《Not one of your Victim (Gojo Satoru x Reader)》Family trip 4


After eating, It's time for the dessert. They all craving for the hot weather.

"Okay, Megumi, Nobara and Yuji, You all stay here with Gojou, I'm just going to buy ice shave with the flavor you like, I'll be back"

When they heard you are leaving. They immediately cling unto you.

"No! We want to come along, Mom" Megumi said.

"Can we go? Please Mom 🥺" Yuuji and Nobara said.

They give y/n their puppy dog eyes.

Y/n mentally died inside from Cuteness.

Which cause y/n to froze from where she standing up. Gojou chuckled at your reaction.

"To think the second Strongest sorcerer will die in this way" Gojou said. After hearing what Gojou said about dying. The three kids looked at their mom and tear up.

"Waah, Mom, don't die!" As soon they wailing. The separated soul of y/n, Immediately returned to her body and console the three kids.

*So quick* Gojou thought when you comfort the three kids.

"Don't cry, Mom isn't going to die, Should we get some Ice shave and leave Gojou to watched our stuff?"

They all nodded their heads.

*You all... are being cruel to me, I'll remember this* Gojou thought when Y/n leave with the kids to buy Ice shave.

On there way, To the store. Some group of men blocked their way.

"Hey, Babe~"

The other give y/n a rude sexy whistle.

"How about ditched the kids and hang out with us, Instead?"

*They must be stupid to think, I will do that to my precious kids* y/n thought but choose to ignore there taunt.

As she move forward with Megumi, who is sending glares at the stranger. Nobara and Yuuji whose clinging at you.

"You know, It's rude to ignore people"

*Should I just beat them up, So they stop pestering me? But Shoko warned me not to do that* Y/n thought to herself as she remembered Shoko's warning for her.

"Y/n, your Stronger than an average man, if you hit them, They eventually die and Yaga-sensei will get mad at you and me, So please refrain from hitting them, But if they did violently harassed you, Go for it, We will backed you up that it's a self defense" Shoko said with a genuine smile.


*Scary* Geto and Gojou thought about Shoko's advice to y/n.

Back to the current situation of y/n.

She choose to settle things peacefully.

"My apologies, But I don't have a slightest intention of leaving My Kids, In order to go with a bunch of strangers" y/n replied with a deadpanned expression.

"I like blunt ladies"

"Makes me want to have you more"

They whistle in a mocking way.

"Go get her boss"

*I see...One gang leader and four minions* y/n thought.

"Hey, you better give it up, Our Boss have taken a liking to you" Minion 1 said.

"You should be honored that Our boss want you as his woman" Minion 2 said.

Minion 3 tried to wrapped his arm around you. When Itadori bite it.

He winced in pain and swear at Yuuji.

"Hey, Don't you dare swearing at my kids, Or you have to pay for it" y/n said with a cold tone.

Since they were taller and huge than y/n, they only laughed at your threat.

"My, how cute" Their leader said.

Before things get into out of hand.

Gojou appeared beside y/n.

Wrapping his one arm around y/n and give the group of men an intimidating glare.

"What's the matter, Wifey, Is this people bothering you?" Gojou said.

Y/n was annoyed at them and at Gojou. She dislikes it, Treating her like a thing.

"What the hell, your already married?"

Y/n was about to say 'No' but Gojou Satoru still have his arms around you.

"Yes, We are married, Right, Wifey?" Gojou asking y/n to play along.

*I'll beat them up later, How dare they lay an eyes on y/n* Gojou thought to himself. He doesn't care about others. But he was extremely jealous when they were trying to flirt with you.

He is only concerned about you, Only,

Y/n just forced herself to play along with Gojou as she was afraid on breaking her promise with Shoko.

"Hahaha, Yeah, I...I...I'm, Married to Sa.to.ru" y/n said in a monotone way.


Gojou chuckled at your reaction "Come on, wifey, Why did you say my name so stiffly?"

*She's definitely not smiling at all* They all thought when they saw your expression.

"You usually call me Hubby~"

Y/n forced herself to smile while saying "Hubby"

Just the mere smile of y/n drive her pursuers away. When Gojou saw her smile, He immediately remove his wrapped arm around you.

The Three little kids were terrified as they never seen you smile in a terrifying way.

*Noted, Don't ever force y/n to smile and say hubby* Gojou thought to himself. Y/n noticed that the three kids were afraid of her. That hits her directly in the heart.

Before Gojou Satoru return to where their baggage are. He noticed the three looking at him with a hopeful eyes. They were still afraid of what they saw.

Y/n sighed in defeat as she give them to Gojou. Hopefully they won't be afraid of her. After some time passed.

Y/n went to buy Flavored Ice shave, alone. She was dejected about what happened awhile ago.

Back to Gojou and the three kids.

"Still afraid at y/n?"

At first they didn't respond.

"Seriously, That's totally hilarious" Gojou said while laughing his sunglasses fell from his face. Revealing his looks to the crowd.

All women who saw his face. Immediately crowded Gojou asking him, if he is still single.

While Gojou was surrounded by group of women. Megumi finally overcome the fear.

"Even Mom force smile is scary, Mom is still Mom, Let's apologize to mom about getting scared" Megumi said to Nobara and Yuji.

They both nodded their head and went to follow you.

Gojou was still surrounded by ladies that is obviously flirting with him. But Gojou was clearly uninterested about it.

*As much as I love attention, I prefer to have her whole attention rather than this bunch* Gojou thought as he using his limitless against them.

When he remembered that the kids were with him. Gojou immediately looked for the kids.

But when he looked at where they are. They were missing.

"Oh no, Y/n is going to kill me* Gojou thought, Before he could go and find them. Y/n was already back and she was hoping they won't be afraid of her anymore. When she found Gojou crowded by ladies and the kids are missing.

Y/n was pretty pissed off that her terrifying expression drive the crowd away from Gojou Satoru.

Gojou chuckled as he was happy to know your reaction. But then y/n pinched him in the side, painfully.

"What are you doing?" Y/n firmly asked.

"It wasn't my fault, it was their fault"

"That still doesn't excuse you, Ugh...I shouldn't have left them to you" y/n exasperatedly said to Gojou.

"Well you shouldn't have scared them"

"Well you shouldn't have forced me to smile, So none of these happens"

They both glared at each other. But then before things get more heat up, Gojou sighed and turn his back at you.

"Arguing won't find them, I'll take this part, Go search at the other side"

Y/n sighed as well, as she agree what Gojou just said, For once he was being serious. Y/n realized that it's immature of her to blame him. So before she leaves.

"I'm sorry for blaming you, Let's just go and find them"

Gojou was surprised as you rarely apologize to him. So he couldn't help but smile and playful replied.

"Okay, I love you too"

Y/n was expecting his answer was 'no way, Good thing, you apologize, I didn't do anything wrong' but when she heard his reply to her sincere apology.

Y/n couldn't help, but to be a bit flustered and snappy at him.

"I don't remember saying those words! Go and search for the kids, Already!"


Fushiguro, Kugisaki and Itadori is lost?! 😱

Will y/n and Gojou find the three kids?

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