《V for Vampire || kth. ✅》Chapter 29


Staring at the blank ceiling above, you fail attempting to rid yourself of the ubiquitous worries clogging up at the back of your mind.

''I'm addicted to your blood...'' you remember him saying.

So does that mean he'll bite me every time he sees me? So it was true after all...he only desires my blood. Not like it matters anymore anyway...everything between us is over.

But then...if he truly wanted to just drink my blood, he wouldn't have told me to get away though...right? What if he still cares-

''heyyyy'' Jackson's voice interrupts you from your myriad of thoughts, and you snap back to reality. He sits on the bed beside you, leaning on the upturned palms of his hands.

''Are you okay? What are you thinking about?'' he asks, slight worry etched into his features.


As your eyes gently flutter closed, you hear the bed creak beside you. And although you see it coming, you make no effort to prevent it.

His lips crash with yours, not harsh but rather gentle, and it lasts nothing but a few seconds. ''you're really vulnerable right now, you know...'' he speaks, retreating back to where he originally was. ''why didn't you stop me?''

Your eyes lazily roll open, locking with his. ''why did you do it in the first place?''

He shrugs, flopping down and laying beside you. ''I can tell you're thinking about him...''

Your silence urges him to continue. ''Why don't you date me? Get your mind off him...'' he casually asks.

''You want to become a distraction?'' you ask, turning your back so you face him. ''That's...''

''You don't have to answer straight away...think about it'' he pops, sitting back up.

Date Jackson...?


Carrying some extra clothes (for when you transform), you and Jackson head out in the midst of night, the path at your feet fading as it leads into the darkness of the woods. It was disorientating to be almost blinded but given the ears of a wolf.


''It's so quiet...'' you mutter, tracing your fingers against the moist oak trees. As a wolf, such silence would seem tranquil, but out here now seemed like the quiet of a graveyard. In a way it kind of was, as your whole pack was killed here.

Jackson beside you takes a deep breath, his sense of smell sensitized. He takes in the loamy fragrance of the earth, the damp earthy scent of the leaves, and when he opens his eyes again, his bones twist and turn like mechanical snakes until he turns into a wolf.

You let out a sigh of relief. ''Took you a while to learn'' you grin, reciprocating the same process until you too had turned.

''hey, imagine there were more werewolf survivors like us'' you say to Jackson, as your paws caressed the velvet flesh of the forest grounds.

''There must be more out there, disguised in human form'' Jackson responds. It was almost overwhelming how you guys were communicating without actually speaking.

Your ears suddenly stand up as you pick up some signs of movement. ''hey, shhh''

You both freeze and listen vigilantly. ''This way-''

You don't have time to finish your sentence when an arrow speeds across the air and penetrates straight into Jackson's back. The lethal attack weakens him in an instant, and he falls to the ground in pain.

Anger and vengeance floods through your system on seeing your only companion- who you considered family -on the verge of leaving you too.

You use your teeth to pull out the arrow from his back. ''Hang in there...you need to transform, or you won't heal. Do you hear me?'' you call desperately, but he remains still. ''Please...''

Turning back, your gaze scans the area around you. Your senses heightened, you make out a figure in the distance. Growling in anger, you leap towards it and pull it to the ground, landing on top of it with a thud.

You glare at the figure beneath you, trapping it with your paws. Kim Taehyung?


''It hit you?''

His voice made your blood boil. To think he'd go to such lengths to hurt you.

You grip at his arms tighter, snarling in contempt. ''It hit Jackson, you dumb fuck''

It's not like he could understand you anyway. Your sharpened claws dug into the flesh of his arms, his Gucci shirt staining in blood. He slightly groans in pain as you release your grasp.

A high pitched voice suddenly screams out from nearby. ''Taehyung? Did I hit the deer?''

You stop dead in your tracks. Jisoo's shot the arrow?

When she catches up to Taehyung, she gasps. ''ARE YOU OKAY? YOU'RE BLEEDING!''

Her eyes momentarily flicker to your form. Shit...don't tell me I missed. It wasn't meant to hit Jackson...she thought.

That one dirty look she gave you confirmed your theory that she was actually aiming for you.

''I'll go find the others!'' and she hurries away the moment she notices you growling at her. The moment Taehyung sits up, you find yourself at the limit of your transformation. Wrong timing.

You find yourself back to human form, looming over the slightly injured Taehyung. His eyes widen for a moment, his gaze flickering up and down your form. He quickly looks away and gulps, avoiding your gaze.

Oh yeah, I'm naked.

Muttering a soft ''sorry'' you turn around and head back to find Jackson.

I'm going to fucking kill Jisoo...

You find Jackson leaning against a tree, thankfully in human form and dressed. He flashes you a thumbs up, panting heavily. ''I...made it''


My stomach growled in hunger and I gulped, my throat dryer than Jin's jokes.

The members had split up to hunt, and the obstinate Jisoo kept insisting she come with me until I had to give in.

Why was I even hunting? Deer blood tastes of shit now anyway.

Only her blood tastes nice...

Shutup. Don't think about it.

A hand suddenly grabs my wrist. ''I think I see a deer''

Jisoo takes hold of the bow and arrow and adjusts it carefully, squinting to see through the dark. I glance at the same direction, and although darkness obscured my field of vision, I could make out two figures in the form of wolves.

''hey wait don't shoot-'' the arrow shoots just as I speak, speeding across until it hits one of them.

Y/N or Jackson? Who did it hit?

Jisoo grimaces, backing away. ''oops, lemme just go find the rest..''

Before I knew it, the feral beast also known as Y/N charges at me with full force and topples me to the ground. ''It hit you?'' I ask, trapped within it's firm grasp.

I guess it didn't.

She snarls, her fangs sharper than Hoseok's jawline. The pearl grey of her fur brush against my arms, the softness making my skin quiver.

I hear Jisoo's voice calling me from nearby, but who the fuck cares...

Her paws dig into my flesh, as if she was pouring all her anger into her claws as they penetrated deeper.

So protective over Jackson

But when she sees Jisoo, she releases her grasp and simply stares. A spark of anger ignites in her ebony orbs, low growls vibrating in her chest.

Yeah it was her not me dumbass

But then she suddenly transforms, returning back to human form. Fucking clothless too.

I tear my gaze away from her, ducking my head immediately as a blush spreads across my face.

Desire and temptation runs through my blood, ravenous heat rampaging through my system at the sight of her. My insides begin to burn, it was as if fire danced in flames burning everything inside of me.

Shit...my blood thirst is returning.

I wanna drink...

I clutch my stomach as her alluring scent invades my sense of smell...

Don't look at her....

I shut my eyes and avoid her gaze, gulping harshly.

She mutters something softly, but I couldn't make out what. Trying to steady my breathing, I take deep breaths, but when I open my eyes once again, she's gone.

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