《Pregnant with the italian's baby ✔》I'm pregnant?! (3)


1 month later.

I stood up looking in my huge mirror in my bathroom. I've just finished throwing up multiple times. I looked at my stomach and noticed that it's getting bigger. I wonder if....... No I can't be..... But could I? I continued to look at my stomach in the mirror. There was a knock on the door and I turned to see yasmine (Yas.) looking at me.

"Does my belly look bigger to you?" I asked her.

"Honestly, it does.....Are you pregnant?" She asked.

I shrugged"I don't know."

"I'm gonna tell zen to bring a pregnancy test when she is coming home."

"Okay, tell her to bring four, just in case." I said. She nodded and left the ensuite. I went back to my room and sat on my bed, I took up my laptop and searched for symptoms of pregnancy.

In addition to missed period, the earliest signs and symptoms of pregnancy

might include:

. Tender, swollen breasts, early in pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts tender, sensitive or sore.....

. Nausea with or without vomiting.....

. Increased urination.....

. Fatigue.....

. Food aversions or cravings....

I read aloud. I've had all these symptoms. Oh my gosh. I closed the laptop and layed down. I closed my eyes and held my stomach.




I turned to my room door and saw yas and ren standing there.

"Come in." I said. They walked in and zen handed me the tests. I went into the bathroom and peed on all of them. I placed them on the counter and washed my hands.

"How long do we wait?" Yas asked.

"The box said one minute." I said to them.

I sat beside them and rested on my bed. The minute passed and I went for them. I turned them on the back and carried them to my room.

"Are you ready?" Zen asked. I nodded.

I turned over the first one.....


I turned over the second one.....


I turned over the third one.......


I turned over the fourth one......


"They are all positive." I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"Oh, honey, don't cry." Yas said, walking over to me and hugging me. I hugged her back. Zen came and joined the hug.


Then soon I started laughing. They both pulled away and stared at me with confused expressions.

"These are tears of joy." I said with a smile. I turned to my mirror and looked at my stomach. "I can't believe there's a little human growing inside of me." I said smiling.

"Me either. I'm gonna be an aunt." Zen said jumping up and down.

"I'm gonna be a god mother." Yas said joining her in jumping.

I laughed at them. My smile immediately vanished when a question flashed through my mind.

Who's the father?

I sat down with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Zen asked and they both sat either side of me on the couch.

"The father, I don't know who he is." I said.

"How many people did you sleep with and not use protection?" Yas asked.

I thought for a while. Then I became even sadder. "Mariano." I said barely above a whisper.

"Who's that?" Zen asked.

"Is he the man you were with at the club?" Yas asked.

I nodded.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Zen asked.

"No, he will never want this baby. I don't want him to hurt my child." I said with tears blurring my vision.

"You know I will support you, with anything you decide......but I think he needs to know." Yas said.

"I don't want him to deny my child. I can raise the baby by myself." I said.

"Is I know...but what will you do when your child grows up and asks where his/her father is?" Yas said.

"I'll deal with that when it happens. But for now I'll raise my child by myself." I said gently rubbing my stomach.

"Okay, it's your decision, I'll respect that." Yas said. I hugged them and they left my room.

I sat down with my hand on my stomach, I decided to have a talk with my baby.

"Hey there. I'm not sure if you're a boy or girl, but I want you to know, I'll love you no matter what you are. I'll love you more than anything in the world. I'm gonna do everything I can to make you happy, I'm gonna get you whatever you want baby. I know you're not fully grown yet but I already love you." I spoke to my baby with a smile on my face.


I put on some sweats and went down stairs to the kitchen. I was craving pickles and peanut butter. I took them from the fridge and sat down at the island. I dipped the pickles in the peanut butter then bit it. It actually tasted good.

"Wow, baby you have good taste." I said to my child. I continued to eat.

"Eww, you're eating pickles and peanut butter." I heard yas' voice as she walked into the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the fridge.

"It tastes good." I said.

"I'm sure." She said walking out of the kitchen.

Just then my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and it was my mom. I accepted the call and put it to my ear.

"Hello." I said with a mouth full of pickles.

"Hey, honey how are you?" My mom asked from the other end of the line.

"I'm great mom, I have some news." I said.

"What is it sweetie?" Mom asked.

"I have to tell you in person, I'm coming over now.....make sure gabby is there too." I said.

"Okay hun, see you soon." My mom said before hanging up.

I took up my car keys and went out to my car. I sent a quick text to yas telling her I'll be back later. My phone buzzed, it was a message from yas.

'KK. Can you get some ice cream on your way back, Zen ate it all -_- '

I laughed at her text and drove out the garage. As I drove 'It won't stop' came on the radio. I turned it up and sang along with the radio.

" Uh uh uh uh, everyday everyday, and it won't stop........ With every single part of me my love for you is constantly forever and ever on repeat and it won't stop." I love this song.

When that song ended 'pour it up' came on and I sang along with that too.

"Ohhh all I see is signs all I see is dollar signs, ohhh money on my mind money money on my mind throw it throw it up watch it fall out from the sky."

I arrived at my parents mansion after about half an hour. I parked my car and I got out. I was greeted by gabby as soon as I reached the door. She led me into one of the living rooms and there I found my mom and dad sitting and talking.

I cleared my throat and they turned to face me. Gabby plopped down on the empty sofa.

"Hey sweetie." My mom stood up and hugged me.

"Hey honey." My dad kissed my forehead.

They both sat back down.

"What did you want to tell us?" Mom asked looking both worried and excited.

"Mom, dad, Gabby...........I'm..." I was cut off by princess running into the room barking.

I knelt down to her level and rubbed behind her ear. She layed down and looked up at me. I guess she didn't wanna miss the news either. I stood and continued.

"As I was saying.............. I'm pregnant." I said with a smile.

My father's jaw dropped to the floor and my mother ran to me and hugged me.

"How far along are you?" My mom asked as she pulled away from me with a smile plastered on her face.

"I think, a month and one week." I said. Gabby jumped up and ran to me.

"I'm gonna be an aunt." She squealed.

"I can't believe I'm gonna have a grand-child." My mom squealed also.

My dad just sat there with an emotionless expressionn. It was a few minutes before he finally spoke.

"Who's the father?" He asked.

I hesitantly answered him.

"Mariano." I said.

"I don't know him." My mom said.

"Is he excited for the baby?" Gabby asked.

"Ecstatic." I said with a fake smile.

I couldn't bare telling them about what mariano said to me or did.

Luckily they didn't ask any further questions about mariano.

We all sat and chatted for some time. I checked the time and it was now 4:00.

"I'd better get going." I said standing up.

"Okay baby, we're having a dinner on sunday, we'll love if you and mariano could come. I'd love to meet him." My mom said.

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