《The Wallflower's Revenge》Chapter 7: The Engagement


An alliance with a powerful person is never safe.


I am patiently waiting for Tatiana at the restaurant we agreed to meet after her visit to her apartment.

The maitre d' showed me into the best table inside the restaurant. I am still not sure if that's the best idea to let her go alone. What if her stepsister and fiancé—ex-fiancé, rather, saw her? I smiled privately. I had to remember to put an ex in describing Paolo Ranaldi in the company of Tatiana or else she would give me an awful lecture again.

Did she know that no one had given me quite a lecture after I graduated from the university? I was tempted to inform her, but her blazing violet-eyes gave me a pause. Maybe she was aware, but she didn't give a damn.

I looked at my wristwatch and fifteen minutes had passed since the time we agreed on. Deciding to wait for a few more minutes before storming her penthouse. I recalled my conversation with my secretary...

"Julia..." I said in Italian to the woman standing in front of me waiting for my further instructions as I read some papers. "Cancel all of my schedules for tomorrow until the weekend."

My ever-efficient assistant couldn't resist asking. "May I know the reason, Sua Eccellenza?"

I gave her a sincere smile. "I am getting married tomorrow."

"Married!" Julia all but squeaked. I bite back my smile because my assistant is gazing at me as if I told her that I can levitate.

"Sí," I confirmed. "Reschedule my important meetings and hold my calls—only important ones are to be transferred to my villa in Amalfi. And check for the current status of Rostov International Hotels while I am away."

"Yes, sir." It seems that she has finally recovered from my news and back to her efficient self. "Your Grace, may I ask if it's okay? Does the dowager duchess know about your plan—?"



My attention was snapped at the woman who was standing in front of me with her hands on her waist as she waited for me to speak. "Tatiana."

"Are you all right?" she asked, violet eyes studying me intently. "I've been calling your attention for a while now. What's the matter?"

I shook my head and stood from my chair to pull out a chair for her "No. Nothing important, tesoro mia."

She slid from the chair while going back from mine across to her. I could see in her eyes that she was still studying me. Thankfully, the waiter had arrived on our table for our orders.

I ordered the first thing I read on the menu and waited for Tatiana to place hers. I also arranged for the best wine in their restaurant. Finally, when the hovering waiter had left us alone, I dug my pocket for the familiar box I bought before coming to the restaurant.

"For you." I place the little red velvet box in front of her. For some reason, my heart is thundering on my chest, maybe because I suddenly realized this morning when I purchased that thing that I was really getting married tomorrow.

Many women had tried to, but I am not ready to settle down. Now I am marrying the woman in front of me for only practical reasons.

She needs my name.

I need her company.

As simple as that our marriage would be only based on alliance until we get what we both desired. That's what I wanted, isn't it?

So why the hell it took me a lot of time to buy the right ring for Tatiana? I told myself repeatedly that in order to fool everyone we must make it look like a real marriage as possible. And no one would believe that a duke marrying for love if I didn't purchase the right ring that would suit my bride.


"Open it." I urged her when she showed no reaction to my present.

Tatiana looked at me before setting her gaze back to the small box in front of her. "Lucca, you don't have too..."

I shook my head. I opened the velvet box myself and pull-out the stunning diamond encrusted engagement ring from its nest. "Tatiana Rostova, will you marry me?"

The pretty blush spreads through her pale cheeks like a wildfire. "Err, yes."

I hide my smile at the lack of enthusiasm I heard in her voice. If she was just another woman, she would probably be shrieking right now. "Your hand."

With great reluctance, she gave her left hand. I slipped the engagement ring on her fourth finger and was ridiculously happy because it fits her perfectly. I am aware of the curious stares we are getting inside the restaurant, mercifully Tatiana was still wearing the baseball cap I gave her.

Our food had been brought to our table when the paparazzi had swam outside the restaurant and flashing their cameras non-stop on the glass window trying to get pictures of me and the mystery woman. My plan is working well.

"Don't look," I informed her casually. "But the paparazzi are trying to get pictures of us. Don't let them see your face."

With a muttered cursed, Tatiana lowered her cap even more to her face, her violet eyes were hidden from my sight.

By tomorrow the news of my engagement would fill every newspaper in Italy.

I could hardly wait for my mother's reaction about this.

I was in a bad mood when I arrived at the penthouse Tati owned. I threw my purse on the white sofa and let out an angry sigh. The housekeeper who was working for my stepsister for years looked at me while cleaning the living room with unreadable eyes.

"Why are you looking as if you saw a ghost?" I snapped at her.

"Pardon, signorina." She muttered in accented Italian.

"Way to go, Rina." Said a dry comment from my back. "Abusing the housekeeper."

I whirled around to face the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. "Who wasn't going to get annoyed when the authorities refused to declare Tati dead? They said we have to wait at least five years."

He stepped closer to me and massaged my rigid muscle on my shoulder "Take it easy."

I sighed "I so wanted to announce our engagement to the public."

My smoothing hands fell and Paolo turned to see me on the face. "What engagement?"

"We're getting married, aren't we?"

"Yes," Paolo looked away. "But not now."

"When?" I asked as my patience was running off. "Until Tatiana is declared dead?"


"But that's damn too long!"

He gave me a cold stare. "That's how it's supposed to be, Rina. Tatiana is still my fiancé."

My stepsister is dead but why do I still have to suffer because of her? The only man I'd ever love is refusing to marry me until she is found?

If Paolo thought that I would be waiting for five long years, then he is mistaken. Because I would do everything for us to get married before the year ends.

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