《The Tutors》22-Nari


Tonight was a rear night. For the first time in what felt like a long time we were all sleeping in our own bed thanks to me. I had to make an executive decision that we all needed some rest. The amount of sex we were having and the lack of sleep couldn't be good for any of us. They whines about it but they both agreed.

Roxie had been going nonstop with the cheer team for her competition for the last 3 weeks while still meeting up with us after school. Kai and I had been teaching extra tutoring sessions in the early mornings beefing up our transcripts for college. Even though we weren't going far for school we still wanted to look good. Tomorrow was the last day of school before spring break and we all had exams. The rest was much needed all around.

We've been a thing for over a month , a month and a half to be exact. And there's only 3 months left till graduation. Since Kai's outburst in Roxie's kitchen he's been better at keeping his feeling in check in front of her but. I definitely wanted to discuss where we were with things. It was important to me that during this whole thing we kept an open line of communication.




My pussy throbs at the thought of having an uninterrupted week alone with Roxie and Kai. I squeeze my legs together and try to relax back in my bed. My phone pings again



Roxie attached a video to her last message that made me thrust my hand into my panties. Roxie played across my screen like the perfect porno. I finally understand why Kai talked about the video call for days after like he had never seen porn before. This was a completely different experience. She was in her cheer skirt and nothing else. Her legs were spread wide open showing us how she likes to fuck her tight little cunt.


She was pushing her pink vibrator in and out of her pussy and looking directly into the camera as she moaned. Her pussy was so wet I could see it drooling on to her bed. I tried to stoke my own clit to the pace she was going. My own juices covering my hand and spilling into my panties because I didn't have time to remove them. Not once did she slow down as she slammed the vibrator into her soaked hole. When Roxie turned up the vibration and threw her head back and climaxed so did I. My orgasm owning my body and running through my every nerve. I haven't made myself come that hard ever.Before I could remove my hand and calm down my phone pinged again.



I know Kai is worked up because let's be real that video was better than any store bought porn. I won't be surprised if he's ripping our clothes off as soon as we walked in the door.


When school ended Kai and I both rushed to his car. I couldn't tell which one of us was more excited to get to the lake house. It would take us 2 hours to get there and I planned to use the time to iron out where Kai and I were both at mentally with this whole situation.

Kai eyes my tiny Jean shorts following my legs quickly before turning his eyes back to the road and turning onto the highway.

"I wish you wore a skirt today baby" Kai says releasing a breath.

"You'll have me when we get to the lake. We need to talk before we get there."

"What's wrong? You know if you don't want this anymore you can tell me. We don't have to do this if you don't want to baby. All I need is you" he says before reaching over and lacing our fingers.


I smile as I look over at him. He's always been perfect for me. Since the day I met him he has always been putting my feelings first.

"And all I need is you too baby. But we'd be lying to each other if we didn't admit that we want Roxie" I say squeezing his hand.

He's silent for a moment like he's thinking over what I've said. It was true, I needed Kai and I knew I couldn't live without him. But Roxie, I wanted her and I wished she would just let us have her because as much as she tries to fight it she wants us too. I can tell in the way she touches me and the way she makes eye contact with Kai. It had to be something.

"She doesn't want to be ours. You seen how it went a few weeks ago. I only suggested it because it felt like she was already ours." Kai says clearly annoyed by the memory.

"I felt it to baby. But going forward we don't pressure her. We show her how great it could be if she was ours. Make this the best 3 months of her life. Then we let her choose for herself. Hopefully she chooses us" I say actually feeling good with my decision. I didn't want to force her into something that was only a moment of fun to her and when it felt like something longterm to us.

"You'll be hurt....we'll be hurt if she doesn't choose us. I don't want that for us. I know you really like her Nari" he says as he tenses.

"If you want to stop this now Kai we can turn the car around right now and head back. I won't be upset and we can enjoy our spring break just me and you like we always have. But if you want to continue with Roxie by the time graduation rolls around we would have the most sexy memories of the 4 amazing months we had with her whether she chooses us or not. But most importantly we'll still have each other either way and that's what matters to me" I said

Kai looked like he was weighing his options before he spoke "Do you promise to tell me if you change your mind? As much as I like Roxie, I'm in love with you and I can't lose you."

I smile and nod at Kai and it seems to be enough. He relaxes in his seat as he continues to drive

I yawn as I lay my head against the window. Now that me and Kai are on the same page feelings wise I know that this weekend is going to be amazing.

"Oh and Kai, I did look up polyamory and I think I would be perfectly happy in that lifestyle if all parties were willing but if not I'm perfectly happy with just you love" I say before shutting my eyes and drifting off to sleep. I would definitely need my energy. I'm sure we all had our own freaky agendas set for the week and much sleep wasn't going to be involved in that.

No matter. I'm ready.

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