《insane | will x reader |》•dinner dates•


"Okay I'm going to do it," Dustin said. It was lunchtime and Dustin is officially going to ask out Lizzy today. He has been talking to her over the few months and they have become good friends. Dustin wanted to be friends with her then ask her out. They are actually really cute together and Dustin is really happy when he is with her.

Dustin gets off the table and he looks at her then us. I gave him the thumbs up and a cute smile. Dustin smiled then slowly exhaled. He slowly walked up to the group and the closer he got to the table the more the girls turned around and looked at him. Our group was spying on the tale, watching Lizzy's reactions. Lizzy smiled when Dustin arrived at the table.

Dustin said something and Lizzy nodded. They both walked away from the table and the group of girls that Lizzy was hanging out with were watching them walk off, just like us. They walked behind the building and we couldn't see them anymore. I sighed and we all looked at each other.

I rest my head on Will's legs and I feel him run his fingers through my hair.

"Do you think he will do it?" Lucas said. We all turn our heads to him and Mike softly laughs,

"Well he can't back down now, he is already alone with her."

Lucas shrugs and looks back to the building. He gasps when we see Dustin ad Lizzy walking out. We all turn our heads and Dustin is looking at the ground, his face bright red. Lizzy is holding her hands looking down as well. Dustin stops walking and Lizzy follows his actions. Dustin looks up at Lizzy and she is smiling.

Dustin says something and Lizzy giggles. I turn my head to Will and he is smiling at them. They have to be dating. Lizzy opens her arms and Dustin hugs her back. I smile and look at the rest of the group's reactions. Lucas and Max are smiling. Eleven and Mike are looking at each other and smiling. Will is softly giggling to himself and I was just in awe. Dustin is really happy when he is around her.


Lizzy walks off to sit with her group of friends and Dustin turns towards us.

"So?" Lucas yells to Dustin.

Dustin stops walking and smiles at us all. The girls squeal and the boys get off the table and run up to Dustin. Mike and Lucas pat Dustin on the back and Will is cheering. Us girls laugh at the boys and I look over to Lizzy's table and she is looking at us and we meet eyes.

I smile at her and she smiles back. She waves then talks to her group. I wave back then look at Dustin and the boys.

It was 5 pm and Joyce let Will and I go out for dinner in town. Apparently, Will has been planning it with Joyce for a few weeks so I was excited. I don't know where we are going and what we are going to do but Will said to dress up a little bit.

I was home with Joyce and Will was with Mike at his house. Jonathan was also with Will, he is gonna be our chauffeur. Joyce got me all dressed up and Mike and Jonathan are gonna help, Will.

"The dress is in your room Y/N," Joyce said as I walk down the hallway.

I make my way into the room and I gasp as I see a slim black dress. I walk up to the bed and the dress is laid across it. It has spaghetti straps and a slim waist. I lift it up and admire it. It is beautiful. I turn around and Joyce is standing at the doorframe, smiling at me.

"Thank you," I say, I run up to her and throw my arms around her neck and she hugs my waist. She squeezes my waist and I continue to say thank you.

"No problem sweetie," I let go of Joyce and she holds onto my upper arm, "Karen gave it to me. I was meant to wear it when I was dating Bob but it will look better on you."


I hug her again and she smiles at me. She closes the door and tells me to try it on. As she closes the door I start to get changed into the dress. It is really beautiful. As I put it on I walk up to the standing mirror in the corner of Will's bedroom. I look beautiful. The dress fits me perfectly. It shows off my waist and hips. The v neck shows off my cleavage and it was absolutely beautiful. I was in awe.

I tried on the shoes that came with the dress as well. They were short heeled black shoes and I felt amazing. I stumbled into the lounge room where Joyce was sitting. As I entered the room, her jaw dropped and she stood up. I swirled the dress and smiled. Joyce smiled back and walked towards me.

"You look, beautiful sweetie."

I hugged her again and she said to me,

"Want me to do your hair and makeup?"

I let go of the hug and nodded.

She led me into her room. In the corner of her room was a desk, it had a mirror up against the wall and a few hair and makeup products sitting on the desk. Joyce pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. She grabbed a hair curler from one of the draws next to the desk and started to curl my hair. It was a little harder to curl my hair since it was up to my chin but Joyce managed to make my hair look incredible. My hair was slightly curly and then she turned the chair around.

She put on some mascara and some light eyeshadow. I looked incredible. She spun the chair back around and I looked at myself in the mirror, wow. She handed me a little tub of lip gloss.

"There you go, you can put it on."

I take the tub and smile. I place the gloss on my lips and I rubbed my lips together. I give the tub back to Joyce and she smiled.

"You look incredible." I smiled and stood up, "Jonathan called and they will be here to pick you up in five minutes"

I nodded my head,

"Thank you, Joyce. Thank you for the dress and shoes and makeup."

"No problem"

I hug her again and she helps me to her mirror at the back of her door. I look at myself and straighten out the fabric. Joyce walks up to her dresser and takes one of her little black handbags. She places a $20 note in there as well as the lip gloss. She hands it to me and I take it.

We walk into the kitchen and I have a glass of water. Once I finish my water I start to get nervous. Oh my god, am I too overdressed? I put my glass in the sink and I hear a car toot its horn. I look at Joyce and she is smiling. I walk up to the door and I open it up.

Will is dressed in a black and white tux, and his hands are in front of him. As I open the door fully his mouth slightly opens and his eyes widen,

"Oh my god, you look beautiful." He whispers to me. I blush and step outside. As I close the door I see Joyce smiling at us both. I close the door behind me and look behind Will. Jonathan is in the car, looking at us both.

Will puts out his hand and I take it.

"Gosh, you are beautiful"

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