


-You leave and return

was her name.

kept her eyes on Satrun watching her and the other under-go the symptoms of their minds being twisted and controlled.

Their bones cracked as she watched. She stood infront of the five's chair's which had them tied up on . They were uncontrollable and had no control.

She had it

Necks growing swole while the chair creeked and broke slowly. The last symptom she waited for was their eyes to roll back.

Lady kappa picked up the blood of a pig which sat in an urn.


In that order — His limp corpse layed in the chair at the very end of the room near the lit fire place.

She spilled her three fingers in the urn of blood and flicked it on all of there faces right before their bodies fell on the floor and started to shake

"She started with Satrun— since she was first in line.

"Now , you have experienced something the others have not , I have gave you to abilty to break your bones and fix them , like a lizard maybe. In other words , healing properties . Bullets may not break you . A cut may not bother you . lastly , I grant all of you eye color manipulation. "

of the same sort Saturn was giving off came from across the room— was undergoing the same ritual she was .

(feeling like dr. Doofenshmirtz

right about now)

"séance you will find that the soul mate or love of thy life undergoes the same conditions as you. You two will not remember what you once had . I will leave it to you two to discover that by yourselves."

Pyrokinesis ; is . Necromancy ; "

"All of you except Saturn , will feed off of human remains . Raw meat — doesn't have to be human" She shook her head looking down and caressing her book.


What she didn't see was — as their bodies shook against the cold wooden floor of her dark brown cabin. Keeno and Saturns hands were inching towards eachother.

Once she looked up and saw their hands touch she smiled.

The love her had developed for this girl was amazing to her — she had not ever seen anything like it.

"Mookie , Pyrokinesis also but I will give you immunities to fire and coldness. Neurocognitive Deficit— The ability to

The dog was trained — it had done this many times before .

He dragged all of them by their pant sleeves into different parts of the woods where they would soon awake.

When they did they would remember everything as before — except for Saturn and Keeno . Like Lady Kappa said — anything that happened between them won't be remembered and they would have to find a way to get those memories back themselves .. but she didn't say how.

The boys knew this would happen — But Saturn didn't .


"And its a glock and that bitch sound like a

mis—" Saturn stopped talking and looked at the boy walking past her. "Yo.." She caught his attention and he stopped "I know you?"

He turned his face up and turned his hat around so it now was backward and answered "Nah"

Saturn turned around and peaked back against the lockers as he walked away , she was speaking to the rest of the boys . They shook their heads and she laughed and shrugged. "He looked familiar "

"That was Sleezy.."

"Ian never seen him round hea, he's cute..."



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