《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter - 13 Secrets
Kye's POV
"Hey honey how was your trip?"
My mother greets me as I enter her house.
I give her a hug, and I kiss her on the cheek.
"It was interesting. It definitely caused me to remember and learn allot of stuff."
Like the fact that I have a son, and am really really attracted to Laila Clyne.
"So you don't regret going?"
Mom asks while taking my jacket.
"Not at all. In fact, I am happy I went."
"So, how did Laila react when she saw you?"
Mom asks nervously.
I swear she wants me and Laila to hook up so badly. Even before the accident, all she had been talking about is her beautiful and single hair dresser this, her independent and educated hair dresser that. Plus it does not help that my whole family dislikes Diana. I don't know why though, because Diana seems nice to me.
"She wasn't pleased."
I state.
That's an understatement.
Laila was annoyed and creeped to see me, but I get the sense she wasn't surprised. She's used to me creeping up on her it seems.
"I'm not surprised. She has a very hard exterior, but it's only because she's fragile on the inside."
"I know."
I sigh out.
"Why did she want to rip Diana's head off, well besides for obvious reasons?"
Mom says while smirking.
"Well apparently Diana threatened her and the kids."
Which by the way one belongs to me.
My mother just shakes her head as if not surprised at Diana's behavior.
"Why? Did she before the accident? Did you and Lai have some sort of relationship before? How do you guys even know each other? You never really told me-"
"-Or me."
My father chimes in while walking over to me.
"Hey pops."
I genuinely smile at my father while engulfing him into a hug.
"Hey Kite."
My father calls me the nick name he's used for me my whole life because of my obsession with them as a young boy. I wonder if he even remembers my real name sometimes.
"How do you know your mother's hair dresser so well, and why is she trying to beat that soon not meant to be fiancé of yours?"
Oh gosh here we go again.
"Why does this family dislike Diana so much? She can't be that bad if I planned to marry her befor this amnesia."
My father laughs at my words.
"The power of the pussy my son. It'll brainwash you, blind you, and trap you into marriage and you won't even know how it happened."
My father words make my mother rolls her eyes.
"Now answer the question boy."
My demands says seriously.
"According to Lai, we are not friends and can't stand each other. Her words are that we are 'barely acquaintances.' I don't know what I have done to her in the past, but she is such a bitch to me and has extremely low tolerance for me."
My mom looks so confused.
"Well how are you guys barely acquaintances? Whatever that means."
Mom asks.
I think it has to do with me being the father to one of her kids, but I do not dare say anything. I'll wait to tell them when the time is right.
"I don't really know how we know each other. Her kids seem to love me though."
I ease the last part out.
My mothers eyes raise.
"You must have been really close to her if her kids love you."
My mom says with a brow raised.
"You said you remembered allot of things on the trip. Like what?"
My dad says while slapping my back.
"Oh gosh. What's with the interrogations?"
I nervously laugh out.
"Why so nervous-"
"He's right Mathew. Lets allow him to settle."
My mom says cutting off my father.
"Dinner will be ready in five minutes."
She then walks towards the kitchen.
I go to the bathroom, and wash my hands.
My pocket vibrates, and I see that my phone is ringing.
I look at the contact and see it is Diana.
I answer.
"Hey babe. How was your business trip."
It's sad that I lie to her so much, but something tells me she would greatly disapprove of me going on a trip for seven days in the Caribbean to see Lai.
"It was okay."
I respond curtly.
"I missed you. I still miss you, when are you coming back to Texas?"
Diana practically moans, but for some reason I am thinking about Lai.
Is is because I remember more of Laila than I do Diana?
Am I really more attracted to Laila than my own fiancé?
"You're not going to say it back Kye?"
Diana says irritatedly, taking me out my thoughts.
"You didn't miss me?"
"Of course I did Lai- Lai-tely - lately you've been all over my mind."
Oh shit!
I panic and just hang up my phone.
Oh gosh.
