《Second Chances》Bonus Chapter 1....
4 months later.....
"Five more!"
"I said. Five. More."
"I can't. I'm done. No more." I panted, my arms falling to from underneath of me as I fell to the ground. I laid there on the cool grass with my eyes closed as my poor arms felt dead.
"You are cruel, like so cruel. Worse than a dictator." I panted, making myself roll onto my back. As I gazed up at the sky a head came into view, blocking the sun in my face.
"You're the one who asked to train with me." Hunter chuckled looking down at me.
"Yeah before I realized how hard you workout. I can't feel my arms."
"Come on it wasn't that bad." I glared up at his beautiful face.
"If I could lift my arms I would punch you but thankfully for you I can't."
"Did you kill my best friend Hunter?" Another familiar head came into view. One of Hunter's teammates, Ben, grinned down at me.
I hadn't known it at the time but getting back with Hunter apparently meant 'inheriting' his friends. And by that I mean his two close friends Ben and Daniel were now my best friends and always around. By always I mean ALWAYS.
I didn't mind it though. Ben and Daniel were two of the funniest people I've ever met. Even in such a short amount of time I've become really close with them, especially Ben.
"No I didn't kill her. She's being dramatic." Hunter rolled his eyes. "You said you wanted to come and train."
"When I said I wanted to 'train' with you I meant to just sit here and watch you workout shirtless. Not have me workout until my whole body burns and I can't stand up."
"So you were going to use me for a show?" Even with the sun slightly blocking his features I could tell Hunter had his eyebrows raised.
"Yep. Got to put that nice body to use."
"Did my girlfriend just refer to me like I was a piece of meat?" Hunter asked Ben.
"I believe so." Ben chuckled still looking down at me. "What about me? Did you want to see me workout shirtless too?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and sent me a suggestive look. I held back a grin as I watched Hunter shove his friend. Ben loved to playfully flirt with me when Hunter was around. He knew how much it got under his skin.
Ben was the flirty type. He could charm the pants off of anyone, even the most emotional less person would be putty in his hands. With his mocha colored skin and stunning blue eyes he was a total knockout. Add in the fact that the dude was in great shape and played professional football he was a force to be reckon with.
Not gonna lie when I first met Ben I was almost star-struck. Aside from Hunter I've never seen anyone as attractive as that. I may have had a small tiny little crush on him after we met but that soon faded when we started to hang out and clicked as friends. Now he was probably my closest friend aside from Hannah.
Ben now takes it upon himself to flirt with me in front of Hunter knowing how possessive Hunter was of me. They both knew it was just friendly flirting so I didn't have to worry about them throwing punches.
"Mia would never want to see your flabby man stomach."
"This flabby man stomach." Ben lifted his tank top up and flashed his abs. As a woman...with eyes....I couldn't deny how ripped he was. Although no one was hotter than Hunter in my eyes. With Ben and Hunter standing side by side showing off their abs I'd still take my boyfriend over Ben any day.
I was a tad bit jealous of how fit they were. I've come to a few practices with Hunter over the last few months and every single player on the team were insanely fit. Made me feel like a potato next to them. So I guess in a way I did want to workout with Hunter and lose a few extra inches I gained over the years. Plus who else can say they train at an NFL stadium?
"We get it, you have abs." I grunted and lifted my arms. "Help me up please." Hunter reached down and clasped my hands in his. He easily lifted me off the ground like a weighed nothing. He pulled me up a bit to fast making me slam into his chest, although by the look on his face he did it on purpose.
Despite him being sweaty I placed my hands on his naked chest. Just a single touch from him was enough to light a fire inside of me. I tilted my head back to look up at his face. How is it that he gets hotter and hotter by the day?
How the hell did I get so lucky to have him? It was a question I've asked myself constantly ever since we got back together 4 months ago. Four months of literal bliss. We both were aware of how much time has passed and both agreed we needed to go slow. We weren't going to immediately jump in head first yet it felt like no time has passed between us.
I loved being around him and ever since that day we agreed to try again we haven't spent more than a day apart. To some that may be a bit excessive but I think Hunter and I agreed we wanted to spend as much time together as possible to make up for lost time.
I wasn't sure how but in the last four months I've managed to fall even harder for Hunter than I did in college. This time we were ready for more than just a college relationship. We both needed to find ourselves, find our paths in life before we could come back together.
We stared at each other, something passing between us. I watched as Hunter's eyes darkened and the grip he had on my waist tightened. I knew that look. It was a look that sent a zing straight threw me and instantly had me pushing my chest into his, arching my back like a cat.
Without another word Hunter reached down and suddenly lifted me up and over his shoulder. I let out a small squeak in surprise. He turned and started walking towards the locker room, away from Ben and the few other guys working out.
"Hey where are you going!" Ben called after us.
"We have plans." Hunter called over his shoulder.
"You have plans with ME!" I giggled at the look on Ben's face. We were suppose to meet up with him and Daniel later but by the looks of it not anymore.
"Bye Ben." Was all Hunter replied. I sent Ben a small wave as Hunter carted me off.
"That was mean." I commented.
