《insane | will x reader |》•another day•


I woke up to Will's alarm clock, gosh it was annoying. I groaned and literally rolled out of bed, my back hitting the cold floors. I hear a soft chuckle and stand up straight, seeing Will smiling at me. He is walking across the room getting ready for school. I watch him look through his drawer for a sweater and once he finds one he walks up to his stand-up mirror he drops his shirt.

"Y/N. What is this?" Will said.

I looked over at Will and he is pointing to the mark placed across his collarbones and lower neck.

"At least I did it to where you could hide it with a sweater. I can't." I replied, pointing to the little marks on my upper neck. Will smirked then sighed, he put the shirt over his body then walked over to his desk. He starts to shove textbooks into his backpack. I walk over to the drawer and I take out some jeans and a black band top.

I look over at Will and he is busy with his textbooks so I turn around, facing the wall. I quickly take off my top and put my band top on. I straighten out my shirt with my hands and turn around. Will is still putting textbooks, pencils and other equipment in his bag.

I take a pair of underwear and my jeans and leave the room to go to the bathroom. I put on some new underwear and the jeans and I tuck my shirt into the jeans. I smile at myself then the smile turns into a frown when I notice that I still have the marks on my neck.

I don't know how these work. I try and find something to cover it up with. I look in the bottom drawer of the cupboard in the bathroom and I see Joyce's makeup bag. I open it up and look for something which might be able to cover up the marks.


I see a little black tube and I take off the wand. It was a liquid substance and it was the colour of my skin. I remember my mother putting on this when she went on dates with Dad. She would put the makeup under her eyes so she could conceal what was under there. I bring the wand up to my neck and lightly tap it on my skin.

Once I have enough concealer on my neck I start to rub it in with my finger, covering every bit, but it still wasn't enough. The little red and purple mark was showing through. I sighed and tried to forget about it. Fuck it, I'll just wear a turtle neck.

I walked into the bedroom and Will was making the bed. I smiled at him as I walked up to the drawer. I searched through the clothes and I found a black and white striped turtle neck. I took off my band top and then put on the turtle neck. I put the black band top over it and walked up to the mirror to look at my neck. I could hardly see the marks and I grinned at my reflection. I started to tuck in the shirts into my jeans until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I looked up and Will had his arms around my waist, his head tucked into my neck. He was slightly bending over because of our height difference. I smiled as I felt him softly kiss my jaw. I giggled as his hair tickled my neck and he stopped.


I giggled and turned around, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You're cute."

He smiled and kissed my forehead and I smiled at his actions. He let go of the hug but put my hand in his. We laced our fingers and he led me in the kitchen. As we walked into the kitchen, Jonathan had our breakfast all set out on the table. I sat down at the table and thanked Jonathan for the meal. I started to eat once Joyce and Jonathan sat down with us.


I started to eat the French toast in silence. Joyce finished eating first, she put her dishes in the sink and grabbed her keys off the bench and kissed us all on the temple. Jonathan finished next which left Will and I. Will finished his meal and stood up to get our lunches for school. I watched Will open the fridge to find both of our meal for today.

Joyce packs our meal at night time so they are ready for the next day. Will took out the two sandwiches and two pieces of fruit. He placed them on the bench and took a few coins from the little basket in the corner of the bench.

He smiled at me as I continued eating. He grabbed our lunches and walked into his room. He must of put our lunches in our bags cause he walked back into the kitchen with both of our school backpacks on his arms.

I put my dishes in the sink and took my bag off Will and put my shoes on, ready to leave the house. Will was right behind me when I walked out of the house. He closed the door behind him and he ran up to me so he could hold my hand.

We laced our fingers and walked to school, like usual.

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