What is Lai doing to me? All I think about is that kiss. How perfectly her small frame fit-
I need to stop!
Plus it does not help that Diana is all the way in Texas.
How am I going to tell her about my son? Lai and I have a child together? I fucked her before? Who gave her the second child?
Where's the bastard now- woah! I can not get territorial over some bitch when I am engaged to someone.
I need to cut this out! I am not going to let some lust ruin my relationship with my fiancé the love of my life.
Laila POV
"Are you honestly going to leave us?"
Anthony says to me as I start to pack my station.
"We still have that trip to Miama to go to from winning the hair show."
Melissa adds.
"-Laila come please."
Ms. Gladys calls me to her office.
I wonder what she wants now.
"She's been down lately."
Christina says to me as I walk towards Ms. Gladys' office.
I sit in the chair in front of her desk.
"Hello Ms. Gladys."
I nervously greet her.
Why I am nervous? I do not know. It is not like I have to worry about her firing me.
"Hey Laila. Now as you know I really don't want you to leave."
She starts, and I don't respond.
I have had enough of this conversation.
"Now I am just going to be straight forward, I invited Alicia here-"
I shout at her as I stand to my feet.
"She will be here any minute-"
"Know your place! This is not your business!"
The fuck? Who does she think she is? My mother?
I rudely but uncaringly walk out her office. I ignore the eyes on me. I am not in the mood. I grab my box of items from my station and walk outside with my stuff. Quickly, I get my keys out, and put my things in my trunk.
I put my seatbelt on and keys in the ignition. In less than five seconds I am driving towards my home.
This is why I keep things to myself. I can't trust people. I know Ms. Gladys felt she was helping, but this does not concern her at all. She's not thinking about how this affects my family.
I am in my parking lot in less than half an hour.
I am still fuming from what just happened. I take out my heavy box from my car, and step out the car-
"Sweetie let me help you with that."
My jaw drops as I turn to see Alicia next to me in my parking lot.
She smirks at my expression. The same smirk Kye does.
"You see we knew you would storm out. The plan was to follow you home. Now let me give one of my men the box to carry."
I am speechless.
Alicia calls out, and a man in all black then walks towards us.
"Be a gentleman, and hold this dear."
"Yes mam."
The 6ft Asian man responds with a warm smile.
Alicia hands him the box and then surprises me when she wraps her arm around mine.
I look at her and she looks back at me with a warm smile.
"Would you like some tea?"
I nervously ask Alicia as she takes a seat on my couch.
"Sure. I'll have peppermint if you have."
I nod and walk over to the kitchen.
I take out a bottle of Heineken and start to drink it as I wait for the water to boil. I know that the kettle makes a noise when it goes off regardless so I can go sit in the living room with Alicia, but I like to avoid my problems for as long as possible.
I make two turkey sandwiches while waiting, and cut them into triangles.
Five minutes later I walk out with a tray of turkey sandwiches and tea.
When I get to the living room, the wind is knocked out my lungs as I see Alicia is looking at Kyle's baby picture.
My heart drops when I see the look of recognition in her eyes.
I'm so scared I shakily place the tray of food on the coffee table.
I slowly sit on the couch across from where she was originally sitting, and stare at her waiting for her to speak.
She does not. All she does is stare at the picture of Kyle when he was 10 months old.
This is awkward and scary as fuck.
I just want to run so badly but I can not run from my house. Damn I can't kick her out either.
I don't know what to do. I quickly get up and lock myself in my bathroom. I don't now if it is because I am scared, if it is because I am about to get my period any day now, or both, but I start crying. I don't know how to handle all this pressure. I can't handle the possibility of them taking Kyle away from me. I just can't!
I grab my phone from my pocket, and dial the number without even realizing that I have come to memorize it.
On the first ring he picks up.
I try to speak but sobs come out.
"Are you okay? Where are you? Tell me now!"
I hear shuffling in the back.
"I'm at my h-home. Y-Your mom i-is here. She knows!"
I sob out.
