《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter - 10 The twist
I am sitting at the table with all this yummy looking food around me. I have not been able to eat anything all day, and yet, I cannot seem to find my appetite.
I just can't get over the fact that Kye stood us up. The earlier looking Kyle that was so happy now wears a countenance of sadness on his face, and although he is trying to hide it, I see it. Even Khlo has asked for Kye multiple times.
He could not even respect his son enough to call and cancel his Thanksgiving dinner with him. Instead he's to busy fucking that troll. That heifer had the nerve to threaten me!? She's lucky I don't know where they both stay. I'd go there right now and fuck them up with my baseball bat. Texas or not!
'If you value anything you'll stay away.' She must have lost her Got damned mine. She and Kye need to not be fooled by my 5'7, pretty girl exterior! I've lived in the slums my whole life going from foster home to foster home. I've lived, seen and faught it all, and I will take it back there if it involves 'anything I value.'
"So what are you thankful for Khloe?"
Haley's boyfriend Steven asks.
"Family. I luh you all. Even Kye."
Khloe states upsetting me.
I am not angry at her I am mad at Kye. I- let me stop. There has to be a more reasonable excuse. This has to be a prank.
It has been two fucking months since Thanksgiving break. I still have not heard from The Wipe, and that is how I will refer to him from now on since he is not even good enough to be a piece of shit.
The thought of Kye makes my skin crawl and enrages me. What was his purpose of coming into our lives to selfishly and with no warning leave.
I'm done.
The worst part is I don't know if he will comeback and whether or not I should tell Kyle the truth.
Damn I hate men like him so badly! Uggh! I swear I could have a mental breakdown. This man irresponsibly has a one night stand with my sister. He uses no condom. Brings a child into a world and then shows up in his life whenever he feels like it. Which father choses his fiancé over his biological and only son? Only child? My kids have gone through so much already with their mother. They don't need anymore abandonment issues.
On the brighter note, we won the hair show competition! They loved the theme of "Back to The Future," and the variety it obtained.
Many asked for my contact after seeing my work, I even ran out of business cards. The best part of the night was the money we were rewarded. $10,000 is greatly appreciated.
I am surfing the internet looking at some flights in warm areas. I think my kids deserve a vacation after everything that has went on in their life. It's been forever since they have had a vacation. In addition, it has been five months since I obtained legal custody over Kyle and Khloe, and we have not traveled anywhere since. Kyle is turning 6 in a few weeks, so I would like to celebrate his birthday in a nice way.
I'm currently on my living room couch looking at cruises we can go on. I see a two week cruise traveling all over the Caribbean for two hundred an adult and one hundred a kid. This does not look bad, and luckily Kyle gets two weeks off soon.
"Did you see anything yet?"
Henry asks me while taking a seat besides me on his couch.
"Yea I'm thinking about us going to the Caribbean. I would like a tan in the end of January."
I state while leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I Might just invite myself."
I smile thinking of an idea.
"How much brownie points would you get if you payed for Natasha's ticket and took her with you?"
I say with excitement.
"I don't know-"
He states looking uncomfortably but I cut him off.
"I'm telling you, as a female if you surprise her with something as romantic as this, she'll bless you with the kitty cat."
I poke his side making him squirm.
"You don't feel the least bit awkward talking about this?"
Henry says irritatedly confusing the fuck out of me.
"Why? It's not like I said make sure you buy her a ticket so she can suck the skin off your cøck."
I joke trying to make him laugh, but instead causing myself to burst out laughing.
I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes and notice Henry is not amused at my joke at all. He seems irritated.
"Damn I did not mean to piss you off that much. Talk about possessive."
I respond while leaning away from Henry.
He's silently staring at me for a long time, and I start to get irritated by the silence.
I say to him, but he still does not respond. I am about to get up from his couch when he grabs my hand.
"Am I attractive?"
He asks me throwing me off.
"Of course you are. Is Natasha causing you to feel insecure?"
