet but the master of the house had other plans. Spotting the knife that was stuck to the apple on the table, he reached for it to pull it out. Just as Mr. Reverale went to exchange a handshake with him, Damien took hold of his hand to place it on the table. In one swift movement as if he were chopping onions, he chopped the four fingers of the man off his hand making him yelp and cry in pain."No one touches what is mine. I am sure this will remind you the next time you even think about touching her," sighed Damien as if he were tired of telling people to keep their dirty hands off his belongings.
8 75