"I'll be there soon. Don't worry everything will be okay."
He tries to calm me down.
"I won't let you guys take any of my kids from me!"
I shout as I hang up the phone.
I go to the toilet seat, and start back to crying for how long I do not know. It does not feel like long enough. I do not even realize when there is a knock on the bathroom door.
"Lai. Open the door."
I hear Kye say behind the door.
I try to open my eyes all the way, and realize just how puffy they are. I lean over towards and grab some toilet paper to blow my nose in.
Kye says too loud for my liking.
However, I walk towards the door and unlock it.
He opens it quickly, and comes into the bathroom taking up too much space for me. He closes the door behind us, and grabs my hand.
"Lai look at me."
He orders me, and reluctantly I look into those beautiful blue eyes of his.
He's so beautiful. If only he was single, not him, and I was not me- whatever sense that made. I'm still a little fuzzy from the Heineken.
"My mom just left. You are right. She knows."
He says making me cry more.
"No don't cry."
He says cupping my face.
Involuntarily I lean into his palm, and right away his eyes darken.
I quickly move my head away, and look down.
"Is she going to take Kye away from me?"
Kye looks at me with such pity and emotion, that I try to brace myself for the answer it seems like I won't like.
"Oh noo!"
I can't help but bawl out. I can not fathom them taking my KyKy away.
"Don't cry Lai."
Kye says to me while engulfing me into a hug with his muscular arms.
He smells so good.
"I understand- we understand how much you love Kyle. We won't take him away from you."
I am in so much relief. I start crying even more.
"Stop crying Lai."
Kye says while wiping my tears from my face.
Oh gosh he keeps touching me and I can not stop my face from reddening.
"Your mom hates me."
I say as more of a statement than question.
"I don't think that's even possible. Trust me. Now let's get out this bathroom. I'm taking you out."
I immediately tense up.
"No thank you. You can leave me alone now."
I go to close the bathroom door again to lock myself inside, but he not only grabs my hand, but lifts me over his back.
"What the hell!"
I laugh out.
Kye's POV
She actually laughs. I am momentarily stunned, because I swear I have never heard such a distinct sound before: Laila Clyne's laugh. I want to flip her over to see the smile on her face. It is so rare to catch her smile. The only time she smiles is when she is around her kids.
"Please I don't want to go."
She says but I ignore her.
I walk her to the parking lot, and place her in the passenger seat of my car. I can see my security guard Jeremy trying to stifle a smile when Lai crosses her arms over her chest angrily.
I get in the drivers seat and start driving.
"Do you even remember how to drive?"
She says while staring out the window.
"How else would I have got here?"
I respond.
I turn on the radio to change the mood.
My way by Fetty Wap starts playing, and I poorly start singing or imitating the way Fetty sings it. I expect Lai to have some type of opinion, but she does not say anything. She seems to be in her own trance. I don't even think she realizes my horrible singing.
I stop at a read light and take the time to look at her. She is wearing a white fur jacket. Brown leather pants, and brown leather boots. Her hair is down and falls beautifully around her face. I look at her face and her eyes look so sad.
"What's wrong?"
I ask causing her to slowly and sadly face me.
"My face is swollen, my eyes are puffy. I look like shit. Where are you taking me?"
I respond knowing some how that it will irritate her more.
"Seriously I look like shit. I was just crying my life out. I don't want anyone to see me looking this bad."
She says these words with such emotion, and it is like I am seeing her truly for the first time.
"You wear vulnerability quite nicely. You look beautiful regardless."
Uh oh where did that come from?
Her face reddens and her eyes widened.
"You better start being the asshole you were before the amnesia. Diana already hates me. She won't approve of these compliments you are giving me."
I don't respond to her words because I know they are true.
I go to my glove compartment and take out some shades. I hand it to Lai.
"You're wearing sunglasses in winter, but that's none of my business though."
I mumble as she places it on her face.
"So what movie you want to see?"
I ask Lai who is now smiling.
"I can't believe you're taking me to the movies."
