《Alpha Rogue》6 - A Curse


Barely stepping inside the classroom, and I already caught the glares of my finest bully, Emilia. For some reason, she sat in front of the classroom. I don't know if it is to focus on studies or to flaunt her beauty. She is indeed beautiful, in human standards. But I doubt her attitude is.

I continued on my way, noticing how Ryan, one of her minions, I guess, was readying himself for something mischievous. He stuck his foot out when I was not "looking". I'm not in the mood right now, so I just stepped across.

"What are you doing, idiot?!" She started blaming the poor guy but that is the least of my problems. I went to my seat like nobody else exists. Doing schoolwork that can be done. The project is almost finished but I don't carry it in school knowing how people can get their hands on my stuff.

I busied my mind with school stuff: how much work to be done, how I should do it. Good thing the teachers are giving us that much. Sometimes, I think it is better to be homeschooled than going to an actual school. The problem is it won't be the same if i did that.

I drowned myself... again. As soon as the body goes restless and the bruises stopped coming, the uneasiness takes over, I have to distract myself , taking strains and stress from tiredness. The doctor said to step away from it but God forbid, I will not.

Lunch came, but I walked past the cafeteria. I don't want to deal with anyone. There is a comfortable looking spot under a tree overlooking the forest in a not so far distance.

I pulled out the sandwich I prepared last night, or perhaps this early morning. I remember seeing 2:05 in the news on TV before I went to bed.

Our school is near the mountainous terrain, and the forest is rich in creatures. Maybe that's why he said 'mutilated'. It is pretty dangerous. I heave a sigh, my head rested on the trunk of the tree, the green leaves are holding the sunlight well. This kind of serenity... How could I still live? A silent question in my mind. How could I still eat thru all of this? My eyes land on the half-eaten sandwich suddenly losing my appetite. I sighed pulling up my hoodie, my knees to my chest, hugging it, making my own space. Burying my head to hide me from the world. Pretending I don't exist. Maybe if I stayed like this, I will disappear. As much as I like to stand by my promise, sometimes it feels like disappearing is much better.


"What're you doing here?" the voice was slightly foreign but curious. I peeked and hazel eyes welcomed me. I blinked a few times. Peace does not last.

"Hello there" Math guy smiled. What's wrong with him? He sat beside me, leaning to the tree. "This is a good place you found." I watched him a bit confused, but I know some things, so I looked ahead resting my chin on my knees.

"Ah... why're you enjoying this alone?" He sounded as if settling in.

I slightly bowed my head, so my hood covers my eyes. Enjoying?


"Sometimes it's really needed to take a break from life." My eyes trained at the trees, I do need a break.

"Hmm.... you should head back inside." He stood up, my eyes followed him. So sudden? He was looking up ahead then he smiled at me.

I don't have the arguing mood so I stood up and gathered my things, his smile did not falter and I walked past him. His eyes followed me until I turned to the corner. I stopped for a second until I heard footsteps getting quieter. Running. i peeked at the corner, he ran to the woods.

The next period, my partner was absent. along with one of his friends, I suppose, who sits in front. I was staring out the window. Some birds flew.

"A break in life." I muttered.

"Hi." I slightly look at the other, Math guy. I went back to reading.

"The exam's not til next week, is it? Or is it today?" He said sounding worried.

"Next week." I whispered.

"Oh, phew. I thought I'd been slacking wrong." He sat in front of me facing me.

"What's with the advance studying? That's not yet our lesson, or is it?"

"No." I flipped to the next page finding it hard to focus.

"Are you really that kind of nerd?" I furrowed my brows turning to him. I adjusted my glasses. He is a smiling fellow.

"We haven't acquainted properly, are we?" I'm Kyle Black, 18 and you are Nathalia Rhianne Nicolai, 17, right?" Now I narrowed my eyes, no one knows my full name except the teachers. I haven't told my partner about my second name and I'm not telling my age either. Nice... He wants me to wonder. He stood up and the bell rang a minute later, he moved to his seat behind me. A good place to observe. He wanted me to wonder. Giving off his presence at first then keeping that smile, then he wants me to ask where he knew such information.


Unfortunately, I might have an idea, where and how. He wants to be close to me, too close to keep watch. Interesting. Maybe I can benefit from this.... or not.

As Math class ended, I waited in my seat 'til everyone's gone. He also did. But he did stand a second before I could.

"Let's go?" He asked. Well, as I was heading to the gym and so is he, we walked together. This time he is silent, eyes clouded.

"I'm going to change." I stopped near the locker room. He seem to awaken then made a small smile and walked away. Something's bothering him.

Maybe I put too much powder in me, my nose is itching and I think I might sneeze.

I was walking towards the gym. The smell of powder is better than the smell of sweat. I yawned, realizing something, I stopped.

"We can't risk it." that voice, my partner.

"That's near school." Math guy whispered. I forgot his name. "She was near."

"What?" a low hissed tone.

"She's safe."

No answer, just a sigh.

"What are you planning?"


"I don't know. I don't understand it. I already rejected her, I made her accept. And she has no f*cking clue what happened." his voice was even angrier, mad.

"Maybe because she does not know what she said, maybe she really has to accept it."

"She shouldn't know about us."

"But the bond is still there... you said so, that you can still feel it."

"Even so, I don't want her to know. I don't understand why I was given a human mate, maybe she (the Moon Goddess) hates me. This is a curse."

I bit my lip. A curse.

I continued walking past them. Both of them seemed shock but quick to hide it. Not quick enough for me to notice.

"Hi, how long have you been there? I did not see you." Math guy's smile is too rushed, he's a tad frightened.

Giving my normal 'attitude', I just walked away.

We played dodgeball. And I'm not yet hit. I know everyone's having the intent to hit me. Almost every ball flies towards my direction, but I'm swift on my moves. I'm rather fast.

I caught my partner's eyes, also dodging the balls.

'A curse.'

He thinks that I am a curse. I don't really want to know whatever they're talking about. But to say that I am a curse... maybe, he's right.

I stood still seeing the incoming ball.

As a curse, I should be eliminated.


Huh? A hand is in front of my face.

"Having a death wish?" Surprised I realized who it is. He caught the ball. Confused. He doesn't like me. Confused like everyone probably is.

The game ended with no winner. Our gym teacher seems to rush home early.

Meanwhile, I found him standing, arms crossed near the benches, with all his mighty stature.

Students are leaving. I distinctively went to his side, moving against the current. His eyes were glazed as he seemingly sniffed the air. I sat on the bench beside him. But he did not take a second to look.

I started massaging my ankle, I think I need more exercise. I heave a sigh. Maybe I can jog around. Unfortunately, he is not moving or planning to. I secretly glared at him. Maybe he'll grow conscious and go away. Damn you, you're not noticing me now!

"Tsk." I stood up and left.

I'll just take a run later, I suddenly felt the need to burn some calories.

'If I was cursed before I was born, the question is not why I was, but why I still continue on living. Losing the most important part of your life, right after being born is a curse, isn't it? Losing everything after being born is a curse, isn't it? Losing something right now, that is not a news. Some part of me accepted that I will forever be losing something, another part of me asks why. I guess that's what people considered sad, when no one can answer.'

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