I ask while smiling at his awkwardness.
She makes him flustered even when she's not around.
"Are you sure?"
He asks shyly causing me to smile.
I cup his face.
"You are very handsome Henry. You are good looking, fit, intelligent and a gentleman some of the times. Natasha is lucky to have you."
My words make him smile.
He lets out a deep breath and takes one hand to cup my face.
"Would you date me?"
He asks seriously, and I wait for him to crack a smile so that I know he is joking. I start laughing at his words.
"Sure I would date you. You're sexy Henry!"
I joke while getting up from my seat.
I take my laptop and put it into it's case. I go to the bathroom to re-apply my eye liner and lipstick.
"You are beautiful without any make up."
I jump when I hear a voice by the opened bathroom door I look at see it is Henry being a
He does not respond and instead walks closer to me.
I feel his eyes on me as I put on my mascara.
"You might be an older bro to me, but you need to lay off the compliments. I don't want Natasha getting jealous. She seems sweet, but the sweet ones are the craziest."
I say while putting my makeup in my bag.
"Lai I have to tell you something that has been on my chest forever-"
His house phone rings cutting him off.
Henry sucks his teeth while walking to the living room to get the phone.
I get out the bathroom too and put my hat and scarf on. I grab my laptop from the living room and put on my Uggs ready to leave.
When I look at my watch, I see that I have to leave now, or I will be late.
"You'll text me it. I have to go now if I want to make it on time for my client's appointment."
I say towards Henry as I walk out the door not bothering to wait for his response.
I rush to my car and speed towards my job. The whole time, I pray that I do not get stopped by a cop and receive a ticket. I make it to the salon five minutes early.
"Hey Alicia."
I greet my consistent customer as I spin out her chair for her to sit.
"Hey Laila."
The beautiful lady greets me back with a smile.
"The usual?"
I ask her with a knowing smile.
"Do you even have to ask?"
She responds back laughing.
"So I realized that I come every week to get my hair done by you, and I still don't know you."
"Of course you know me. You see me every week."
I say while looking at her through the reflection in the mirror.
"I know that you are a single girl who raises two kids: A three and five year old who will be turning six in a few weeks. I know that their names are Khloe and Kyle. I know more information on your kids than I do know about you, and that is because it is the only thing pertaining to yourself that you talk about."
I don't know how to respond, so I don't.
"You remind me allot of my child. Pulling teeth out is easier than getting information from you two."
"I've lived a very hard life throughout my years on earth. I tend not to let people in -unintentionally."
I confess.
"I can read that from you. However, it would be nice to let someone in a little bit. I want to have brunch with you sometime?"
Why? I want to ask, but don't want to come off rude.
"I'm mostly likely free Friday morning."
I respond sighing on the inside.
"Good. I like you Laila, and want to know more about you."
She states with a warm smile making me laugh.
"What's so funny?"
I shake my head.
"You basically just asked me out on a date."
"Be grateful to go on a date with some hot stuff like me. I break hearts."
Alicia responds with so much sass; she makes me laugh again.
"You are going on your first date with a 60 something year old lady?"
Haley teases me.
"It's not my first date."
I respond.
"Could have fooled me."
She mumbles which leads into me rolling my eyes.
"Now because you are in a relationship, you want to judge me? Behave yourself Haley. I'm fine just the way I am."
"Yes master. Since you want to order me around like I am your servant."
"Good girl."
I respond just to irritate her.
"So what was Kye's excuse for not showing up Thanksgiving?"
Haley asks.
"I do not know. I have not heard from him since."
Haley's Jaw drops.
"You have not heard from him in over two months?"
I shake my head.
"However, I did get in contact with his girl when I called his phone. She stated that Kye was too busy fucking her to make thanksgiving dinner, and that he and her were in Texas anyway and were planing on spending Thanksgiving with her family."
"Are you fucking serious?"
Haley asks with disbelief.
"If that is not enough she threatened to harm my love ones if I don't leave him alone."
