《insane | will x reader |》•sleepovers•


Max, Eleven and I are all sitting on Max's bed. Eleven is brushing her hair and Max is putting on some music. I am leaning my back against the pillows and reading a magazine. Max squeals as she puts on a song. The song starts to play and I don't know it but Eleven looks up at Max and they both start squealing. I laugh and put the magazine down,


Max looks at me and sits on the bed next to me,

"This song was the song that was playing when Lucas and I kissed."

"Mike and I kissed as well"

I aww and put the magazine away and laugh when Max and Eleven start ballroom dancing around the room. I grab a pillow and hug it and continue watching the girls. The girls stop dancing and sit down on the bed with me.

Eleven sits up and Max lays down, her head resting in her hands. Max looks at Eleven and they smirk at each other,

"So has anything happened between you and Will?" Max said, smiling at me. I sit up properly and look down and blush. The girls look at each other and squeal.

"We haven't done that. But it's only been two months. And we are 15, I'm not expecting anything to happen until we are much older."

The girls both huff and Max sits up,

"Well, Lucas and I made out."

I yell and Eleven squeals,

"Oh my god, I did not need to know that" I yelled. Max giggled and walked over to her desk,

"I know that you and Will have made out Y/N. It's been two months, don't try and deny it."

I giggle and throw a pillow at Max,

"Nothing has happened okay. Will is sweet and kind and he wouldn't do it unless I was ready."


Eleven and Max look at each other and laugh,

"You already ready," Eleven said, giving me a smirk. I laugh and grab another pillow. Max pouts and Eleven starts to laugh. I throw another pillow at Max but she dodged it. She picked it up and threw it at me. Eleven used her powers to get two pillows and she threw them at me. I was now covered in pillows. Max kept throwing pillows at me and Eleven stood up on the bed. I moved the pillows out of my face to see Eleven jump on me.

I groan in pain and Max jumps on top of Eleven. Eleven groans and Max giggles. We all start to laugh and we hear a knock on the door. Max jumps off us both and runs to the door. Eleven gets off me and we fix up Max's bed. Max opens the door and Billy is standing there, leaning against the door frame.

Max told me about Billy. What a dick. I continue to fix the bed with Eleven's help.

"Dad and Mom are going to bed so be quiet."

Max scoffs and closes the door as Billy walks down the hall. Max walks up to her dresser and takes out a pair of pyjama pants and a tank top. Once Eleven and I finish making the bed Eleven goes and grabs a matching pair of pink pyjamas. I put on some sweatpants and Will's jumper. We all get into our pyjama's and sit on the bed in silence.

"Wanna get a snack?" Max says. Eleven nods and I smile and we all walk into the kitchen. The house is dark but we can still see since the street lights are shining through the kitchen window. We all silently walk up to the fridge and pantry. Max grabs some chips and Eleven grabs some eggos. I grab 3 cans of soda and we all walk back into Max's bedroom.


As we sit on the bed we start eating the food. We start talking about school, boy and start planning for our next school holiday trip. We finish the packet of chips and I get off the bed to put the packet in the bin. As I walk to the bin I hear a cracking sound coming from my backpack.

I open up my bag and I hear my walkie talkie cracking.

"He-hey Y/N, j-just wanted t-to say go-odnight"

I smile and put the walkie talkie near my mouth,

"Goodnight Will."

I wait for a few seconds and hear Will again,

"Have a good sleep."

"You too"

I smile and put the walkie talkie back into my bag. I turn around and the girls are sitting on the bed smiling. Their eyes are wide open and their lips are parted. They are both looking at me and I smile,


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