"Don't care." He said then spanked my butt. I hissed through my teeth but an idea came to mind. Since he couldn't see my face he didn't see the smirk on my face as I brought my hand back and slapped his own ass in response. Hunter paused.
"Did you just slap my ass?"
"Yep. It's quite...firm." I grinned and pinched a cheek. If he was going to have me hanging upside down like a cave man at least I can have a bit of fun of my own. Using both of my hands I slapped each one like drums. I did it a few times before a firm smack on my own butt made me stop.
"You will pay for that later." The promise in his voice made my legs clench. Couldn't wait.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Screw training. Lets do that everyday." I giggled at Hunter's words and settled on top of his chest. I sighed contently as his arms circled my waist and kept me pressed tightly against him, our legs intertwined below us.
"You're such a cave man sometimes."
"I like for everyone to know whats mine." Hunter's fingers traced up and down my spine. Each pass making my back arch a bit more.
I didn't reply because honestly I didn't mind. I liked that Hunter wanted everyone to know I was with him. That I was his. I was the same. I wanted all the girls that liked to come up to him, I wanted them all to know he was my man. It was stupid but I've grown a possessive side since we got back together. It didn't help that my boyfriend was voted one of the hottest NFL football players in the league and was on the cover of Magazines for all to see.
The two of us laid in bed like that for a while longer. Hunter's touches almost luring me to sleep as I laid on top of him. This right here is where I wanted to stay forever. Just the two of us without a care in the world.
A few more minutes passed before Hunter broke the silence.
"Are you ready to see my parents tomorrow?" I couldn't help but tense. Ever since we've gotten back together I've been putting off seeing Hunter's parents again. He understood after hearing everything his mother said and did to me.
His mother never liked me and was quite literally the reason we broke up in the first place. I wasn't sure the feelings would have changed in the last 5 years.
After Hunter learned the whole story behind our breakup I had to physically stop him from driving down to his parents place. Him yelling at his parents wouldn't solve anything, it was in the past. As much as I didn't like his mother she didn't deserve whatever Hunter was going to say to her. I wasn't going to turn Hunter against his own mother.
I do know he called them up a few days later and had a talk about it but I never fully heard what was said. All I know is they knew we got back together and that we needed time before meeting again. Now that time was here. After pushing it out month after month it was time to face his parents.
While I wasn't looking forward to what could be horrible comments that wasn't what I was most worried about. My main concern was the wall that could come up between him and his family. The last thing I want it to drive a wall between his family and us. Making him have to choose me or them.
If his mother didn't want us together again I wasn't going to allow Hunter to choose me and lose his family. I wouldn't allow it. I would never be able to forgive myself if I ruined his family, all because he loved me. If it came down to that again I would leave, despite that it would most likely break me.
My fear of maybe losing Hunter again was what was holding me back from meeting his family again. I know for a fact I wouldn't survive losing him again.
"Everyone is looking forward to meeting you again." His entire family; mom, dad, brother and sister, were going to be there. Hunter thought it would be a good idea for the two of us to drive the few hours to Rhode Island and stay at his parents place for the weekend. In his words, 'it will be a good way to bond'.
Stuck in a house with two people that told me I was ruining their sons dream didn't sound exactly fun. But I was doing this for Hunter, for us. We both needed to face his parents after everything. I just had to believe that this time around things would be different.
* * * * * * * * * * *
"Babe don't be nervous. It will be great." Hunter grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips to press a kiss to it.
The closer we got to his parents house the more nervous I got. It now felt like a rock was sitting in my stomach. No matter how many times I told myself it was going to be okay the sinking feeling in my stomach told me otherwise. I was being a pessimist about the whole thing but I couldn't help myself. Couldn't erase everything that was said and done after five years.
For Hunter's sake I nodded and let out a breath. I can do this. It won't be that bad. Who knows maybe it will be fun!
Twenty minutes later we pulled up to the driveway to his parents house. Their house was huge and literally sat on the beach. It was probably one of the biggest houses I've ever seen. Definitely not a bad place to retire to. I thought as Hunter pulled up behind another car in the driveway. Looks like everyone is here.
I stared at the house and tried to calm my nerves. At least I'll have Hunter by my side. I can do this.
"Mia." Hunter's voice brought my gaze away from the house. "If at any time you are at all uncomfortable tell me and we will leave, I don't care. I know this will be difficult with...everything that has happened. I don't expect you to forgive my parents right away. I'm just as pissed as you are. But hopefully we can try."
The hopeful look in his eyes made my heart squeeze. He wanted his parents and me to get along. His family was his everything and the last thing he wanted was for things to be bad between us. I squeezed his hand in mine and sent him a smile.
"It's all in the past. Whatever happened before doesn't matter anymore. We found our way back to each other and that's all that matters to me." His hand tightened around mine. "Its going to be a clean slate with your parents. And just like you said...it's gonna be a good weekend."
"God you are amazing. How did I get so lucky." He whispered, his eyes glued to my face.
"I'm not sure hitting me in the face with a football is luck." I teased.
"I think it was." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. Like every single kiss I melted. I would never get use to how it felt to be kissed by him. After a moment he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.