Haley gets up, and starts putting on her jacket and boots.
"Where are you going?"
I ask her.
"To go find Kye and his suicidal girlfriend. Where do they live?"
She states making me laugh.
"I do not know where they are. I even checked at his house he gave us, but he's never there. I guess he just dropped off the face of the earth."
Halley lets out a frustrated grunt noise.
"What type of man does that?"
"A coward. That is exactly the type. For his sake he better pray that I never meet him again, or I will basically circumcise him again. As for his fiancé, I pray that I get to see her again. I got something for her."
"I don't understand why he would play with the kids emotions like that. Who doesn't love Kyle. He's such a well mannered and sweet boy. He's been through so much already."
I shake my head in frustration and disgust of the situation.
"Let's not talk about this for a while. Just thinking about Kye and Diana make my blood boil."
We walk towards the couch and sit down.
"Okay. So did you figure out what your doing for Kye's 6th birthday?"
Haley asks while grabbing her television remote and flipping through the channels.
"Yes I was looking and came across a cruise that goes all over the Caribbean for a few weeks. It's just in time for winter break, and is not a bad price."
I chuckle remembering what I told Henry.
"Sounds good. What's so funny?"
"I told Henry he should surprise his girl with the same trip, and that she would think it is romantic."
Haley eyes widen.
"But he got so territorial over her. It's like he didn't want to hear anyone say her name but him."
I shake my head thinking about it.
"I doubt he's serious about her."
Haley says surprising me.
"Why would you say something like that?"
"Let's just say I know my brother."
That does not make sense.
"Then why did he get so possessive over her today?"
"Territorial or irritated?"
"Is there a difference?"
I ask.
"For this situation there is. Remember in the sixth grade when your foster mom brought us to the park and you were playing tennis with some girl?"
That's a really far time to think back.
"I don't remember."
"Well I think her name was Suzie."
Suzie.... oh
"I remember! Yea Henry's first girlfriend. They were inseparable."
That whole time I was trying to play tennis with her, Henry was interrupting us to talk to her. I had to find another partner and Haley already had a one. As a result I was forced to be partners with Selena.
"You don't look so happy to be playing tennis with your big sister."
Selena starts.
"Why should I?"
I say while serving the ball over the net.
"Because I'm the most prettiest tennis partner you will ever have."
She responds while returning the serve.
"It's most pretty, and I still did not forget about what I saw earlier today. Wait till I tell Ms. Tony that I found a Heineken bottle under your pillow."
This time Selena misses the serve.
"So what is our foster mother going to do? Kick me out? Split us up? I'm the only family you have if you did not notice. So if you want to change that go ahead. Besides, she doesn't care about us at all. She won't even scold me. All she cares about is that check she gets every few weeks."
"Do you think this is funny? You're only 14 and you are trying to become an alcoholic! Why are you doing this? Soon you'll go on to stronger drugs and end up pregnant with no job. Do you want that for your life?"
"Well I don't know if you remember how Henry conveniently was all Lovey-dovey with your original partner. It was as if he was trying to make you jealou-"
"I honestly don't want to relive that moment."
I cut off Haley.
That was in the early days of Selena's alcoholism.
Haley looks confused at first, but then realization hits her face.
"So tell me about Steven."
I say changing the subject, and immediately Haley is blushing.
"Well he wants to move in with me."
She mumbles.
"Yea I know that's such a big step, but I told him that I am not moving in with any man but my husband."
"I agree. What was his response?"
Haley starts blushing more.
"He said no problem, and told me to just give him some time."
I squeal out.
"What? Are you serious? That's crazy! Is he serious? Are you ready? You are only 23. Are you ready for marriage?"
Haley shakes her head.
"He's not serious. He just likes to talk shit."
Haley says but I don't believe her.
My alarm goes off and I decide to put some curls in my hair. I am wearing my hair in Victoria secret waves today I guess. In addition, I put mascara and eye liner on.