She giggles as we enter IMAX theater.
"Why not?"
I ask and she just shakes her head.
"I know this is fake, but I've never been on a movie date before."
She says a little embarrassed.
"Well my 'barely acquaintance,' I am honored to be the first to take you out on a movie date- real or fake."
My words make her smile, and seeing her smile causes me to smile.
We walk to the booth to order tickets. There is only one movie that will be showing within the next 10 minutes. It's an action movie. Thank God Lai is not the type to make me wait to watch a horror film like Diana.
I order us some nachos, popcorn, candy and soda. It all came up to almost $50.
I give Lai the sodas to hold, and I hold everything else.
We take our seats in the back of the theater, and I watch as Lai rest her legs on the seat next to her making herself comfortable.
She puts the drinks in the cup holders, and then takes her nachos from me.
"I love nachos."
She says to me while innocently dipping her finger in the cheese and sucking it off.
Am I hard?
"The cheese is the best part."
She says licking the cheese off the side of her mouth.
Damn. Damn. Change the convo.
"Umm... Where are the kids today?"
I ask with my voice a little too husky.
"They are spending the night with Aunty Rachel today. It is movie night for them."
She says.
"Aunty Rachel is related to you?"
I ask and am surprised when Lai shakes her head.
"She's like a mother to me really. I don't know any of my family except for my late sister. I have been in a foster home for majority of my life."
She says making my heart break.
"What was your sister's name?"
I ask cause Lai to laugh.
"Wow. You must really be telling the truth about this Amnesia. You don't remember the name Selena?"
She asks waiting for me to remember.
"Should I?"
I ask causing Lai's mouth to open wide.
"Well she is the mother of your child."
"Yea my late sister Selena is the mother of both Khloe and Kyle. You impregnated her after a one night stand. Why you did not wear a condom with a stranger? I do not know, but that is none of my-"
"You're not the mother of...? We never slept together?"
I cut her off.
I am surprised when Lai starts laughing.
"Even with a case of amnesia, after having sex with me, you would remember. In addition, how many times do I have to say that you and I were never more than barely acquaintances."
She says shaking her head not even looking at me.
I try to envision her, and see a brunette that looks strikingly similar Laila. Not as beautiful, but very attractive. Selena looks more run down though. She has bags under her eyes, and they are bloodshot red from alcohol- oh I do remember Selena. Now I remember how I met her. I was after the championship...
"Yo! We finally fucking did it bro! No more fucking shit to be said from other teams. I can't wait to collect all my fucking money from these bets."
Daren excitedly says while walking with me to the locker room.
"Yo! I am so tired of people talking shit. I'm going to get so drunk tonight."
I say while getting my things out the locker.
"We're still going to that party that Luke is having. Right?"
Antonio asks us and without hesitation we agree.
"I'm not missing it. It's the biggest party in Texas. Plus you know how much money I have to collect?"
Phillip says.
Darren gives him a high five.
"You got money to collect Tanner?"
Daren asks me.
"Too much. I lost count of who owes me what."
I say and everyone laughs.
"You have to get laid tonight bro."
Daren says causing everyone to laugh.
"For real. I am starting to wonder if you are celibate. Are you saving yourself bro? I mean what happened to the old you?"
Antonio ask.
"The threesome just because you were bored Tanner."
Phillip says laughing.
"The Tanner that had more body counts than ISIS."
Daren adds making us all laugh.
"How do you not even have kids yet? Or STDs?"
Antonio asks.
"My pull out game is too strong, and I always get background information on the girls I am about to fuck."
I respond.
"So you have time to schedule in hoes to fuck, and background checks, but you can not schedule in condoms?"
Phillip asks making my team laugh.
"Look whatever happens happens. Its not like I can not support having kids. With the bet money I am reviving tonight I can pay the college tuition of three."
I say making everyone laugh.
"Tonight I am definitely getting laid to celebrate this championship win. I think my assistant said her name is Ciara or Celine."
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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