《Not one of your Victim (Gojo Satoru x Reader)》Not a Date


(play the music starting this part 👇)

While The Three Second year students were taking care of there adorable kohai. Principal Yaga just asked, if they have seen y/n or Gojou.

"Oh, Gojou-sensei just followed

y/n-sensei to the market" Panda said while laying down.

"Fushiguro, Come here" Maki said as she gesture for him to come.

Fushiguro just approach her with a safe distance.

"Oi, aren't you too far" Maki said as she wanted to observe him up close.

Inumaki and Itadori just have fun playing with each other. Inumaki just pretend as a monster and Itadori as the hero.

"Takana" Inumaki roar at Itadori in a adorable way.

"Hiyah" Itadori said as he lightly punched Inumaki in his torso.

Inumaki just slowly lay down in the floor as he dramatically clenched where Itadori punch him.

"Okaka..." Inumaki said pretending to die. Itadori just giggle at his acting.

Inumaki just open one of his eyes as he peek on Itadori who just run and lay on top of him.

"Tsuna-Niichan is very kind"

"Konbu..." Inumaki replied as he was dying from how cute They Megumi, Nobara and Yuji.

While Nobara is sleeping on top of Panda's Belly.

"So soft and fluffy" Nobara muttered as she cuddle with Panda.

"I shouldn't move, I shouldn't move" Panda thought as they napped together.

Maki just poke Fushiguro's cheek as she said "it's unexpectedly soft"

Fushiguro just pout. But then Fushiguro promised he will behave.

In exchange y/n will cooked his favorite food for behaving that's why.

"Megumi will endure it" Fushiguro thought while he is currently used like a teddy bear by Maki.

"I never expected, he could be this adorable" Maki said while cuddling to fushiguro.


"Stop following me"

"Nee...y/n, let's go on a date"


"I'm sure, it's going to be fun"

Y/n just walked fast and turn to an alley all of sudden. Gojou just happily run after her.

"Ah, wait y/n!"

Y/n didn't wait instead she just ran and didn't even looked back. Gojou just happily chased after her like it was nothing to him.

Y/n just ran faster than before they walked into a crowd people and a farm in order to lose Gojou but sadly he was able to keep up with her.

"This is fun, Wait up y/n" Gojou said as he enjoyed chasing after you. He enjoyed the expression you make when he catch up to you.

They entered a very crowded place and Gojou got swept away. Y/n just chuckled in a victorious way.

As she was tired Playing tag it with Gojou, as she lost Gojou Satoru in the supermarket.

Y/n just happily hummed to herself as she continue to buy the things she need. After 10 minutes when she suddenly hear an Announcement.

"Calling for the attention of Y/n L/n, Your lost companion Gojou Satoru is currently waiting for you here in lost and found center" The announcer said.

Y/n just decided to ignore that when there's another announcement describing her appearance. They just stare at her and telling her not to ditch her companion.

Y/n was forced to go at the Lost and Found center to see Gojou Satoru holding a lot of bag and give her a triumphant smile.

"Yo, y/n"

Y/n just give him a deadpanned expression. As she wasn't delighted to see him.

An Old woman just approach y/n as she told her that she should hold her boyfriend's hand so he won't get lost.

Gojou who overheard that, He instantly teleport beside you. He was sparkling in a Annoying way.


He was happy to hear that he was mistakenly your boyfriend.

Y/n just smile genuinely at the old woman as she said "No, his actually my step little brother, Now I feel embarrassed that My step Younger brother is always mistaken as my lover"

Somehow Gojou didn't expect you to good in acting. The Old lady were very convince as she apologize. Now that irritates Gojou. He just frown and huff in annoyance.

"Oh my, I see...You have a handsome younger brother"

"Yes" Y/n said after that she excuse herself and gesture for Gojou to come along as she have finally get tired of there game of tag it.

"Are we finally going to date?" Gojou said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No, Since your insist to come along, Might as well make you carry some heavy stuffs" Y/n said pretending to be cruel. Instead of disagreeing Gojou just smile as he said "As long, I spend time with you, That's more than enough"

*Your not very good at being cruel* Gojou thought as he had see through your act.