Truth is no one has ever taken me out on a real date. The closes thing to a date I've have ever had is McDonalds drive thru with Henry. I don't even know what to wear- okay I am over thinking this way too much. It is not even a real date, and Alicia is not my type. Plus she's happily married. Plus I'm straight- wait she's old enough to be my mom.
I laugh to myself realizing what is going on in my head.
I shake my head in attempts to hopefully shake my thoughts away.
I go to my closet and put on some leather black high wasted pants with a white and black striped sweater crop shirt. Hmm. I think I should wear red lipstick with my look. Yep I will.
I don't bother with making breakfast for myself because I am about to eat. I put on my black thigh-high leather boots and my long black bubble coat. I also put on my white furry hat with my matching white scarf earmuffs and gloves. It is still winter so it is quite cold in New York.
While stepping outside I see that I am still not dressed warm enough since I still manage to shiver. I hurriedly get to my car and quickly turn the heat on high.
Damn I can't wait for winter break vacation so I can spend two weeks in the Caribbean. I'm sick and tired of this cold weather. It has come to a point where winter is just disrespectful and needs to leave.
After 25 Long minutes of heating up my car, I start driving towards the diner I am suppose to meet Alicia at. I put the radio on 105.1 and the song elastic band by Sia comes on.
On a normal day it will take me 15 minutes to get to my location, but because of the snow on the ground from our last snowstorm, it takes me over an hour.
It is a good thing I left early already anticipated that this would've happened.
I park my car in the parking lot and see a familiar car. I stop myself from thinking anymore of that man again- that coward again.
I get out my car, and my phone vibrates. It's a text from Alicia.
I walk inside the diner, and am brought to a table.
I decide to look at the menu as I wait.
Ten minutes pass and I decide that when Alicia shows up, I will get a spinach and cheese omelet with turkey bacon.
Five more minutes pass, and Alicia finally gets here. She walks in wearing an expensive looking white fur coat, and moon boots. Her hat is furr too and I am just wondering how many animals were killed to make her expensive outfit. No even before all that, what is her job?
She walks over to me, and I stand to give her a hug.
"Hey Laila. Im sorry to be late but my-"
A man kisses her on her cheek cutting her off, and suddenly the wind is knocked out from my chest.
He turns to face me and his eyes slightly widen.
"Yes my son surprised me this morning so I decided to take him and his friend with me today."
She says irritatedly.
Suddenly I see Diana walk towards us with her head looking down on her phone. She doesn't see me before I see her, and all I see is red.
"Nice to meet you. Your name?"
The wipe has the nerve to say as he stretches his hand towards me.
I am speechless and turn back towards Diana who now has noticed me because her jaw has dropped.
"I understand if you no longer what anything to do with me Alicia after I do this."
I say to her while slowly walking over to a frozen Diana.
"I really did appreciate your friendship, but I know all good things come to an end."
I then pull my fist back as far as I can, and right when I am about to punch her, I feel arms wrapped around me pulling me out the diner.
I fight to get out the grasp, but this person's arms are just too strong.
I am brought to the cold outside, and by the smell of this person's chest I don't even have to look to know that it is Kye holding me.
I am finally put back down and immediately I turn facing him. I get so angry looking at him. I have not seen him in two fucking months. He stood us up. He acted like he didn't know me in front of his mom. Alicia is his mom! He brought the Troll Diana with him! Ugh!
Without thinking, I pull my fist back and try to punch him, but he blocks it.
"Not this time Lai."
His eyes widen in shock.
"Is your name Lai? Do I know you? Why did you try to punch my wife?"
My heart sinks when I hear him reject me and call her his wife. I don't know why, but I start to cry.
"Did you forget about Kyle too? You did for thanksgiving!"
I sob out while turning away from him. I walk towards my car.
"Kyle? Is he the boy I keep having dreams about? I'm sorry to offend you. Don't cry. This is all so confusing. I was in an accident a few months ago, and developed a case of amnesia."
He calls out stopping me in my tracks.
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