《Pregnant with the italian's baby ✔》Leads?! (25)


___Isabella's P.O.V___

They dragged Gabrielle and I as if we were objects and not humans with feelings. I looked over at my sister who was struggling to get their hands off of her. They stopped infront of a wooden door, one of them knocked and the person from the other side answered with a "Come in."

The guy that knocked, opened the door and we entered into an office. The devil himself sat behind the desk staring up at us.

"To what do I owe the pleasure." The sarcasm was evident in his voice.

The guy who I hit with the glass stepped forward and showed Rivero the damage I'd done to his head.

"What am I looking at?" He asked leaning back into his chair.

"This bitch threw a glass cup at my head." He stated looking at me with pure hatred.

"Oh really now?" Rivero seemed a bit amused.

"You're the bitch if you're bitching over a fucking glass hitting you in your head." I spat.

The guy turned and slapped me across the face while the others held my arms. When he came closer to me I flung my foot up making it connect with his nose. It was moments like these I was greatful for my flexibility that I obtained from dancing.

He stumbled back holding his nose. He let out a growl that was meant to scare me, but it didn't, not even in the slightest.

Rivero stood up from his desk with great force. He walked over to me and glared at me. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, do that again. You're already in enough problems already, don't dig your hole any deeper, Isabella." He said in all seriousness.

"The only hole that's gonna be dug deep is your grave when Mariano kills you."


He let out a dry laugh, "Keep telling yourself that." He said, "Take them to the basement." He demanded to the men.

___Mariano's P.O.V___

I walked into the office to see Conroy sitting at the desk, I closed the door and turned to face him.

"It's time. I'm stepping down and the position as head of the business will go to you." He said.

"Why now?" I asked.

"Because," He stood up from the desk, "I need to spend more time with my wife and daughters. And since I don't have a son biologically, I'm giving the position to you. I mean I did practically raise you and Abigail." He chuckled at the last part.

I smiled. He was right, he did raise my sister and I. Conroy and my parents were good friends, so when they died, Conroy and Mrs. Brown took Abigail and I and raised us as their own. I don't remember much about my parents, since they died so long ago.

"Anyways, enough of the mushy moments, why was it you came in here?" He asked.

"For my other phone." I said walking over to the desk and opening the bottom drawer. I took out the black phone and turned it on. I entered the password and went into the messages. This phone was my link to Issy's phone. Everything that she does on her phone I can see it on this one. I looked through the messages and found nothing pertaining to Greg.

Then I went into call logs. The first thing I saw was the number with the name 'Greggy' attached at the top. I checked the time of the call and it was just some hours before I noticed that that Isabella was gone.


I walked over to the tracking device and typed in the number that I saw. A red dot appeared on the map that was on the screen. There was also and blue dot present, which showed our location, the distance between us and Isabella. I zoomed in on the red dot, it went from the country to the state, to the city, to the town, to the street, to the exact house on that street. A smile of satisfaction graced my lips as I looked at the blinking red dot.

___Yasmine's P.O.V___

I sprinted down the hall and was about to turn the corner when I bumped into Something hard. I looked up and rubbed my forehead. Oh, it was a someone not a something. Mariano, to be exact.

"Have you seen Issy." I blurted out.

"I'm going to get her right now." He said walking past me.

"Where is she?" I asked following behind him.

"You don't know, and here I was thinking everyone knew that Isabella was kidnapped."

"She was what?!" I shouted in disbelief.

Mariano shook his head and just continued to speed walk down the hall. I fought to catch up to him.

"You know her good friend Greg?" He said bitterly.

"Greg?" I spoke incredulously.

"Yes, Greg."

We headed outside and I noticed some of the men were out here. They were getting into the vans.

"Go back inside." He said to me with a serious look on his face.

"What? No. I'm coming."

"Yasmine, go inside."

"No." I stood my ground. Well, that was until Mariano nodded in the direction of some of the men and they lifted me up and brought me inside.

___Issy's P.O.V___

I pulled on the chains that were attached to my wrists with all my strength, but it was no use. I heard sniffling coming from the other end of the room where Gabby was. I looked over at her and saw her tear stained cheeks.

"gabby, it's gonna be okay. Please stop crying."

"No, Issy it's not gonna be okay."She yelled at me as she pulled on her chains. When they wouldn't budge she began crying again.

"We're gonna die down here." She cried harder.

I pulled on the chains that were on my ankles, first my right ankle then my left. "We're not gonna die down here." I said still pulling them.

After Gabby had finally calmed down, the place was quiet. So quiet, you could hear a pin drop. My wrists and ankles were beginning to hurt like hell. I looked around the room in frustration. Gabby was staring into space looking like she was trapped in oblivion.

I pulled on the chains once more hoping something would happen this time. I was starting to see why werewolves hated silver. Or, so I heard. It seemed to burn into your skin causing it to hurt like hell. I don't think I can stay like this for long.

As if this situation couldn't get any worse my head started to pound, like I was getting a migraine.


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