"Set aside your cheesy lines"

"Teehee, I thought It would work"

Y/n just frowned as she focus on shopping with Gojou.

(play the music starting this part 👇)

Gojou just observed her pick and purchase. He was staring at her intensely and then he asked "Just what are you going to buy?"

"Ingredients" She immediately respond.

Gojou eyes just sparkle as he asked with a hungry look "Are you perhaps going to bake or cook?!"

Y/n just sighed as she nod her head.

"Can I make a request?"

Y/n just stopped him as she told him that she have already showed a lot of request from the three kids.

Gojou just pout "I also want to make a personal request"

"My Top priority, The three kids request first"

He just sighed in defeat as he give in. Unlike before Gojou walking behind y/n and chasing her, Gojou just walked beside y/n as they looked around.

"Oh y/n-chan, are you here to buy vegetables again" Satsuki-san said.

Y/n just nod her head as she meticulously picked vegetables.

"Why do you have to choose, They all looked the same" Gojou whined as he is trying to get your attention yet, The Vegetables beat him to it.

Y/n just scowled at his comment "You have to check them carefully"

"Oh my, I didn't expect you have an companion"

Gojou just faced Satsuki-san as he greet and smile at her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Madam"

"You have a charming man beside you, Y/n-chan is he perhaps your lover?"

Y/n just shakes her head immediately as soon she heard it "My Step younger brother/Husband" Gojou abruptly said at the same time. Y/n just glare at him to shut his mouth, But Gojou wear an smug smile in his expression as he was scheming something. Before Gojou could justify himself. Y/n just nudge him hardly at the torso. Gojou just hold where he was nudge by y/n.

"His Actually my step younger brother, Satsuki-san" Y/n said while wearing an business smile.

"I see..." Satsuki-san didn't push the topic further. Satsuki just thought y/n's business smile were kinda scary for her. Her eyes weren't smiling at all.

After that they walked to an crepe store nearby. Y/n just sighed at how Gojou's expression lighten up like a kid. Who saw a toy he wanted.

"Do you want to eat Crepe?" Y/n asked to Gojou who immediately nodded his head, as soon y/n asked him. Y/n and Gojou entered the store and ordered crepes with different flavors.


While eating Crepes y/n just remember the three adorable kids in the school.

"Hmm...maybe, we should take home some crepes too" y/n said as she imagine the excited look that the three kids. Gojou just savor the delicious crepe as he thought sweet is the best.

Y/n seems to noticed that Gojou was spacing out to sweet land, So y/n repeat what she said awhile ago and Gojou finally respond. As he totally agree, Abruptly Teleport in front of the counter to order more. The Cashier were merely startled when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Y/n just facepalm as she need to remind him not to used his teleportation skills in public.

(play the music starting this part 👇)

After purchasing crepes for the Three kids. Gojou and y/n just walked to an shortcut. When all of sudden. The atmosphere have changed.

"Ara ara, Looks like we unconsciously entered an Special Cursed domain, Y/n, I'm scared" Gojou said. As he hold on your sleeve. Y/n just sighed at how carefree Gojou act.

"...You look happy" Y/n pointed out . Gojou just clicked his tongue and let go as he start to looked around.

"One Special Grade and his first grade minions"

"Stop, Joking around, I know pretty much you can handle this all alone"

"Does it means that y/n have a huge trust on me?" Gojou said.

"On a second, Let me take back, what I said"

"Eh, So mean, no taking back, But, you are right, I could handle this in a second..." Gojou stopped in the middle as he glance at your direction.

"But...It's been awhile that we exorcised a cursed spirits together, What do you say, y/n, shall we dance?" Gojou continue said.

"Why did I have a hunch, you were going to asked me that, If the Stuffs we bought were ruined, I definitely will kill you" Y/n said as she hand over the stuff they bought to him.

Gojou just grinned as he nod his head. Soon the First Grade cursed approach them and start to attack them. Gojou and y/n dodge it effortlessly.