"We better head in before someone comes out. Knowing Dylan he'll do something stupid." He muttered. I giggled thinking of Hunter and his younger brothers relationship. It was going to be crazy seeing his siblings again. His brother is now 18 and his sister 23.
With one last peck to the lips Hunter got out of the car. Lips still tingling I got out as well and went around the back of the car to help grab our bags. Forcing Hunter to at least let me carry one I followed behind him up to the door. Holding onto the grab of my bag with tight fists I took a deep breath. Here we go.
As soon as Hunter opened the door and called out I heard the sound of feet coming towards us. I couldn't help but gap at the interior of the place. It was huge! Coming from someone who's always lived in a smaller home this place was like a palace.
"Hunter!" A voice I hadn't heard in 5 years called out. I stood off to the side a little as Hunter's family came into view. His mom was the first one to pull him into a hug.
Alice James looked practically the same as the last time I saw her. Her blonde hair was cut shorter and fell around her shoulders, it wasn't up in the tight bun she use to have it in. I was use to seeing her in pantsuits or dresses but this time she had on comfortable looking jeans and a shirt. She looked more laid back and easy going than last time.
Next came Hunter's father. Nathan James looked exactly like Hunter, or I guess the other way around. He looked the same as he did five years ago but his brown hair was more grey now. As an retired football player he kind of had that vibe of 'don't mess with me' but that faded when he smiled at his son.
When Nathan stepped to the side he reveled Hunter's two siblings standing there waiting their turn. It was crazy how much older they both looked. Back in college when Hunter and I dated I had actually hung out with the two of them quite a bit. They were both so young back then.
I stood off to the side watching as they embraced their brother. My chest ached at the sight. The bond between all of them was so strong I could practically see it. I felt like I was impeding on something that I shouldn't. Like I was an outsider.
The sight of his loving family happy to see him made my chest heavy. It's been a very long time since I've experienced any of that. With my mom gone I had no family, and even when she was alive it was just us two. No grandparents, no father, no other siblings.
When I was younger I use to wish every year for a brother or sister. Someone to always have around and to love. Over time I grew not to mind it just being us two. My mom and I didn't need anyone else. It got lonely after my mom passed. While I had Hannah it just wasn't the same. And now standing here watching them all have a family moment I felt more alone than ever.
The thoughts that I shouldn't be here came back full force. This wasn't my place. Never would be. Everything inside of me was screaming to leave but the feel of a hand suddenly grabbing mine took me out of my thoughts. Swallowing thickly I gazed up at Hunter. He looked down at me with a smile, his hand squeezing mine as he gently tugged me to his side.
"You guys remember Mia." All four sets of eyes went directly at me. I could feel my cheeks flaming up at the attention. At first no one said anything and I felt my heart sink.
"It's so good to see you again Mia." My eyes widened as Hunter's sister Haley stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. Her small frame wrapped tight around me. Not really sure what to do I hugged her back awkwardly.
"Good to see you too." I said once she let me go and took a step back.
"Hey." Dylan greeted with a wink. In a split second Hunter reached over and smacked the back of his head.
"Don't even try pipsqueak." Hunter grunted. I fought to keep the grin off my face as Dylan scowled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Not my fault she's even hotter now." Dylan muttered but we all still heard it. Before Hunter could smack him again, Dylan quickly moved to the side and behind Haley. Hunter glared at his brother but let it go.
All the attention now turned to Hunter's parents, Nathan and Alice. I awkwardly shifted on my feet but I refused to look away. I needed them to know I wasn't the same girl that I was five years ago. I wasn't a pushover and I wasn't going to let them intimidate me....okay maybe a little but I wasn't going to show it.
For a second I thought they weren't going to say anything or that I would have to first but Nathan stepped forward. With even wider eyes I stood there as he gave me a hug. He was just as tall as Hunter and dwarfed my frame.
"It is very nice to see you again Mia. I'm glad you came." His baritone voice said. The hug was quick as he took a step back. He flashed me a warm smile. It all took me by surprise but I smiled softly back at him.
"Thank you for inviting me to stay the weekend with you guys."
"Of course."
Slight awkwardness settled over us as it was now onto Hunter's mom, Alice. Here we go. She is either going to be a complete bitch to me like when we first met or...well I wasn't sure what the other option was.
"Mia." She started and I stilled myself, waiting for it. Instead of getting glared at a smile graced his mom's face. "I'm so happy you made it." I felt my heart stop as she wrapped her arms around me. All I could do was stand there with my own by my sides. Not wanting to be weird I timidly wrapped mine around hers. What what was happening?
When Alice pulled back she had a genuine smile on her face. It was making my head spin a bit. She was being nice to me.
"We've all been looking forward to this weekend." I tried to find any underlying fake-ness to her words but I found none. Maybe I was in an alternate universe. Yeah that had to be it. Or I was asleep in the car dreaming. But the feel of Alice's hand softly squeezing my arms told me I wasn't dreaming.
"Me too." I squeaked out.
"How about you two go put your stuff away and freshen up. I just made some snacks, I bet you guys are hungry." She said. I was still slightly in shock as Hunter placed his hand on my lower back and answered for us.
"Sounds good mom. We'll be right back."
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