《insane | will x reader |》•pizza nights•


Will and I walk into school, holding hands again. As we walk into the corridor there is a bunch of people standing close to my locker. I look at Will and he starts to get his books out of his locker. I open up my locker and there are a few pieces of paper in there. I look at the inside of my locker door and there is a big word written in permanent marker over the little mirror,


I behind my shoulder and see the same group of girls softly laughing. I give them a bitchy look and they all scoff and walk away. I look at the mirror again and see myself, am I really a slut?

Will walks over to me and I lower my head, he opens up my locker a little more. He smiles at me and I look up at him, tears in my eyes. His smile drops and he puts his books into my locker and rests his hands on my arms. I let out a shaky breath and I point behind him, my locker door. He turns around and I can see his reaction through the mirror, anger. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turns around,

"Really Will, it's okay."

"No, it's not"

I look at his hands and they are in fists now. I wrap my arms around his body and I hug him tightly, he then wraps his arms around me. I softly sob into his shoulder and I feel his breathing become harder. I lean back and look into Will's eyes. His eyes were watery and I let out a tear. He brought his thumb up to my face and we wiped the tear away. I softly giggled and his hand stayed on my face.

He started to bring his face closer to mine and honestly, I didn't care if the whole school was watching us. I lean in and I kiss him gently, my hands going to the back of his neck. His right hand is still on my face and his left-hand is resting on my waist. I bring his face closer to mine and he opens his mouth a little bit.


"Get a room!" Dustin yells, we both pull away and smile at each other. Dustin playfully pushes us and we both slam into the locker. Will continues to lean against the locker doors and I hug his waist.

"How about we go home?" Will whispers into my ear.

"What?" I pull away from the hug, my arms still on his waist.

"We will walk home, watch a few movies and eat a bunch of food." Will smiles.

"What about school?"

Will softly chuckles,

"It's one-day Y/N and we have a reason, you are getting called horrible things." I nod my head and Will grabs his book from my locker and puts them in his locker. He grabs his bag and I grab mine. We start to walk out the door when the group is standing in front of the front entrance. Max turns around and sees us, she raises her eyebrow. The rest of the group turn around,

"William Byers skipping class, what happened dude?" Mike says to us.

Will smiles and we both walk up to everyone.

"Y/N has things written in her locker. She was upset so we are going home"

The group nod and Max hugs me. We walk out the door and start to walk home, holding hands.

It was five thirty and Will and I just finished our third movie of the day. Joyce and Jonathan walk through the front door and Will and I say hello to them. Jonathan walks into the kitchen and starts to grab out cans of food. Will rushes into the kitchen, me right behind him, and he stops Jonathan.

"What are you doing Will? I'm trying to make dinner."

Will puts the can of diced tomatoes back into the pantry. Will turns around and pushes Jonathan out of the kitchen,


"Y/N and I are cooking dinner tonight so get out of the kitchen."

I hear Joyce laugh from the lounge room and I smile at Will. We both wash our hands and Will take out some flour, yeast, salt, oil and a rolling pin out of the cupboards. I take pepperoni, cheese, tomato paste, ham, and tomatoes out of the fridge.

Will and I decided to make pizzas for dinner and he was going to make the dough and I was going to prepare the toppings. Will puts the flour into the bowl, well not the bowl, he missed the bowl completely. The flour went everywhere and Will looked at me and we both burst into laughter. Will put his hand in the flour and pressed his hand against my face, leaving a big powdered handprint on my face.

I laughed and put my hand in the flour and ran my fingers through his hair, leaving the powder in his hair. Will looked at me in shock and grabbed onto my arm, I was unable to move. He put his hand in the powder and softly hit my stomach, leaving a big handprint of powder on the jumper,

"Will this is my favourite jumper," I say.

"It's my jumper," He says, grabbing onto my waist and pulling me towards him.

"It's our jumper" I smirk, I put my hand in the flour, Will not noticing. With my left hand, I lift his shirt up a little bit and he looks down. I can see his eyes widen and I softly giggle. With my right hand, covered in flour, I quickly hit him playfully on the stomach, flour going everywhere. Will let's go of me and we both start laughing.

Once we finish making the pizza dough we start to add on the paste and toppings. We make two pizzas and we put them in the oven. Will and I look at the kitchen bench and it is a mess. There is rolling pins, flour, leftover food and dirty dishes everywhere.

Will and I place the dirty dishes in the sink and put away the leftover food. We wipe down the benches and bring out four plates. We look around and there is nothing left to clean up so I press my head on Will's chest as he hugs me. He softly kisses the top of my head and I hug his waist.

The oven goes off and we take the pizza's out of the oven. We cut the pizza into slices and put them on the table. The table is set with a plate and cups of water. We call Jonathan and Joyce to have dinner with us. They both come walking and smile as they sit down at the table.

We continue to eat dinner and Joyce asks how school went. I gave Will and look at he said it was okay. I continued to eat, not saying a word.

"How was your day Y/N?"

"Good, thank you." I didn't look at Joyce, I continued to look at my food. I felt Will put his hand on my thigh. I look up and he is smiling at me. I smile back and take a bite out of my food.

Once we all finished eating, I started to take everyone's plates and put them in the sink.

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