"This isn't even worth our jujutsu technique" Y/n said as she start to feel bored. But even she act like she underestimating her opponent. Y/n is actually observing and always on guard.

"Let's make a bet who kills a lot cursed spirits have to do what the winner said" Gojou abruptly said to y/n.

"Huh!?" Gojou just grinned as he quickly exorcise a First grade in one time.

(play the music starting this part 👇)

"Do you have a time to space out?" Gojou said while effortlessly exorcising. Y/n just clicked her tongue as she doesn't want to lose to him. Last time they made a bet and Gojou won.

* I don't want to remember* she thought as she seriously took the bet ever since then.

Y/n just used a bit of her cursed energy as she repeat inside her head "Gojou is such a jerk, scum, I seriously going to punched him* Just like Gojou, The First Grade cursed spirits couldn't hold longer to the fight.

In someone's point of view, Gojou and y/n is like swatting insects only. While y/n were focused on something else at the same time exorcising here and there. She didn't sensed the watchful eyes of Gojou.

Gojou just stare at y/n with pure admiration. Before he could get lost to it, Gojou caught himself getting distract by you.

"Oops, I cannot afford to get distracted by y/n" Gojou thought as he continue exorcising. The two decided to use a bit of there curse energy.

Gojou just heard loud sound to see y/n punched an cursed spirit and he thought that she is amazing and lovely at the same time strong.

Gojou just thought that Itadori, Nobara and Megumi will improve if they trained under you. The cursed spirit that y/n punched just explode.

Gojou just couldn't help but applaud "That was a lovely punch, y/n"

"Do you have a lot of time to praise and applaud someone"

"Of course, I have time, if it's y/n" He smoothly said and y/n just ignore it.

"That was the last one, so far did you count?"

"Hmm...I'm kinda sad, to say we're even, Can I be dishonest and say I exorcise more than yours?"

"Definitely not acceptable"

"Boo, I was looking forward to it"

"Guess, The only way to win who is the first one to defeat the special grade cursed is the winner" y/n said.

While they were talking the Special Grade cursed womb just appeared in front of them.

Gojou just chuckle and the same time, The Special Grade cursed just send a cursed beam which they effortlessly dodge. "Definitely, I'm going to win this bet, y/n-chan"

"Don't get carried away, Gojou, I definitely won't let you win" Y/n said deflating the cursed spirit attack.

"Well then, Shall we start"

"You don't have to tell me, Let's change the bet, The one who hits the Special Grade cursed spirits most is the winner"

"Heh, sound nice, let's do it" Gojou said. Soon the two adult were beside the Special Grade cursed with a menacing smile.

Gojou and y/n just grabbed both of it's arm and tried to swing it to the other direction but because they are holding it at the same time. They ripped off it's arms.

Gojou just kicked it and y/n just steal it and send it flying. They are playing passed the special Grade cursed ball with each other.

"That's the 20 times I hit it"

"Your not deceiving me, That's 19!"

Y/n said as she count hers and Gojou's hit fairly.

The Special Grade cursed have start to sweat profusely as it thought of fleeing, But then Y/n and Gojou intimidating aura terrified it.

Y/n just dropped kicked it. While she shout "Here, My build up frustration named Gojou Satoru!"

With a single drop kicked with a bit of cursed energy of y/n, She exorcise it.

Gojou just froze when he heard that.

For some reasons a shiver send down to his spine. Gojou just gulp the lump in his throat as he asked y/n.

"Eh? Don't tell me, y/n...while hitting the Special Grade cursed you were thinking..." y/n who looked refreshed kinda scared him.

"Don't joke around, I know I can't beat the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer, Let's just say it's Gojou Satoru Sandbag body"

Gojou just sweat profusely, he was speechless. He thought the heavy punch she give looks painful.

For the first time, Gojou pity the special grade cursed spirit.


I want to say thank you for this wonderful fan art that they draw for me again, I didn't expect that, I will receive another one. Thank you and

This one is draw by

The first and original one is from

Also an upcoming new story will be released on my birthday.

That's all, Thank you everyone 😆😊

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